Genitourinary Pathophysiology

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Genitourinary Pathophysiology
Randall L. Tackett, Ph.D.
Anatomy and functions of the system
Homestatic functions
Tests of renal function
Effects of aging
Renal failure
Anatomy of Renal and Urologic System
Figure 34-1
Functions of the Kidney
Balance solute and water transport
Excretion of metabolic waste products
Conserve nutrients
Regulation of acid and base balance
Endocrine Functions of Kidney
• Renin – Blood pressure and fluid
• Erythropoietin – RBC production
• 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 – Calcium
• Gluconeogenesis
– Severe fasting
– From amino acids
• Functional unit of the kidney
• Approximately 1.2 million nephrons in
each kidney
• Multicomponent tubular structure lined
by epithelial cells
– Formation of urine
– Secretion/reabsorption
• Tuft of capillaries contained in Bowman’s
• Main site where filtration of blood occurs
• All components of blood are filtered
– Blood cells
– Plasma proteins with MW > 70,000
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
• Composed of
– Juxtaglomerular cells (renin)
– Macula densa (sodium)
• Controls
– Renal blood flow
– Renin secretion
Components of the Nephron
Figure 34-3
Renal Blood Flow
• Kidneys receive 20% to 25% of CO
• Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
– Filtration of plasma/unit of time
– GFR is directly related to renal blood flow
• Between arterial pressures of 80-180
mmHg, local mechanisms
(autoregulation) renal blood flow and
thus, GFR constant
Control of Renal Blood Flow
• Autoregulation
– Myogenic mechanism
– Tubuloglomerular feedback
• Neural regulation
• Renin-AII system
• Atrial natriuretic peptide
Stimulants of the Renin-AII System
• Reduced blood pressure
• Decreased sodium concentration in distal
• SNS stimulation
Renin-AII System
Figure 28-33
Nephron Function
• Major function is to form a filtrate of
protein-free plasma (ultrafiltration)
• Regulates filtrate to maintain
– Body fluid volume
– Electrolyte composition
– pH
Regulation of Filtrate
• Tubular reabsorption
• Tubular secretion
Glomerular Filtrate Composition
• Protein-free
• Electrolytes
• Organic molecules
– Glucose
– Creatinine
– Urea
Glomerular Filtration
Permeability of substances crossing the
glomerulus is determined by:
• Molecular size
• Electrical charge
Major Function of Nephron Segments
Figure 34-11
Concentration/Dilution of Urine
• Involves a countercurrent exchange mechanism
– Fluid flows in opposite directions through parallel
– Concentration gradient causes fluid to be exchanged
across parallel pathways
• The longer the tube the greater the
concentration gradient
• Loop of Henle serves as the multiplier of the
concentration gradient
Concentration/Dilution of Urine
• Efficiency of water conservation is related to
length of loops of Henle
– Longer the loops, the greater the ability to
concentrate urine
• Urea
Product of protein metabolism
One of the major constituents of urine
Approximately 50% is excreted, 50% is recycled
Contributes to osmotic gradient in kidney
Concentration/Dilution of Urine
• Antidiuretic hormone
– Controls final concentration of urine
– Secreted from the posterior pituitary
– Increases water permeability of distal tubule
and the collecting ducts
– Can be a cause of oliguria
Acid-Base Balance
• Distal tubule of kidney regulates acidbase balance
– Secretes hydrogen into tubule
– Reabsorbs bicarbonate
• Buffers in tubular fluid combine with
hydrogen ion, allowing more hydrogen
ion to be excreted
Acid-Base Balance
• Phosphate and ammonia represent
important renal buffers
– Phosphate is filtered at glomerulus
– 75% is reabsorbed, remainder is available as
a renal buffer
• Hydrogen ion combines with phosphate
to form a negatively charged molecule
which makes it lipid insoluble
Acid-Base Balance
• Ammonia is not ionized and is lipid
• Ammonia creates a concentration
– Diffuses into renal tubular fluid to combine
with hydrogen to form ammonium ion
– Ammonium is eliminated in urine
Acid-Base Balance
• Renal buffering also requires CO2
• Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the formation of
hydrogen ion and bicarbonate ion
• Hydrogen is secreted from tubular cell and
buffered in the lumen by ammonia and
• Bicarbonate is generated which contributes to
plasma alkalinity
• Hydrogen is excreted in urine
Renal Function and Aging
• Linear decrease in renal blood flow
– Due to change in renal vasculature and
– Reduction in numbers of nephrons
