Transcript Document

WLR3 Customer reference pack
The contents of this publication shall not be published in whole, or
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BT maintains that all reasonable care and skill has been used in the compilation of this
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Overview of the Openreach network
The external Openreach network consists of a series of cables, wires, and fibre optic
links that connect residential and business premises to the local telephone
exchanges. Collectively these are known as “lineplant” (or the ‘access network’, or
the ‘local loop’)
Currently the majority of ‘Lineplant’ is made up of metallic wires and are referred to
as ‘Pairs’ as a pair of wires is required for voice / data transmission. Openreach is
upgrading its network to fibre based delivery mechanisms to give higher broadband
speeds as part of its next generation access rollout.
‘Pairs’ terminate at one end on an MDF (Main Distribution Frame) in the local
exchange and the other end in your customer’s premises on one of a number of
terminating boxes.
Pairs are linked together through a number of cross connection points as in the
diagram in the following slide. At each cross connection point in the lineplant chain
the two sides of a particular connection are referred to as the D-side and E-side
depending on whether the direction is facing back toward the exchange (E-side) or
outward to your customer and the distribution side (D Side).
General - How Service is provided.
When a new telephone service (known as a New Provide) is required at a
site then a number of provision scenarios may arise.
Occasionally all the required line plant already exists and can simply be
reactivated – this is a quick and simple way of providing service and is known
as restarting a stopped line
In other cases spare unused ‘Pairs’ are connected together at various cross
connect points to connect the site to the exchange. This is usually a
straightforward installation.
In some cases brand new cable may need to be installed to enable service to
be provided, this can prolong the installation lead time and increase the
complexity of the order. Excess Construction Charges may apply.
WLR3 gives you much more detailed information on when and where the
various scenarios above may apply, such as identifying and confirming an
address and location, and identifying where spare ‘Pairs’ are already in situ
at a site.
What are all the bits between the exchange
and someone's house?
Main Distribution Frame
(in the exchange)
End User Premises
Pressurised Main Cable
WLR3 Product descriptions and variants
PSTN products
 WLR3 Single line basic
This is a PSTN line from the Openreach network that terminates at an End User’s Line Box. Residential
and Business directory listings are available with this service.
Installation types available are :- Standard / Complex / Standard New House / Complex Hotsite
 WLR3 Premium service
This is a PSTN connection from the Openreach network which terminates at either an End User’s Line Box
or at a Network Test and Termination Point (NTTP). As part of the Premium PSTN Single Line service, End
Users can choose between residential and business telephone directory listings.
Installation types available are :- Standard / Complex / Standard New House / Complex Hotsite /Non served
Premise (NSP), Site / Complex Ship
 WLR3 Premium Multiline aux
This terminates on either Line Boxes or NTTP equipment and provides a single phone number across a
group of between 2 and 200 lines. It allows incoming calls to be routed to the first available line or to be
routed cyclically using all lines in the group in turn.
Digital Products
 WLR3 ISDN 2e
ISDN2e provides the equivalent of two digital telephone lines (known as channels) and is delivered over a
copper pair in the public network. ISDN2e works at high speeds with good clarity for speech and data
applications. ISDN2e delivers 2 x 64kbit/s ‘B’ channels and a 16 Kbit/s ‘D’ Channel for signalling
 WLR3 ISDN 30
ISDN30e ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute - ISDN30e is a primary rate service
delivering 30x 64 kbit/s “B” channels and a 64 Kbit/s “D” channel for signalling, utilising Q931 signalling
(to the full European Standard) between the BT exchange and the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE).
ISDN30 DASS - Digital Access Signalling System - Each individual DASS bearer connection presents up to
thirty 64kbit/s traffic channels over a 2Mbit/s G703 interface to the customer’s ISPBX or other equipment.
This provides digital circuit switched access to the Digital Network. The interface uses the common
channel UK proprietary signalling system known as DASS 2 (Digital Access Signalling System No.2).
