Transcript Slide 1

Atomic Absorption and Atomic
Fluorescence Spectrometry Section
By Matt Boyd, James Joseph, Jon
Blizzard, Jackie Freebery, Hunter
Atomization Techniques
• AAS and AFS
– Two techniques
• Flame Atomization
• Electrothermal Atomization
Flame Atomization
• Analyte is nebulized by flow of gaseous
– Desolvations
– Dissociation
– Volitalized
Types Flames
• Figure 9-1
Temperature (Celsius)
Maximum Burning (cm
Natural Gas
Natural Gas
Nitrous oxide
Flame Structure
• Primary Combustion zone
– Blue region, rarely used for spectroscopy
• Interzonal region
– Most widely used part
• Secondary combustion zone
– Products of inner core disperse
Flame Atomizers
• Uses
– Atomic Absorption
– Fluorescence
– Emission Spectroscopy
• Laminar-flow Burners are Commonly Used
– Aerosol, oxidant, and fuel are burned in flame
• Performance Characteristics
– Most reproducible
Electrothermal Atomizers
Provides enhanced sensitivity
Operates evaporating sample at low temps
Ashing at higher temp
Measures absorption and fluorescence
– Used in the ICP
Electrothermal Atomization
• Occurs in open ended cylindrical graphite tube
• Held between two contacts in water cooled
• Two inert gas streams are provided
Output Signal
• Transducer output rises to a maximum
• Rapid decay back to zero
• Quantitative determinations
– Peak height
– Peak area
Performance Characteristics
• Advantages
– Sensitivity
– Relative precision
• Disadvantages
– Furnace methods
– Analytical range
Analysis of Solids with Electrothermal
• 1st- weigh grounded sample into a graphite
boat and insert boat into furnace.
• 2nd- prepare slurry of powdered sample by
ultrasonic agitation in an aqueous solution.
The slurry is then pipetted into furnace
Specialized Atomization Techniques
• Glow-Discharge Atomization
• Hydride Atomization
• Cold-Vapor Atomization
Chapter Nine:
Atomic Absorption and Atomic
Fluorescence Spectrometry
Section 9A: Sample Atomization
By Rachel Conroy
Katie Payne
Flame Atomization
• Sample is nebulized by a flow of gaseous
oxidant and fuel that carries it to a flame
• Process
– Desolvation
– Volatilization
– Dissociation
– Ionization
– Excitation to form spectra
At each phase of atomization spectra can be obtained.
Types of Flames
• Oxidants
– Air: 1700oC to 2400oC
– Oxygen
– Nitrous oxide
• Burning velocity states when flame is stable
– Too low: causes flashback
– Too high: flame will blow off
Table 9-1 Properties of Flames
Maximum burning
cm s -1
Natural Gas
1700 – 1900
39 – 43
Natural Gas
2700 – 2800
370 – 390
2000 – 2100
300 – 440
2550 – 2700
900 – 1400
2100 – 2400
159 – 266
3050 – 3150
1100 – 2480
Nitrous oxide
2600 – 2800
Flame Structure
• Primary Combustion
• Interzonal Area
• Secondary Reaction
• Flame Profile
Flame Atomizers Variables
• Fuel and Oxidant Regulators
– Double-diaphragm pressure regulators
– Rotameter
• Performance
– Most reproducible
– Low sensitivity
Schematic of a laminar-flow burner, the typical atomizer used in AAS.
Electrothermal Atomization
Long residence time
Measurements and vaporization
Evaporated at a low temperature
Ashed at a higher temperature
Electrothermal Atomizers
Graphite tube
2 inert gas streams provided
Transverse configuration
Pyrolytic carbon seal
Shown is the
view of a graphite
furnace atomizer.
The L’vov platform
and its position in
the graphite
Other info
• Output Signals
– Measures peak height
• Performance
– Slow because of cooling cycles
– Analytical range is narrow
– High sensitivity
• Analysis of Solids
– Finely ground samples, slurry
Specialized Atomization Techniques
• Glow-discharge atomization
• Hydride atomization
• Cold-Vapor atomization
Atomic Absorption Instrumentation
Brian May
Mandi Kauffman
Tyler MacPherson
Carolyn Inga
Ginny Harrison
Atomic Absorption Instrumentation
• The AAS Consists of…
– A radiation source
– Sample Holder
– Wavelength Selector
– Detector
– Signal Processor
– Read Out
Radiation Sources
• Potentially highly specific because of narrow
absorption lines.