• Nephron loss accelerates between 40 and
80 yrs of age
• By 75 yrs of age, functional nephrons are
reduced 30% to 50%
Renal Function and Aging
• Decreased ability to concentrate urine
• Reabsorption of glucose, bicarbonate and
sodium is less efficient
• Age-related decline in renal activation of
vitamin D decreases calcium absorption
in the intestines
Renal Function and Aging
• Response to acid or base load is delayed
and prolonged
• Alteration of drug response
Tests of Renal Function
Plasma creatinine concentration
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Renal Clearance
• Determines the amount of a substance
cleared from the blood by the kidneys per
unit of time
• Permits an indirect measure of:
Tubular secretion
Tubular reabsorption
Renal blood flow
Clearance and GFR
• GFR provides best estimate of functional
renal tissue
• Criteria for test substance to measure
– Stable plasma concentration
– Freely filtered at glomerulus
– Not secreted, reabsorbed or metabolized by
the tubules
Clearance and GFR
• Inulin (a fructose polysaccharide) meets
these criteria and is used to evaluate GFR
• GFR can be calculated by:
GFR (ml/min) = Uinulin x Volume
Clearance and GFR
• Use of inulin requires constant infusion to
maintain stable plasma level
• An alternative to inulin is creatinine
– Produced by muscle
– Released into blood at a relatively constant
– Freely filtered at glomerulus but small
amount is secreted by tubules (leads to
overestimation of GFR)
Clearance and GFR
• Overestimation of GFR with creatinine is
within tolerable limits
• Only one blood sample required with
creatinine plus a 24 hr urine
Clearance and Renal Blood Flow
• Renal plasma and blood flow can be
estimated using para-aminohippurate
• PAH is filtered at the glomerulus and the
remainder is secreted into the tubules in
one circulation through the kidneys
Plasma Creatinine Concentration
• Plasma creatinine is stable when GFR is stable
• Creatinine produced at a constant rate as a
product of muscle metabolism
• When GFR decreases, plasma creatinine
increases proportionately
• More important for monitoring chronic renal
failure – plasma creatinine requires 7-10 days
to stabilize when GFR declines
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
• BUN reflects
– Urine concentrating capacity
• BUN increases as GFR decreases but
varies with altered protein intake
• BUN increases in states of dehydration
and renal failure
• Non-invasive and economical
• Evaluates
Specific gravity
• Turbidity increases when formed
substances (crystals, cells, casts) are
• Foaming is the result of protein or bile
• pH
– Alkaline after meals
– Acidic upon awakening
• Specific gravity is the estimated solute
concentration in the urine
– Can be affected by state of hydration
• Urine sediment – microscopic exam
– Cells, casts, crystals, bacteria
• RBCs
• Casts (cellular precipitates)
– Red cell casts suggest bleeding
– White cell casts suggest inflammation
– Epithelial casts indicate tubular
degeneration or necrosis
• Crystals
– Can indicate inflammation, infection or
metabolic disorder
• WBCs
– Pyuria
– Indicative of UTI
• Other measures (dipstick tests)
– Glucose
– Bilirubin
– Hemoglobin
• Drugs
Renal Failure
• Renal insufficiency
– GFR approximately 25% of normal
– Serum creatinine and urea mildly elevated
• Renal Failure
– Significant loss of renal function
• End-stage renal failure
– Less than 10% of renal function
Renal Failure
• Can be acute or chronic
• Reversible or irreversible
• Rapid or slow progression
• Syndrome of renal failure
• Elevated blood urea and creatinine levels
• Represents consequences of renal failure
– Retention of toxins and wastes
– Deficiency states
– Electrolyte disturbances
• Refers to increased serum urea levels
• Creatinine serum levels are often also
• Caused by renal insufficiency or failure
Azotemia vs Uremia
• Often incorrectly used interchangably
• Both terms represent the accumulation of
nitrogenous waste products in the blood
Acute Renal Failure (ARF)
• Abrupt reduction in renal function with
elevated BUN and plasma creatinine
• Usually, but not always, associated with
– Urine output less than 30 ml/hr or 400 ml/d
• Usually reversible if diagnosed and
treated early after onset
Classification of ARF
• Prerenal
• Intrarenal
• Postrenal
Classification of ARF
Table 35-9
ARF: Clinical Manifestations
Clinical progression occurs in three
1. Oliguria
2. Diuresis
3. Recovery
ARF: Oliguria
• Begins within 1 day
• Can last from 1-3 weeks depending on
