Transcript Slide 1

When Drugs Work . . .

Your Kids Can’t

Effects of Drugs on the Brain and Learning

Youth and Alcohol

 #1 Drug Problem among Youth  By their senior year, nearly 90% will have tried alcohol.

 Juniors and Seniors in high school drink

35% of all wine coolers sold in the United States

 They drink an estimated

1.1 billion bottles and cans of beer each year.

Effects on Body

 Heavy, fast paced drinking leads to:  Altered judgment  Distorted vision  Poor coordination  Blackouts  Lower body weight results in faster absorption, greater impairment and damage  Alcohol related car accidents are the #1 cause of death of young people ages 15 – 24.

Youth and Marijuana

 Parts of the brain that control emotion, memory, and judgment are effected by marijuana  Blocks information from getting to long term memory  Weakens problem solving ability  Impacts ability to concentrate  Alters coordination

Effects on Body

 Smoke causes damage to the lungs and pulmonary system  Marijuana smoke has more cancer causing agents than tobacco  Can be psychologically addictive  Higher doses can cause paranoia and psychosis

Youth and Cocaine/Crack

 HIGHLY ADDICTIVE, whether in powder form (cocaine) or solid (crack)  Stimulant  Crack is:  Cheap  Easily used (smoked)  Fast acting (effects are felt within 10 seconds)

Effects on Body

 Strong Central Nervous System Stimulant (CNS)  Interferes with reabsorption of dopamine  Build up of dopamine cause euphoric feeling

Effects on Body

 Increase in HR and BP can result in heart attacks and strokes.

 Prolonged use results in paranoia, psychosis, and violent behavior  When alcohol and cocaine is mixed in the liver, produces a third chemical that intensifies effect and can lead to sudden death

Youth and Heroin

 HIGHLY ADDICTIVE Opiate  Brain cells become dependent on Heroin to function  High starts with a rush, ends with a “foggy” feeling for many hours

Effects on Body

 Depression of the CNS  Mental functioning is impaired  Long term use associated with:  Collapsed veins  Infection of the heart and liver  Pulmonary complications  Tolerance leads to Addiction and physical withdrawal when you stop

Other Common Drugs

 Ecstasy (MDMA)  Over the Counter (OTC) Medication  Methamphetamine (Meth)  Inhalants

Common Warning Signs

 Physical  Fatigue  Repeated health complaints  Red eyes  Weight loss

Common Warning Signs

 Emotional  Personality changes  Sudden Mood swings  Poor judgment  Depression  Lack of interest

Common Warning Signs

 Family  Frequent arguments  Breaking rules  Withdrawal from family

Common Warning Signs

 School  Decreased interest  Negative attitude  Drop in grades  Absences  Discipline problems

Common Warning Signs

 Social  New group of friends less interested in home and school activities  Trouble with the law  Change in style of dress and music

Athletic Performance Enhancers

Why are student-athletes subjecting themselves to Performance Enhancement Drugs?

Improve Physical Appearance

Heighten Athletic Performance

Societal Expectations: “Win at all Costs” will do whatever it takes no matter what the price is….

Basic Principles of Exercise Physiology

“Sheer Strength” is determined by two factors:

Amount of muscle mass

The ability of nerves to stimulate muscle contraction


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Anabolic Steroids Creatine Monohydrate Stimulants


Anabolic Steroid is an illegal drug

Banned from

High School Interscholastic Athletics

NCAA and all Professional and Olympic Sports.

Anabolic Steroids are a testosterone, which is a hormone that our body produces.

Testosterone has two main effects on your body:

Anabolic effects- promotes muscle building

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Androgenic effects- are responsible for male traits such as facial hair and deepening of the voice. Anabolic Steroids that are used amongst athletes are a synthetic derivative of testosterone. They are made in either a pill form or a soluble that can be injected.

Short Term Gains:

Increase in muscle mass

Increase in speed and explosiveness

Increase in aggressive behavior

But to maintain these gains, you are willing to risk:

  

Severe acne Liver tumors Increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL), “the bad cholesterol

   

Decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) “the good cholesterol” Aggressive behaviors, “roid rage” or violence Psychiatric disorders, such as depression Drug dependence

Effects on Body

Anabolic Steroid Use Nationwide of 8th, 10th and 12th Grade Students:

Early 1990’s steroid use remained under 1.5%

1999 and 2000 for 8th graders- 1.7%

2000 and 2002 for 10th graders- 2.2%

2002 and 2004 for 12th graders- 2.5%

Creatine Monohydrate

It is a compound produced by your body that helps release energy in your muscles.

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Creatine is stored in your muscles. Your liver produces 2 grams of creatine each day.

Creatine may also be ingested from protein-rich foods such as meat or fish.

With prolong use; weight gain is achieved through the retention of water in the muscle tissue.

Why do athletes take this?

The research has indicated small improvements in short-term power activities for example power lifting, increase in short term speed in sprints.

It has also proven to increase muscle mass therefore having an anabolic like reaction, similar to steroids.

The Danger??




Leading to kidney, liver and heart damage


Stimulants are drugs that can reduce fatigue, suppress appetite and increase alertness and aggressiveness.

They stimulate the central nervous system, increasing your heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and metabolism.



Ephedrine, which is in cold remedies.

Amphetamines such as Dexedrine and Benzedrine

Caffeine products such as Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar

The risk….

One will become nervous and irritable

impacting their concentration on the athletic field

causing a decrease in athletic performance.

Athletes may become addicted

developing a tolerance so they need greater amounts to achieve the desired effects

This will lead one to experience circulatory problems, heart attack, hallucinations and brain hemorrhage.

Is it worth it????

  

Does society place a high expectation on achieving a competitive edge to win at all costs?

This will be an ongoing dilemma if we don’t acknowledge the fact that the emphasis on:

making a team

being a starter

earn a scholarship

win at all cost perception Underlying reason student-athletes across America take a risk, the risk of “life”.

What can you as the parent do?

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Be clear about your expectations- It must be safe, make no exceptions. Discuss ethics and proper training- Utilizing these performance enhance substances is cheating.

There is no substitute for: A WELL BALANCED DIET AND RIGOROUS TRAINING= SUCCESS IN ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Talk with your child’s coach Monitor your child’s purchases at the local GNC and Nutrition stores. Especially, purchasing through the internet…

What Can Parents Do When They Suspect Drug Use?

 Communicate  Honest  Open  Direct  Get Professional help if problem persists

Social Hosting

 Social Host Responsibility Act  Parents/Adults are held liable under criminal and civil penalty for either serving and/or allowing the service of alcohol to minors in their home or at a party they are “hosting”  Can be held liable for actions occurring after the minor leaves your home or party