• These narrow lines also cause problems
because a linear relationship between
absorption and concentration requires narrow
source bandwidth relative to the width of an
absorption line, but even good
monochromators have bandwidths
significantly larger than the absorption lines.
Problems Created
• Non-linear calibration curves are inevitable
when the AA is equipped with an ordinary
spectrophotometer and continuum radiation
• Small calibration curves are obtained because
only a small amount of the radiation from the
monochromator slit is absorbed by the
sample, this gives poor sensitivity
• The use of bandwidths narrower than the
absorption lines. This is done by exciting the
atoms with a lamp, filtering the light, and
choosing appropriate operating
conditions(source temperature and pressure).
• This disadvantage to this method is that it
require an additional source lamps for each
element, or group of elements.
• Hollow Cathode Lamps (9B-1)Sample
• -Most common source for atomic absorption
• -Consists of a tungsten anode and a cylindrical
cathode sealed in a glass tube which is filled
with either argon or neon gas a pressure of 15torr
• -Cathode is constructed from the metal whose
spectrum is desired (or, if not constructed
from the metal, it then serves to support a
layer of that metal)
• -When a potential of about 300V is applied across
the electrodes, ionization occurs of the inert gas
(argon or neon). The current is generated (of about
5-15 mA) as ions and electrons migrate to the
• -if potential is large enough the gaseous cations
gather enough kinetic energy to dislodge the metal
atoms from the cathode surface and produce an
atomic cloud in the process known as sputtering.
• -The excited metal atoms (a portion of those
sputtered) emit their characteristic radiation as they
return to ground state
• -Efficiency of the cathode depends on its
geometry and the operating potential:
• High potentials (and thus high currents) 
greater intensities
• -A down-fall to high currents is that they
produce an increased number of unexcited
atoms in the cloud which have the potential of
absorbing the radiation emitted from the
excited atoms (Self-absorption)
-This leads to lower intensities
Electrodeless Discharge Lamps
What are they made of?
• Sealed quartz tube
• Filled with an inert gas (Ar)
• Small amount of metal or its salt
What does it use?
• Uses radio frequency
• Or microwave radiation to energize it
What happens?
• The gas is ionized by the frequency
• Once enough energy is obtained it excites the
atoms of metal
• The metal spectrum is the desired spectrum.
What it provides
• Provides radiant intensities in greater supply
than a Hollow-Cathode Lamp (HCL)
• Not as reliable as the (HCL)
• But better for elements such as
– Se, As, Cd, Sb
Source modulation
• Emitted radiation is removed via the
• It is necessary to adjust the output the source
so intensity will fluctuate at a constant
• Detector receives 2 signal
– An alternating from the source
– Continuous from the flame.
These signals are then converted into electrical
A high pass RC filter (section 2B-5) can be used to
remove unadjusted signals
• Adjusting the emission can be done by inserting a
circular metal disc (chopper) into the system
between the source and the flame
• Rotation of this disk at a constant rate will create a
beam that is “chopped” to the desired frequency
• Tuning forks with vanes attatched to alternately
allow the beam to pass and to not pass is another
• An alternative is the power supply being designed for
intermittent or ac operation so the source can be
switched oin and off at the desired frequency
AA Spectrophotometer
See Figure 9-13 for block diagrams
• Instrument must be capable of providing a
sufficiently narrow bandwidth to isolate the
line chosen for the measurement
• Glass filter – alkali metals
– Only a few widely spaced resonance lines in the
visible region
• Separate filter and light source for each
• Most use photomultiplier tubes
Several hollow- cathode sources
Chopper or pulsed power supply
Simple grating spectrometer with a
photomultiplier transducer
• 100% transmittance is set with a blank
• The blank is replaced with samples to
determine absorbance and transmittance
Double Beam
• Beam from hollow-cathode source is split by a mirrored
• One half passes through the flame and the other half goes
around it
• 2 beams recombine by a half silvered mirror and passed into a
Czerny-Turner grating monochromator
• Photomultiplier = transducer
• Output = input to a lock-in amplifier
• Ratio between reference and sample is amplified and fed to
the readout
• Since reference beam is not passed through the flame it
cannot correct for loss of radiant power due to absorption or
scattering by the flame
Chapter 9 Section C
Megan Seeger, Andrea Lando, Joe
Bailey, and Sarah Duncan
