Water, Waves and Tides

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Uses of Water
Washing, bathing, showering
Flushing the toilet
Brushing our teeth
Preparing, washing, cooking food
Washing dishes and clothes
Watering plants and lawn
Why Water?
• Water makes all life possible and connects
all living things through time.
• Water is in never-ending cycle being
• The water in a cave today is the water
that the dinosaurs drank, that the ancient
Egyptians used, and that you will use for
dinner when you are 80.
And More Facts…
75% of the earth’s surface is covered by water
One half of the world’s fresh water is in Canada
75% of the human body is water
Humans require 3 L of water each day
82% of blood is water
40% of household water is flushed
Jellyfish and cucumber are both 95% water
Water and States of Matter
• Water is the only substance on Earth that
naturally exists in all three states of
The Earth has a
limited amount of
water. That water
keeps going
around and around
in what we call the
“Water Cycle”.
The cycle is made
up of a few main
- Evaporation
- Condensation
- Precipitation
- Collection
Water Cycle
• Define the following terms:
–Evaporation is the process of…
–Condensation is the process of…
–Precipitation is a process of…
• Evaporation is the process by which water
is converted from its liquid form to its
vapor form
• Then transferred from land and water to
the atmosphere.
- Condensation is the opposite of
- It takes place when water vapor in the air
condenses from a gas, back into a liquid
Precipitation takes place when water
droplets are heavy enough to fall back to
the surface of the Earth. Precipitation may
fall in the form of rain, sleet, hail or snow.
A typical household well
The Water Table
The Water Table
The water table rises and falls
according to the season of the
year and the amount of rain and
snow melt that occurs.
It is typically higher in early
spring and lower in late
Heavy rainfall or drought
conditions may cause changes
in the typical pattern, however.
Soil Infiltration
• 3 main types of soil. Each have different
rates of water infiltration.
• It is possible to have a mixture of the
types of soil present in a sample.
Soil Infiltration
How can soil type affect our ground water?
- Surface Water?
- Our wells?
- Contamination?
Soil Infiltration
• Sandy soils - have larger soil particles
that allow them to drain well. They also
dry out more quickly and tend to leach out
their nutrients.
Soil Infiltration
• Clay soils - have smaller soil particles
that retain water and soil nutrients better.
They also tend to drain more slowly,
which can create problems
Soil Infiltration
• Loam soils – have a balance of sand,
clay and intermediate size (silt) particles.
They are best for retaining water and
nutrients – in fact, they are ideal soils.
What kind of soil it is?
Location it Good or
was taken
Our Soil Test
• Create an observation chart
• Add water to your soil type, shake for 1
• Allow soil and water mixture to begin
• Make observations while it is settling
Organic Material
Questions to Answer
1. Why is there a water cycle? If there
wasn’t a water cycle, what would happen?
2. What are the three forms of solid water?
3. What is the name for water when it is a
4. What is drought? How is it related to the
water cycle?
5. List five ways your family used water this