The Water Cycle - University of North Texas

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Transcript The Water Cycle - University of North Texas

Kristi Ingram

112.7 Science, Grade 5 TEK 5.6 B Science concepts. The student knows that some changes happen in cycles. The student is expected to: (B) identify the significance of the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles.

How many forms does water transform into as it travels through the water cycle?

Forms of Water

Solids: Snowflakes Icebergs Ice Cubes

Gaseous Form : Clouds

Liquids: Oceans Drinking water Lakes

Water in Action:

 Water in oceans and lakes is evaporated by the sun and rises in the form of water vapor.  As it rises, it cools and forms clouds.  Water falls from the clouds in the form of snow and rain.  Snow and rain runs off the land in rivers and streams back into the oceans and lakes.  Evaporation completes the cycle.

See If You Can Match Terms : Definitions: 1.

Condensation 2.

Evaporation 3.

Precipitation 4.

Transpiration A.




The process of a liquid changing into a vapor or gas.

Evaporation of water through plants.

The change of water vapor into a liquid.

Any form of water that falls from the sky: rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

What is the significance of the water cycle in our lives?

Fun Fact about Water The water from your faucet contains molecules that dinosaurs drank!!!

Scramble Quiz Directions - Unscramble the following words and use them to fill in the blanks: sefrh,dlocu,tawer,howser,kecbtu.

1) When water evaporates, it travels into the air and becomes part of a __________.

2) All living things need __________to live.

3) Less than 1% of all the water on the earth is__________ water.

4) You’ll save water by taking a quick ____________.

5) Wash bikes and cars with a __________ and sponge instead of a running hose.

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