Current Trends in Image Quality Perception

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Current Trends in Image Quality
Mason Macklem
Simon Fraser University
General Outline
• Examine current image quality standard
– need for improvements on current standard
• Examine common image compression
– potential quality techniques applicable to each
• Discuss further theoretical and constructive
Image Compression Model
• Transform an image from one domain into a
better domain, in which the imperceptible
information contained in the image is easily
• Goal: more efficient representation
3 Ways to Improve Compression
• Better domain: design better image
transforms, improve energy compaction
• Imperceptible: design better perceptual
image metric
• Discarded: design better image quantization
Current Standard: MSE-based
• Mean-Squared Error (MSE):
• Root-Mean-Squared Error (RMS):
• Peak Signal-To-Noise Ratio (PSNR):
MSE-based metrics
• Measure image quality locally, ie. pixel-bypixel area
– Not representative of what the eye actually sees
• Returns a single number, intended to
represent quality of compressed image
– Not accurate for cross-image or cross-algorithm
MSE pathologies
• Local (pixel-by-pixel) quality measure
– does not differentiate between constant (not
noticeable) and varying (noticeable) error-types
– does not take into account local contrast
– assumes no delay or noise in channel
• Known result: above error types are treated
differently by HVS
Sinusoidal error
Original bird
Constant error
Low contrast
= no masking
High contrast
= masking
Sinusoidal error
(MSE = 12.34)
Image offset 1 pixel
(MSE = 230.7)
Original bird
MSE Pathology II: Fractal Compression
• Based on theory of Partitioned Iterated
Function Systems (PIFS)
– uses larger blocks contained in the image to
represent smaller blocks
• represent smaller blocks using displacement vector
• match larger to smaller to maintain contraction
– blocks chosen to minimize MSE
– partly motivated due to promising MSE results
Fractal Compression Model
• Divide image into domain
and range blocks
• Find closest affine
transformation for each
range image from domain
• Set maximum depth, code
all unmatched blocks
manually (ie. DCT)
• Highly computational,
dependent on choice of
domain and range blocks
• Balance computational
and quality requirements
– fewer blocks checked,
lower image quality
• slow encoding offset by
fast decoding
• Models to improve computational
– loosen criteria for “matching” blocks, ie. take
first block below a given threshold, take closest
block within a given radius
• Good MSE/PSNR results not reflected in
visual appearance of resulting image
– success of fractal compression dependent more
on internal composition of image than on
overall model
– if similar blocks are not present in domain
blocks, then dissimilar blocks will be matched
Better transforms & vision models
• Choice of better domain highly dependent
on visual criteria
• Better quality metric impacts the design
stage of compression algorithm
– better assessment of visual quality = more
accurate prediction of compression artifacts
– Fractal Compression model depended on
inaccurate quality model (?)
Better Transforms
• Lossless:
– All information in reconstructed image is identical to
original image
– Eg., BMP, GIF
• Lossy:
– Discard information in original image to achieve higher
compression rates
– Strategically discard only imperceptible information
– Eg. JPEG, TIF, Wavelet compression
• In network-based applications, more focus is
given to lossy transforms
• Split image into 8x8 blocks
– Small enough image sections to assume high
correlation between adjacent pixels
• Apply 8x8 DCT transform to each block
– Shift energy in each block to uppermost entries
• Quantize, run-length encode
– Quantization: lossy step, discard information
– RLE: takes advantage of sparseness of result
8x8 DCT Matrix
JPEG Quantization Matrices
• Divide each entry of
the image matrix by
the corresponding
entry in the
quantization matrix
• Class of matrices built
into JPEG standard
• Contained in the JPEG
file, with image
• Flexibility with
quantization tables (?)
MSE Pathology III: DCT
Sinusoidal error
(MSE = 12.34)
Original image
DCT-based error
(MSE = 320.6)
JPEG2000 & Wavelet Compression
• New JPEG standard wavelet-based
• Wavelet compression studied extensively
for years
– JPEG2000 first attempt at standardizing
• WSQ: used to compress fingerprints for FBI
– used in place of JPEG, which quickly blurred
important information
– Similar compression ratios to JPEG, but with
higher quality
Wavelet Transform
• Alternative to Fourier
• Localized in time and
• No blocking/windowing
• Compact support
• Sums of dilations and
translations of (mother)
wavelet function
Multi-resolution Analysis
• Complete nested
sequence of function
spaces Vj, with {0}
• Scale-invariance:
– f(t) is in Vj iff f(2t) is
in Vj+1
• Shift-invariance:
– f(t) is in Vj iff f(t-k) is
in Vj (k integer)
• Shift-invariant Basis:
– V0 has an orthonormal
basis (scaling function)
• Difference spaces:
• Wavelets: basis
functions for Wj’s
– express function in
terms of scaling
function and wavelets
DWT & Filter Banks
• DWT: banded matrix,
with filter coefficients
on diagonals
• Multiply matrix by
input signal
• Highpass filter: flip
coefficients and
alternate signs
• Discard even entries to
construct output signal
• DWT separates function into
averages and details
– global and local info
• Two filters: highpass and
– lowpass: low frequency
– highpass: high frequency
• Highpass filter: decimates
constant signal (no detail info)
• Lowpass filter: decimates
oscillating signal (no global
• Result: two signals, half length
of original
– most info in lowpass signal
DWT & Image Compression
Wavelets and Images
• Bottom-up
– imperceptible differences
separated into details
– L1 norm applied to 1st
quadrant only
• Top-down
– 1st quadrant entries give
same general image
– L1 norm applied to detail
• Both give similar results
as MSE-based methods
Picture Quality Scale (PQS)
• Parameterized error measure
– separate image into different types of error
– calculate weighted sum, with weights
determined by curve-fitting subjective results
• Five factors:
normalized MSE (regular and thresholded)
blocking artifacts
MSE on correlated errors
Errors near high-contrast image-transitions
• Each factor has associated
error image
• Designed so that the
contributions to the final
quality rating can be
• Better idea of location of
error in compression
assists the algorithm
• Results equivalent to MSE
• Miyahara, Kotani &
Algazi (JAIST &
(Miyahara, Kotani & Algazi)
Lessons from PQS
• Start with visual system
– base model on observations of subjects
• Localize information about error
– using pictorial distance representation, rather
than outputting a number to represent quality
• Need more than MSE-based measures
– PQS fails on same pathologies as MSE
Fidelity vs. Quality
• Image Fidelity:
– Measured in terms of the “closeness” of an
image to an original source, or ideal, image
– eg. MSE-measures, PQS
• Image Quality:
– Measured in terms of a single image’s internal
– Depends on the criteria, application-specific
– eg. Medical Imaging
Fidelity-based Approach
• Modelled by IPO (Eindhoven)
• Natural image as “conveyer of visual
information about natural world”
– “quality” based on internal properties of image,
but only on past experiences of subject
– eg. “quality” of picture of grass depends on its
ability to conform to subject’s expectations of
the appearance of grass
IPO model
• Pros:
– Very nice theoretically
– Clearly-defined notions
of quality
– Based on theory of
cognitive human vision
– Flexible for
• Cons:
– Practical to
– Subject-specific
definition of quality
– Subjects more accurate
at determining relative
vs. absolute
Next-wave: HVS-based