Tweet! - Weebly

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Transcript Tweet! - Weebly

Dialogue 1
All: Tweet!
Momma: Wake up my little sleepy heads
All: Tweet!
Momma: Today starts right away
All: Tweet!
Momma: It’s time to rise and shine
All: Something great is happening today!
Momma: Breakfast is served! I’ve prepared a
delicious poached worm for each of you.
All: Tweet!
Little Birds: The morning sun is coming up.
All: Tweet!
Little Birds: The moon has gone away.
All: Tweet!
Little Birds: It’s time to rise and shine.
All: Something great is happening today!
Out there, there’s a world of wonder.
Out there, far beyond your dreams
Out there, is a very wonderful surprise
Out there, closer than it seems!
• Momma: Please keep your wings off the table, children.
And remember to chew with your beaks closed.
• Momma and Little Birds: Tweet!
• Chorus: The morning sun is coming up. The moon has gone
• Momma and Little Birds: Tweet!
• Chorus: It’s time to rise and shine. Something great is
happening today!
• Chorus: Something very great.
• Momma and Little Birds: We can hardly wait.
• All: Something great is happening today! Today! Today!
Dialogue 1
• Momma: Now I want you to eat ALL of your breakfast
this morning, children. It’ll be a busy day and you’ll
need plenty of energy.
• Marty: Why, Momma? What do you have planned?
• Momma: Well, That’s sory of a surprise, Marty.
• Little Birds: Tell us. We wanna know. Come on. What is
• Momma: In due time, children, in due time. Right now,
I have a meeting at the bird sanctuary for our church
bazaar, and you need to practice your singing. You have
a voice lesson tomorrow.
Cooper: I HATE voice lessons! I think they’re dumb!
Sam: You think everything is dumb!
Cooper: Stay out of this, beak breath!
Sam: Mom!
Momma: Now, Cooper, don’t you want to learn to sing like the famous “Ella
Cooper: If I have to sing, I’d rather sing like “Conway Tweety”.
Momma: Maybe someday you will. But you have to practice to do anything well.
Besides, I pay good money for those lessons.
Kirby: Yeah, They’re not “cheep!”
Momma: Okay, children, settle down now and get busy. I’m off. The early bird
catches the worm!
Little Birds and Chorus: The early bird catches the worm!
Marty: We have a very nice mommy. She takes good care of us.
Sam: You’re right, Marty. We certainly have a good life up here!
Cooper: Yeah. We’ve got it made in the shade!
Little Birds: That’s right. Momma’s the best. You know it!
Sam: Is everyone ready for singing practice?
Marty: Ready!
Kirby: Yup!
Cooper: If we have to.