Some key changes to be aware of moving to WLR3
WLR3 offers much richer access to core systems and data there is a corresponding requirement
for CPs to take a greater responsibility in providing and maintaining accurate data in relation to
order placement of fault handling
WLR3 introduces greater variety and choice such as engineering appointments and in choosing
the correct provision option when installing a new line.
WLR3 is sensitive to data accuracy and integrity. Sometimes data mismatches are encountered
as legacy issues which will need to be resolved, and on other occasions they can be
inadvertently introduced by CPs during the provision process, especially in the creation of
address details.
LVR (Low Volume Requests) as existed in WLR2 do not exist in WLR3. Where CPs used LVRs
in WLR2, they may need to change working practices in WLR3 and use a combination of
multiple orders to achieve a similar outcome.
WLR ISDN products are allocated to a Service Id (depending on the charge type) rather than at
the CLI level as in WLR2; this provides a unique reference number that does not change for the
life of the asset and can support multiple directory numbers at that installation. The Billing User
Guide provides more detail on these changes.
WLR3 uses EMP (Equivalence Management Platform) which provides direct access to back end
systems allowing CPs to work in real time data as opposed to using batch processing and
buffered data as in WLR2.
The role of a TPI in WLR3.
 WLR3 has been developed with a B2B interface only, i.e. messages
and interaction between CPs and Openreach is achieved through
sending and receiving XML code. There is no user portal provided by
Openreach on WLR3.
To access WLR3, Customers can either build their own interfaces or
buy a ready made option from a TPI (Third Party Integrator).
TPIs differ in the exact products they provide but a core set of
services all TPIs offer are
Portal interface and connectivity to Openreach
Support throughout set up and establishment
Training for use of TPI system
Front line customer service for TPI related issues
Product functionality scope.
WLR3 offers CPs connections from the Openreach network to terminating equipment at
your customer premises. These connections support incoming and outgoing Public
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) calls, including those routed via the BT network,
Carrier Pre-Select (CPS) or Indirect Access (IA). These are explained later in this
CPs can choose between single and multiline services. Single line services are available in
‘Basic’ and ‘Premium’ variants, which offer differentiated service levels. All multiline
packages provide Premium service options.
The WLR3 analogue product provides CPs with a range of management tools related to:
 Single and Multiline service options
 WLR3 Dialogue Services
 Managing Orders
 Keeping Customers Informed
 Service Assurance (including Care Levels)
 Calling and Network Features
 Route to 150, 151, 154, 156 (Route to 15x)
 Social Telephony Products
 Nuisance/Malicious Calls
 Debt Management
 Directory Entries
 Call Package Selection
 Billing and Payments
 Complaint Handling
EMP Systems Interfaces for WLR3 – CP View
CP Systems
B2B Gateway
Customer Services
Dialogue Services
Address Matching
Line Diagnostic Test
Number Portability
Order & Fault Status
Manage Line
Obtain Install
Openreach systems
Progress Monitoring
Billing & Payment
Workforce Mgmt
CRM system
WLR3 provision – L2C – Fulfilment process
»These process diagrams show the
hierarchy and relationship between
the various elements of the
provision processes and subprocesses.
Explanation and overview of complex provision processes
For more general details on any of these processes refer to
 Mergers
 This enhancement allows the CP to Merge a number of WLR3
Donor installations with different products into a single ISDN2 or
PSTN target installation without a break in service. N.B. This cannot
be carried out across different products
 Splits
 This process based solution enables the CP to manage a number of
split scenarios without a significant break in service. The scenarios
supported are splitting a single WLR3 ISDN2e standard or system
installation into a mix of WLR3 singles lines, WLR3 multi-lines or
WLR3 ISDN2 installations with the numbers of the original
installation retained.
Explanation and overview of complex provision processes
WLTO (Working Line Take Overs)
When an End User is moving to premises where a working line exists, the
CP can place a provision order to takeover that working line at the target
WLR3 CPs have the ability to take over an MPF working line ‘with or
without’ an open Stop and convert it simultaneously from MPF to a WLR3
PSTN Single line. See above link for further details on this specific
Partial Renumbers
 This enhancement allows CPs to create or change one or more WLR3
PSTN installation(s) using details from one or more other WLR3 PSTN
installation(s), but without raising multiple orders. The ‘Target’
installation(s) is(are) created or changed using details from one or more
‘Donor’ installation(s).
