Transcript Slide 1

Speech and Language
in the Early
Intervention Classroom
October 9th, 2008
Chris Coyle MA, CCC- SLP
[email protected]
• Speech and Language Pathologist
• Kindergarten Teacher
• Working with children & adults ages 14
months – 22 years
• Total Education Solutions (TES) Clinics, Public Charter schools &, in-home,
• LA County
Quiz Time
• How many vocabulary words does a
typically developing 4 year old have?
• 4000 – 6000 words!
• How long are their spoken sentences?
• 5 – 7 word utterances!
You will learn to W.A.T.C.H. for Language
& Speech Disorders
Foundations For Language/Speech
Accommodations for Classroom
At Risk Characteristics
You suspect a student in your classroom has delay
or disorder in Speech and Language… What do
you do?
• W – Wait – observe student in multiple environments
• A – Acknowledge –start a conversation with parents
and teachers relaying concerns
• T – Try – Diversify your approach
• C – Collect – Verifiable Data is key
• H – Help – Begin the formal assessment process (IEP)
Foundations for Language/Speech
• Language is different from Speech!
Language is made up of socially shared rules that
include the following:
– What words mean (e.g., "star" can refer to a bright object in the
night sky or a celebrity)
– How to make new words (e.g., friend, friendly, unfriendly)
– How to put words together (e.g., "Peg walked to the new
store" rather than "Peg walk store new")
– What word combinations are best in what situations ("Would you
mind moving your foot?" could quickly change to "Get off my
foot, please!" if the first request did not produce results
Foundations for Speech
Speech is the verbal means of communicating. Speech
consists of the following:
• Articulation: How speech sounds are made (e.g.,
children must learn how to produce the "r" sound in order
to say "rabbit" instead of "wabbit").
• Voice: Use of the vocal folds and breathing to produce
sound (e.g., the voice can be abused from overuse or
misuse and can lead to hoarseness or loss of voice).
• Fluency: The rhythm of speech (e.g., hesitations or
stuttering can affect fluency).
Foundations for Language
• Eye contact/Initiation- A primary skill in developing
appropriate social skills . Communication by reading
body language & expressions. Pragmatic language to
begin, continue, or stop social interactions.
E.g., “Hey dad look at the ducks over there!”
• Joint Attention - is the process by which one alerts
another to a stimulus via verbal & nonverbal means, such
as gazing or pointing. E.g., one person may gaze at
another person, and then point to an object, and then
return their gaze back to the other person.
E.g., parallel play versus reciprocal play
What are you looking for?
Developmental Milestones
Expressive Language: 4 Years
• Talks about activities at school or at friends' homes.
• People outside family usually understand child's speech.
• Uses sentences that have 5 or more words. E.g. “mommy I want juice please,” or “Teacher can I
have juice pretty please?”
• Usually talks easily without repeating syllables or words.
Receptive Language: 4 Years
Answers simple "who?" "what? " "where?" "why" questions.
• Understands differences in meaning ("go-stop," "in-on," "big-little," "up-down").
• Follows two directions ("Get the book and put it on the table").
Engages & initiates in symbolic play. E.g, doctor, teacher, police
Speech: 4 – 5 Years
Says most sounds correctly except a few like l, s, r, v, z, ch, sh, th.
Says rhyming words.
Names some letters and numbers.
Classroom Accommodations
• Everything revolves around successful
• Small to big and short to long
– Predictability is key!
– Check for understanding & practice makes
– Setting the kids up for success
• Give 1 and 2 directions at a time.
• Develop a predictable, routine, repeatable pattern of speech too and in
front of students.
• To increase your predictability you should develop…
• TEACHER SPEAK – Write a script of the most Frequently used
Transition related direction you use in your classroom and practice
delivering them (e.g., in the mirror, with your Kids) Watch Newscasters
and Talk Show Hosts – “We Will Be Back in a Moment!” What does
Oprah say? Catch phrases.
• Identify words that the children are using or responding to and
incorporate them into your Teacher Speak! E.g, “I like the way
Guadalupe said… BOOYAH!”
• If the students are copying you … and you are copying them… ITS
• Use conversational repair strategies
– Recast, head nodding, redirect, Validation
• E.g., Recast & Model – decrease negative
attention to errored productions, e.g.,
child says, “nak/snake” – Teacher: “Oh you
want a snake?”
• Wait - give the kids time to respond.
• Bring objects closer to your mouth when speaking
• Create a list of commonly used directions and
post/laminated in a central point of classroom.
• Written & with Pictures
• Visual Schedule
• Use hand gestures and pointing
• Over accentuate your facial expressions to get
• Circle time - one of the key transition times during the school
• One child is standing by the desks and will not join into circle
time… what do you do?
• Don’t threaten/Quid Pro Quo/Negative consequence
• Repeat the verbal command once with positive reinforcement
• Employ “hand over hand” to get them to sit - if refusal
behaviors begin - IGNORE – and continue with circle time
until child complies.
• If IGNORE is not working and child is becoming increasingly
disruptive/safety risks. “hand over hand” removal from circle
• Put student physically where they can see the circle time
continue without them.
At Risk Characteristics
Language Disorder When a person has trouble understanding others
(receptive language), or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings
completely (expressive language), then he or she has a language
• Expressive Language
– Limited vocabulary
– Below age level sentence structure/grammar
– Social Communication / Pragmatics
• Receptive Language
Off task behavior, Highly distractible
Limited eye contact
Unable to follow complete routine 1 & 2 step directions
Social Communication / Pragmatics
At Risk Characteristics
Speech Disorder When a person is unable
to produce speech sounds correctly or
fluently, or has problems with his or her
voice, then he or she has a speech
• Articulation - sound errors
• Fluency – stuttering
• Voice - raspy,
At Risk Characteristics Con’t.
• Selective Mutism
• Autism
• Congenital Defects
Secrets of Success
• Charting data to illustrate patterns
• E.g., logging off-task behavior to determine
• The data you share with parents and other
teachers will encourage action.
• What did we learn about W.A.T.C.H.?