Greenbriar Development Project Sacramento, California

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Transcript Greenbriar Development Project Sacramento, California

Greenbriar Development Project
Sacramento, California
State Clearinghouse Number
Presented to Sacramento
September 19, 2007
Presentation Topics
 Project
 Consistency
 Public
with Blueprint
Services & Fiscal Analysis
Process & Issues
Greenbriar Project Team
Project Applicants
North Natomas 575 Investors, LLC
• AKT Development
• Woodside Homes
• River West Investments
SOI Applicant - City
•New Growth Manager, Scot Mende
•Public Improvements & Finance
Manager, Mark Griffin
Project Management
•Phil Serna, Serna Consulting
•Tina Thomas, RTM&M
City Team
•Environmental, Tom Buford
•EDAW: Gary Jakobs & Amanda Olekzulin
•Parks, Mary deBeauvieres
•Dev. Engineering, Samar Hajeer
City’s SOI
established 1981
Modified in ’90s to
include adopted
North Natomas
Community Plan
No other
significant SOI
Greenbriar SOI
initiated by City
Council Nov 2005
Location and Local Context
Metro Air Park
North Natomas
Community Plan
Project Description Land Use Summary
577 acres
 Northwest Corner of I-5/SR 70/99
 Mixed Uses
2,991 mixed-density residential units
Proposed RT rail line and station
38.5 acres commercial development
41.9 acres public/private parks
Elementary school site
Open space/habitat corridor (58.2 acres)
Off-site biology mitigation: Spangler
(245.2 ac); Natomas 130 (20.4 ac)
Relationship to SACOG Blueprint
 Within
the SACOG Blueprint area
 Comparison of growth projected for
the Greenbriar site:
– Blueprint
 1,200
 4,200 dwelling units
– Greenbriar proposal
 1,016
 2,991 dwelling units
Blueprint Principles
 Offer
Transportation Alternatives
 Offer
Housing Variety
 Encourage
 Provide
Compact Development
Mixed Land Uses
 Conserve
Natural Resources
 Implement
Quality Design
Blueprint Principle:
Offer Transportation Alternatives
Greenbriar accommodates the future
DNA LRT extension and provides a
mixed-use station site
Project design provides pedestrian
friendly elements:
– off-street pedestrian/bike paths
– pedestrian paseos
– alley-loaded residential units
Transit Characteristics
There are currently no bus routes
provided in the immediate area
 1,162 LRT boardings (estimate from DNA
 Dedication of 40’ wide ROW for the track
area, 60’ x 400’ station area, 0.25 acre
substation, and 2 acre park & ride area
 Developer construction on LRT station $2.2 million current estimated cost
 Join North Natomas TMA – shuttle services
as an interim mitigation measure (until
LRT is operational)
Transit/Light Rail
Transit / Density Relationship
Blueprint Principle:
Offer Housing Variety
 Greenbriar
offers thirteen different
housing types, including:
– low and medium density detached
– cluster detached
– townhomes
 Proposed
affordable housing plan meets
City’s Mixed-income Housing Ordinance
Blueprint Principle:
Encourage Compact Development
Greenbriar proposal meets and exceeds
the average net density for the North
Natomas Community Plan:
– NNCP average net density = 10.5 du/na;
– Greenbriar average net density = 11.5
Medium and high density housing in the
Greenbriar proposal constitute a majority
of the residential land uses; 11 to 30
Blueprint Principles:
Provide Mixed Land Uses
 The
project proposes residential,
recreational, institutional and
commercial uses within the project site,
adjacent to Metro Air Park
 The
project proposes a future light rail
station and small mixed-use retail site
at the center of the development
Blueprint Principles:
Conserve Natural Resources
 Applicant
proposes a comprehensive
strategy to address needs of special
status species, including habitat buffer
and numerous off-site habitat
mitigation sites
 Applicant
developing habitat
conservation plan and has completed
an Effects Analysis to ensure future
development project does not
compromise Natomas Basin HCP
Blueprint Principle:
Implement Quality Design
 As
a master-planned project, Greenbriar
was able to benefit from the SACOG
Blueprint project
 Project
entitlements include PUD
Guidelines to specify urban design
standards and to guide plan
implementation relative to the Blueprint
 Services
would be adequately provided
by service agencies
and annexation will be consistent