severity of insult
• Anuria is uncommon
• 10%-20% of patients have nonoliguric
• Urine output may vary but BUN and
plasma creatinine increase
Mechanisms of Oliguria
Figure 35-11
ARF: Diuresis
• Renal function begins to recover
• Diuresis is progressive
• Tubules are still damaged
– Sodium and potassium are lost in urine
– Risk for hypokalemia
– Volume depletion (3-4 L/d) may occur
ARF: Recovery
• Plasma creatinine provides an index of
renal function
• Return to normal may take 3-12 months
• Approximately one-third of patients do
not have full recovery of normal GFR or
tubular function
Chronic Renal Failure
• Symptomatic changes usually do not
become evident until renal function
declines to less than 25% of normal
• Proposed theories of the adaptive
– Location of damage
– Intact nephron
– Hyperfiltration
Location of Damage
• Location of damage predicts symptoms
• Tubular interstitial disease damages tubular or
medullary portions of the nephron resulting in:
– Renal tubular acidosis
– Sodium wasting
– Difficulty in concentrating/diluting urine
• Vascular or glomerular damage results in:
– Proteinuria
– Hematuria
Intact Nephron Theory
• Loss of nephron mass causes remaining
nephrons to increase function
• Constant rate of excretion is maintained
in the presence of declining GFR
– Major end products in urine are similar to
that in normal patients
– Abnormal amounts of protein, RBCs, white
blood cells and casts
Hyperfiltration Theory
• Continued long-term exposure to
increased capillary pressure and flow
results in progressive failure of intact
• Loss of GFR
Factors Contributing to the
Pathophysiology of Renal Failure
Creatinine and urea clearance
Sodium and water balance
Phosphate and calcium balance
Potassium balance
Acid-base balance
Creatinine and Urea
• Creatinine is constantly released from muscle
and excreted by glomerular filtration
• Amount of creatinine produced equals the
amount filtered and excreted
• If GFR falls, plasma creatinine level increases
• This relationship allows plasma creatinine
concentration to serve as an index of
glomerular function
Creatinine and Urea
• Clearance of urea is similar to that of
creatinine except:
– Urea is filtered and reabsorbed
– Urea varies with state of hydration and diet
• If protein intake and metabolism are
constant, plasma levels of urea increase
as GFR decreases
Sodium and Water Balance
• Sodium levels must be regulated within
narrow limits
• In chronic renal failure, sodium load
delivered to remaining nephrons is
greater than normal
• Increased excretion is accomplished by
decreased reabsorption
Sodium and Water Balance
• Nephron has difficulty conserving sodium
when GFR decreases below 25%
– Obligatory loss of 20-40 mEq of sodium per
day occurs
• If dietary intake is less than above,
sodium deficits and volume depletion
• Loss of urea can induce osmotic diuresis
Sodium and Water Balance
• As GFR is reduced, the ability to
concentrate and dilute urine is lost
• Individual nephrons can maintain water
balance until GFR declines to 15% to
20% of normal
• Excretion is related primarily to distal
tubular secretion and is mediated by:
– Aldosterone
– Na/K ATPase
• Tubular secretion increases until oliguria
• Large losses of potassium can occur
through the bowel
• Once oliguric, patients are very prone to
hyperkalemia especially with:
– Salt substitutes
– Potassium-sparing diuretics
– Volume depletion
• At end-stage renal failure, total body
potassium can increase and become life
Acid-Base Balance
• Intake of normal diet produces 50 to 100
mEq of hydrogen per day
• Hydrogen is normally excreted in urine
and combined with phosphate and
• In early failure, pH is maintained by an
increased rate of acid excretion and
bicarbonate reabsorption
Acid-Base Balance
• Metabolic acidosis begins to occur when GFR
decreases by 30% to 40% due to:
– Decreased ammonia synthesis
– Decreased bicarbonate reabsorption
• Phosphate buffers remain effective until late
stages of failure
• Bicarbonate levels stabilize at end-stage failure
because hydrogen is buffered by anions from
Phosphate and Calcium Balance
• Changes in acid-base balance affect
phosphate and calcium
• In early failure, phosphate excretion
decreases and plasma phosphate levels
increase due to decreased GFR
• Elevated plasma phosphate binds calcium
producing hypocalcemia
Phosphate and Calcium Balance
• Decreased calcium stimulates the release
of parathyroid hormone which releases
calcium from bone and enhances urinary
phosphate secretion