Directories and Phone book listings
WLR3 allows CPs to manage directory entry details for your customer. However, some aspects of
directory entry management will be carried out by the Directories Team, which liaises directly
with your customers, or the CP if representing them.
Basic Directory Entries
 Your customer name or business name / Line Number / Installation address / Directory Location /
Directory Entry Type.
Basic Plus Directory Entries - A Basic Plus Directory Entry is available on basic and Premium
lines and consists of the following information:
 Your customer’s name or business name / Optional three word business description / Line
Number / Address - this may be the installation address, a partial address or a non-installation
address / Directory Location, meaning the position of the entry in the phone book / Directory Entry
type / Indicator that the line is a Fax or Minicom line
The Directories Team will manage all aspects of End Users’ Directory Entries. The aspects of the
Directory Entry that a CP can also manage are detailed above. The additional directory services
that your customer, or CPs if representing the your customer can request from the Directories
Team (depending on the type of line) are:
 Special Directory Entries (bold or superbold type)
 Additional Words in the Directory Name
 Additional Words in the Business Description
 Multiple Directory entries
 Out of Area entries
 Cross Reference entries
Address Matching
This allows CPs to match your potential customer’s address details with entries
in the Openreach Name and Address Database (NAD) or in the Royal Mail
Postcode and Address File (PAF). A combination of four Dialogue Services
support interactive searching, unique matching of address data, and the ability to
create a new address where a match cannot be found. As a result, CPs can
streamline the ordering process for new lines by using addresses that
Openreach recognises.
Where a CP selects an address that matches an entry in the NAD, they are given
an associated “Gold” address key. Where a CP wishes to use an address that
matches an entry in PAF or an address that matches neither NAD nor PAF, they
must use the “Request Address” Dialogue Service to get either a “Silver” or
“Bronze” address key respectively.
The use of address keys is mandatory for certain order types. In addition some
Dialogue Services require a “Gold” address key in order to return results.
N.B. Any address key other than Gold will drive a longer lead time (as per the
orchestration matrix) to allow the address matching and survey teams to
complete additional activities.
Dialogue Services used for Address Matching are:
Query Address Search
Query Address Match
Request Address
Query Address Details
Further details and the Address Matching process document is here
Using a combination of three WLR3 Dialogue Services,
CPs can access appointment books and determine the
availability of Openreach engineers for specific provision
or repair work. In addition, they can view and reserve
appointments in advance. See above link for further details
on this specific function.
For more detailed reference material see link below
Assurance - T2R - Repair
»These process diagrams
show the hierarchy and
relationship between the
various elements of the
fault management
processes and subprocesses.
Registering faults - Trouble Reports
CPs may raise a Trouble Report in order to notify Openreach of a faulty
CPs must complete basic diagnostic tests using the “Request Test”
Dialogue Service to identify the causes of faults before raising a Trouble
Report. Depending on the results of these tests, appointments can be
reserved to carry out repair work. See the Dialogue Services section
earlier in this document for more information on the Request Test
Dialogue Service.
Openreach will supply a set of mandatory structured questions, which
that CPs must ask to determine the nature of the fault. These questions
lead to a code which describes your customer’s problem – this must be
entered when a Trouble Report is raised.