with Master Services Element
 Municipal
Services Review prepared
 Consultation
with all public service and
utility providers
 Seeking
amendment for SOI for SRCSD
and CSD-1
Fire Services & Facilities
 Citywide
Fire Master Plan being
prepared – draft Nov ’07
– Will address operations funding
 Greenbriar
pays $1.5 million towards
new fire station
 Current
– <4.5 minutes first response (90%)
– <8 minutes paramedics (90%)
Police Services & Facilities
 Citywide
Police Master Plan being
prepared – draft Nov ’07
– Will address operations funding
 Greenbriar
pays $0.8 million towards
new police station (at Town Center)
 Greenbriar pays $1.5 million towards
radio communications tower
 City/County
 City
split of property taxes
costs/revenue neutral
 Citywide
services paid from citywide
resources – not exclusively
 Park
maintenance 100% funded
through Services CFD
 Pays
for all water, sewer, drainage
requirements, on-site roadway
 Freeway
mainline improvements and
LRT station
 Open
Space – including freeway
buffer, parks, trails, and contribution
toward regional park
 Police
& Fire facilities
•Airport Overflight
•Flood Hazards / Flood Protection
•Agriculture, Open Space, and Habitat
Project Description –
Primary Entitlements
– Amend Sphere of Influence for:
 City,
SRCSD and CSD-1 (Tonight’s hearing)
– Annexation of Project Site to City, SRCSD, and CSD-1 (after City
Council actions)
City of Sacramento
– Annexation Related Actions
– General Plan Amendment
– Other Approval Actions
USFWS-Endangered Species Take Permit
EIR Process-Steps
 Notice
of Preparation: June 28/Reissued July 13, 2005 (30 day review)
 Draft
EIR: Published July 19, 2006
 Recirculated
DEIR: Published November
14, 2006
 Second
 Final
RDEIR: Published April 10, 2007
EIR: Published August 17, 2007
– Responds to comments (environmental
issues) on DEIR, RDEIR, and Second RDEIR
EIR Summary-Context
Site: agriculture
 Surrounding land uses:
Metro AirPark
North Natomas Community
I-5 and SR 70/99
Site near Sacramento International
Airport; largely within aircraft overflight
 Within boundaries of Natomas Basin HCP,
but not within City Incidental Take Permit
 Along proposed DNA Light Rail line
EIR Summary-Scope
– Transportation
– Air quality
– Noise
– Public
– Geology/Soils
– Utilities
– Hydrology/Water
– Public Services
– Agriculture
– Parks/Open Space
– Biology
– Aesthetics
– Cultural Resources
Project Impacts
Cumulative impacts: public services construction of new facilities (fire station,
SRWTP) may result in impacts
Less-than-significant impacts with mitigation:
utilities, public health and hazards, geology and
soils, hydrology and water quality, biological
Significant and unavoidable impacts: traffic, air
quality, noise, agriculture, open space (partial
offset), visual character, safety hazards (ALUC
override), short-term flooding (if development
occurs prior to 2010 when 100-year flood
protection in place),
Aircraft Overflight Area
ALUC Determination
ALUC Determination Regarding Project
Consistency with CLUP:
– The Following Uses are Compatible with the
CLUP and do not Require Override:
 Residential
and commercial uses based on the
proposed project densities
 Parks and open space (average of 25
people/acre/day not to exceed 50 people/acre/day)
 Proposed water features (ALUC defers to airport)
 Elementary school is outside of overflight zone and
therefore not subject to ALUC review
– Override:
 Project’s
provision for a light rail station in the
overflight zone may possibly exceed
Airport Noise Impact Summary
General Plan exterior noise standard at
residential uses is 60 dBA CNEL
– 60 dBA CNEL aircraft noise contour associated with
project are more than 1,900 feet away from western
project boundary
– Project defined as compatible with overall aircraft noise
exposure and impact is less than significant
– Noise would be less than 60 dBA CNEL even at
maximum use conditions with 3rd runway
No SENL standards have been established
– Single event noise may exceed 60 dBA SENL
– Impacts to residential uses will be less than
– Impacts to schools mitigated to less than significant with
design features to reduce interior school noise levels
Applicant is proposing to dedicate an overflight
easement and record deed notices for purposes
of disclosing potential airport noise.