• Phosphate and calcium levels return to
• Incremental losses of GFR decreases
effectiveness of parathyroid hormone
Phosphate and Calcium Balance
• When GFR declines to 25% of normal,
parathyroid hormone is no longer
effective in maintaining serum phosphate
• Persistent reduction of GFR and
hyperparathyroidism results in:
– Hyperphosphatemia
– Hypocalcemia
– Dissolution of bone
Phosphate and Calcium Balance
Hypocalcemia and bone disease are
accelerated by:
• Impaired synthesis of 1,25 vitamin D3
• Lack of vitamin D reduces intestinal
absorption of calcium and impairs
resorption of phosphate and calcium
from bone
• Anemia is common in chronic failure
• Due to inadequate production of
• Proteinuria and a catabolic state
contribute to the negative nitrogen
• Proteinuria can independently cause
renal damage by promoting
inflammation and fibrosis
Systemic Effects of Uremia
• Skeletal
• Neurologic
• Endocrine
Bone inflammation
Hypertension, pulmonary
Growth retardation,
Systemic Effects of Uremia
• Hematologic
• GI
• Immunologic
• Reproductive
Anorexia, ulcers, GI
Increased infections
Sexual dysfunction,
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
• Usually due to bacteria
• At risk groups
Premature newborns
Prepubertal children
Sexually active women
Elderly men and women
Diaphragm and spermatocide users
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
• Diagnosed by culture of specific oraganisms
• Usually due to retrograde movement of
causative organism
• Can occur anywhere along the urinary tract
• Usually involve gram-negative organisms
• Gram-positive organisms less common cause
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Protection against UTIs include:
• Micturition
• Low pH and presence of urea in urine are
• Uterovesical junction closes during bladder
contraction to prevent urine reflux
• Longer urethra and prostatic secretion
decrease the risk of infection in men
Consequences of UTIs
Renal and ureter damage
Inability to conserve sodium and water
Inability to excrete potassium and
hydrogen ion
• Increased risk of dehydration and
metabolic acidosis
Types of UTIs
• Cystitis
• Nonbacterial cystitis
• Acute or chronic pyelonephritis
• Inflammation of bladder
• Most common site of UTI
• More common in women
– Shorter urethra
– Proximity of urethra to anus
– Bacterial contamination from vaginal
• Most common infecting organisms
E coli
• Introduction of bacteria and an environment
that promotes bacterial growth are common
• Many patients are asymptomatic
• Symptoms include
– Increased urinary frequency and urgency
– Dysuria
• Hematuria, cloudy urine and flank pain
represent more serious symptoms
Non-bacterial Cystitis
• Women with symptoms of cystitis but
negative urine cultures
• More common in women 20-30 yrs of age
• Referred to as ‘urethral syndrome’
• Caused by inflammed or infected
microscopic paraurethral glands located
in the distal third of the urethra
Interstitial Cystitis
• Persistent and chronic form of
nonbacterial cystitis
• Occurs primarily in women
• May be due to an autoimmune response
Acute Pyelonephritis
• Infection of the renal pelvis and
• Causative organism is usually bacterial
but may involve fungi or viruses
• Common risk factors
– Urinary obstruction
– Urine reflux
Common Causes of Pyelonephritis
Kidney stones
Neurogenic bladder
Female sexual trauma
Acute Pyelonephritis
• Most common in women
• Responsible organism
– E coli
– Proteus
– Pseudomonas
• Infection occurs through ascension along
Acute Pyelonephritis
• Onset of symptoms is acute with fever
• May be difficult to differentiate from
cystitis by clinical symptoms
• Specific diagnosis is established by urine
Chronic Pyelonephritis
• Persistent or recurrent autoimmune
• Inflammation and scarring evident
• More likely to occur in patients with
obstructive pathologic conditions
Chronic Pyelonephritis
• Elimination of bacteria with normal
urine flow is prevented
• Progressive inflammation results in
fibrosis and scarring
• Urine concentrating ability is impaired
• Can lead to chronic renal failure
Chronic Pyelonephritis
• Early symptoms are often minimal
• May include hypertension
• May be similar to acute pyelonephritis
• Kidneys are involved in a number of processes
which are important for maintenance of
• Age-related changes in renal function can have
profound effects and alters the patient’s
response to drugs
• Renal pathology produces predictable changes
in patients which are associated with
alterations in homeostasis