When faults are resolved, Openreach will notify the CP that the fault is
be cleared. It is then the responsibility of CPs to contact your customer
and confirm that problems have been solved to their satisfaction. CPs
then accept or reject the clear notification update. If no acknowledgment
is received, the fault will close automatically and its status will be
Trouble report escalation –
CPs may escalate a trouble report via EMP in a number of scenarios,
the escalated Trouble Report is then put in the escalations queue within
the Openreach faults team. A CP may escalate a trouble report for the
following reasons:
Fault not cleared within Service Level Agreement
No response from Openreach
Appointment missed by Openreach, next available appointment is too
far out
Fault resurrected, next available appointment is too far out
Task is still waiting to be issued to the Engineer
Task has been assigned to Engineer but no updates
Task has been progressed by the Engineer (i.e. engineer started work,
but was unable to complete the task)
Openreach support framework – Service based support
Customer Service Plan (CSP) – what it is and how to use it.
 The purpose of the CSP is to set out the agreed day to day working practices
between Openreach and Communications Providers. In addition it will provide
assistance and useful information to enable you to work with Openreach to
provide the best possible service to your end users. The plan contains contact
comprehensive details of the management teams responsible for service delivery
of Openreach products. CSP is at the following link
Service Management Centre
 SMC are the normal channel to support service related queries and for all cases of
new order provision and fault handling. It is usual to contact the SMC after a
Siebel reference and initial KCI is obtained as this is confirmation of acceptance of
the order within the system.
 An escalation occurs where an order or fault repair has not been delivered
according to the agreed timescales and requires intervention from Openreach to
complete. The CP may submit an escalation request in respect of a Trouble
Report via the EMP interface (see Assurance section for more information).
 For fulfilment orders the SMC should be the first point of contact. If the SMC is
unable to resolve the issue an escalation reference number will be given together
with direct contact with the escalations team.
Openreach support framework – System based support
Openreach Application Support Desk.
 The support desk are located in Brentwood and their role is to
provide support for suspected system or IT related queries and
issues. They can be contacted by email (via customer IT Zone on
Openreach portal) or directly by phone. Refer to section 8 of the
above CSP for more detail and contact numbers
Bridge cases – what are they, when to raise one.
 A Bridge case is an incident report used to track a suspected IT or
system related issue, Bridge cases can be raised by a CP, by
Openreach or by TPIs and are given priority ratings (usually P3 for
single Bridge cases) and a reference number by which to track
 Bridge cases should not be used for general service related
WLR3 ISDN Product overview
A high-performance voice and data service for small business offices with 2 - 8 users.
ISDN2e provides the equivalent of two digital telephone lines (known as channels) and is
delivered over a copper pair in the public network. ISDN works at high speeds with good clarity
for speech and data applications. ISDN2e is a basic rate service delivering 2 x 64 kbit/s "B"
channels and a single 16 Kbit/s "D" channel for signalling, (to the full European Standard)
between the BT exchange and the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE).
ISDN30 High performance voice and data service for offices requiring eight or more lines.
ISDN30 and ISDN30e are high-performance voice and data services for modern business.
Digital technology gives you exceptional line quality.
Connections are almost instant
Voice communications with other ISDN users are crystal clear
You can send and receive calls to all telephone subscribers, whether they use digital or
analogue equipment
Data transfer is fast and error free
Access to the latest digital technology with a wide range of compatible equipment
Individual Direct Dial In (DDI) numbers for your staff
Each ISDN30 connection provides between 8 and 30 independent 64k channels. You can
combine these for bandwidth-hungry applications such as high-quality video conferencing or
transferring large data files.
ISDN is ideal for wide-area networks linking two or more offices.
ISDN Business continuity products.
Openreach has made available to CPs a range of Business Continuity products for
WLR3 ISDN30. These products are for business end users, who require continuity to
maintain their WLR3 ISDN30 telephony service in the event of a disruption or disaster.
The options are:Site Assurance - enables end users to have their ISDN 30 calls re-routed to an alternative site
(disaster recovery site), if their normal site becomes unusable for any reason.
Site Assurance Option 1: This option is delivered using ISDN 30 diversion services and enables all incoming calls to an
end users site to be diverted to a pre-arranged single number.
Site Assurance Option 2: This option is delivered by providing a group of ISDN 30 channels to an end users standby
site (disaster recovery site) these channels are enabled when required and taken out of service when not used.