Flood Risks
• Inadequate freeboard
• Underseepage
• Levee encroachments
• Channel erosion
Flood Protection
Currently X Zone
USCOE 07/26/06 letter – identifies that levees
are no longer certifiable
City letter to FEMA requesting A99
March 2008 FIRM re-designation
SAFCA anticipates 100-year protection by 2010
SAFCA anticipates 200-year protection by 2012
Defer construction to meet FEMA & any local
land use regulations
Anticipate requesting building permit in 2010
Flood Legislation
 SB5:
Prohibits development for areas
that don’t have by year 2015
– 100-year flood protection
– A plan for 200-year flood protection
 AB70:
Imposes liabilities on cities
who are "unreasonable" in approving
– Applies only to development
applications submitted after 12/31/07
Flooding in Natomas Basin
identified less-than-significant
impacts (published July 19, 2006)
issued a letter stating it can no
longer support certification of the
levees (July 20, 2006)
 Recirculated
DEIR prepared identifying
a significant and unavoidable shortterm flooding impact
Flooding Impacts in Natomas Basin
FEMA currently determining which flood zone
designation will apply to Natomas Basin
Mitigation: Require project applicants to comply
with development requirements of appropriate
flood zone designation and contribute to
funding for necessary levee improvements
Significant and unavoidable flooding impact
remains for an interim period if damageable
structures are constructed prior to when all
levee improvements for 100-year flood
protection are completed
Post-2010: Less than Significant Flooding
Project would contribute to significant
cumulative impacts on area freeways
Project includes dedication of light rail
corridor and construction of transit station
for Sacramento Regional Transit’s DNA
line. The transit station is currently
estimated at $2.4 million. RT will also be
provided with the right-of-way over the
project site at no cost.
Mitigation requires contribution to City’s
Traffic Congestion Relief Fund to fund
projects that would reduce freeway
mainline congestion
Parks, Open Space, and Agriculture
Provides adequate park land (48.2 acres)
to meet Quimby Act requirements
Provides publicly accessible detention
basin and freeway buffer – creditable as
Natomas Joint Vision Open Space
Results in loss of open space resources
(546 acres) most of which are Important
Farmland (518 acres)
in context
Effects on NBHCP
NBHCP covers numerous species
– Giant garter snake (federal and state
– Swainson’s hawk (state threatened)
Authorizes development on 17,500 acres
 Requires mitigation: conservation/
enhancement on 8,750 acres (0.5:1)
 Extensive analysis
– Effects of Greenbriar on NBHCP conservation
– Consistency of Greenbriar with NBHCP Goals
and Objectives
– Effects on endangered and threatened species
NBHCP Conclusions in EIR
 Project
would develop 546 acres
 30.6
acres would be preserved and
enhanced on-site along Lone Tree Canal
 265.8
acres would be preserved and
enhanced at off-site reserves
 48.2
acres is on-site open space
 Additional
15.9-acre buffer proposed
for preservation at West Lakeside
NBHCP Conclusions in EIR
An additional 49 acres of land is required to be
preserved and managed for Swainson’s hawk
(Mitigation 4.12-1)
TOTAL preserved and enhanced = 345 acres plus
additional 15.9 acres for West Lakeside buffer
With mitigation, the project would not reduce the
effectiveness of NBHCP’s conservation strategy nor
reduce the likelihood of attaining the goals and
objectives of the NBHCP resulting in less-thansignificant impacts
LAFCo, City, and project applicant’s are in consultation
with USFWS and CDFG. Applicant is preparing a
separate project HCP and USFWS will prepare EIS.
Repeal Resolution 2001-518
On July 24, 2001, the City Council
approved a Resolution to temporarily
establish restrictions on the approval of
entitlements on 3 properties located
outside of the City of Sacramento.
 The three affected areas:
– Camino Norte
– West Lakeside
– Greenbriar Farms
The Resolution will need to be repealed in
order to allow the first-stage legislative
entitlements to be approved for the
Greenbriar project.