Alternative Routing - Alternative routing is one method of protecting an ISDN 30 installation
against cable failure, by providing ISDN 30 service via 2 separate cables from the BT local
exchange to the end user premises. If one cable fails, service is maintained on the second.
Diverse Routing - Diverse Routing is an option, which protects not only against cable failure
but also against the local BT exchange failing, by providing ISDN 30 from both the end user
local exchange and an alternative exchange (Out of Area).
Dual Parenting - Dual Parenting is an option that enables end user DDI numbers to continue
operating in the event of the end user local BT exchange failing. This is enabled by connecting
the end user ISDN30 to two separate exchanges, one being the local serving exchange and
the other being an alternative exchange, the alternative exchange could be OOA.
Out Of Area working (OOA) - Out of area working (OOA) provides ISDN30 service from an
alternative exchange (non local) to that serving the end user, and can provide a CLI that has no
association with the end user local exchange.
Battery Back Up and Stand by Power – Stand alone power options in the event of local
power failures
Excess construction charges
Excess Construction Charges (ECCs) are used in order to make it
possible to extend the amount of engineering or construction that is
carried out to deliver a particular service over and above the standard
specification, e.g. a greater distance.
Excess charges apply to situations of extended reach, including
provision to a new location within the customer's site, and can apply
where existing capacity needs to be increased.
When service is requested and additional infrastructure is required or
Line Plant Rearrangement is requested, a survey will be carried out and
charges will be individually assessed based upon the following elements
and rates. These charges are in addition to the standard connection
charges, which apply for the applicable service.
CPs should consult the price list for further information and costs for
Excess Construction.
Time Related Charges (TRCs)
TRCs cover engineering work which is not covered under the terms of a service
contract with Openreach, see link below for full details of TRCs
For providing, repairing or rearranging network and equipment when standard
Openreach charges are not available
 Your customer wants a line extended beyond the NTE at their premises
 A problem is caused by wiring within your customer’s premises needs to be corrected
 A problem is caused by an your customer’s faulty or incompatible equipment
 An engineer undertakes work that’s out of scope of the service contract with
Openreach, or where standard charges are not available. This includes product
health checks
 The work needs to be carried out at specific times not covered under the terms of the
standard statutory guarantee provided with line provision (e.g. during the evening or
on a Sunday, when your customer only has a standard maintenance agreement)
 Additional site visits
 The fault is on your equipment or on end user owned/rented equipment,
TRC work is pre-authorised by the CP using a system of payment bandings conveyed
to the engineers by the CP on each order.
 A default banding is applied to all new provide orders of 2 hrs if no additional site visit
reason has been supplied by the CP. This work will be free of charge allowing an
extra socket to be provisioned up to 2 hours worth of work due to the 3m demarcation
Fault and Order tracker tools
Order Tracker is a self-service tool that enables CPs to proactively view the
underlying Engineering Notes and SMC Notes relating to their Orders without
the need to call the Openreach SMC.
The Order Tracker List View shows all Open Orders and any Orders that were
Closed within the previous 14 days.
Fault and Order tracker handbook is at the following link.
Fault Tracker is a self-service tool that enables CPs to proactively view the
underlying Engineering Notes and SMC Notes relating to their Faults without the
need to call the Openreach SMC.
The Fault Tracker List View shows all Open Faults and any Faults that were
Closed within the previous 14 days. It also shows any Faults that have been
tagged for archive by Openreach.
The following link contains a screencast demo on using Fault Tracker
Useful sources of reference material
XML Interface Specification
Service products website
Response Codes
Orchestration Matrix
Address matching process document
Appointing Process document
Working Line Take Over process document
WLR3 Incompatible products list
WLR3 Product Swim lanes
Price List
WLR pricing
Service Products pricing
The telecommunications services described in this publication
are subject to availability and may be modified from time to time.
Services and equipment are provided subject to British
Telecommunications plc’s respective standard conditions of
contract. Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract.
BT, Openreach, the BT logo and the Openreach identity are trademarks
of British Telecommunications plc.
© British Telecommunications plc 2008.
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