Spectral Interferences
• Can be caused by overlapping lines but is very
rare due to the emission lines of the hollowcathode sources being so narrow
• Can also result from the presence of
combustion products that exhibit broadband
absorption or particle products that scatter
• Both reduce the power of the transmitted
beam and lead to positive analytical errors
• A more troublesome problem occurs when
the source of absorption or scattering
originates in the sample matrix
• Interferences because of scattering by
products of atomization is most often
encountered when concentrated solutions
containing elements such as Ti, Zr, and W are
aspirated in the flame
• Interferences caused by scattering may also be
a problem when the sample contains organic
species or if organic solvents are used to
dissolve the sample
• Flame atomization spectral interferences by
matrix products are not widely seen and can
be avoided by variations in the analytical
Radiation Buffer
• When an excess of the interfering substance is
added to the sample and standards
• If the concentration added is large compared
to the concentration in the sample matrix
then the contribution from the sample matrix
is insignificant
Two-Line Correction Method
• Uses a line from the source as a reference it
should be as close as possible to the analyte
• This makes any decrease in power of the
reference line from that observed during the
calibration arises from absorption or
scattering and is then used to correct the
absorbance of the analyte line
The Continuum-Source Correction
• Deuterium lamp provides a source of
continuum radiation throughout the
ultraviolet region
• The radiation from the continuum source and
the hollow cathode lamp are passed
alternately through the electrothermal
atomizer, the absorbance from the deuterium
radiation is then subtracted from the analyte
Chemical Interferences
• More common than spectral interferences
• Can be minimized by suitable operating
Most Common Interferences
• Occurs when anion form low-volatility
compounds with the analyte – only a fraction
of analyte is atomized and the outcome is low
– Ex. Decrease in calcium absorbance with
increasing concentrations of sulfate or phosphate
Common Interferences Con’t
• Cation Interferences
– Outcome: low results
– Ex: Aluminum causes low results when
determining magnesium (forms a heat stable
Solutions to Interferences
• When caused by formation of species of low
volatility, interference can be eliminated by
use of higher temps
• Releasing Agents: cations that react preferably
with the interferent and prevent analyte
• Protective Agents: prevent interferences by
forming a stable, volatile species with the
Background Correction Based on
the Zeeman Effect
Zeeman Effect
• When an atomic vapor is exposed to a strong magnetic field, a
splitting of electronic energy levels of the atoms takes place that
leads to the formation of several absorption lines for each
electronic transition. The sum of the absorbencies of the lines is
equal to exactly the value of the original line from which they were
• A,B,C
Splitting Pattern
• Most common type of splitting:
– Central line (π) and two equally spaced satellite lines (σ).
This is observed with a singlet but for more complex
transitions these lines will be split further.
• The π line absorbs only plane polarized light in a parallel
direction to the magnetic field
• The σ lines absorb only polarized radiation at a 90 degree
angle to the magnetic field
How it works
• Turn to page 243 in textbooks
• Radiation from a cathode tube
• Rotating polarizer
– Separates the beam into two parts that are polarized at 90
degrees to each other
These go into a graphite furnace that splits the energy levels
into three peaks (D)
• This information then goes to a monochromator,
photomultiplier tube, and into a data analysis system.
• This system subtracts the perpendicular cycle from the
parallel half cycle giving a background correction.
Background Corrections with Source
Self Reversal
• Also known as the Smith-Hieftje method
– Based on the self reversal or self absorption of radiation
from a cathode lamp
• the absorbance is collected at periods where the lamp is
running at a low current
• The background is collected when the lamp is at high voltage
• High currents = high number of nonexcited electrons that will
absorb the radiation of the excited species
Dissociation Equilibria
• Dissociation reactions involving metal oxides
and hydroxides play an important role in
determining the emission and absorption
spectra for an element.
MO M + O
The M is the analyte atom and the OH is the
hydroxyl radical.
Dissociation Equilibria
• Dissociation equilibria which involve anions
other than oxygen may also influence flame
emission and absorption.
• Line intensity for Na is decreased by presence
of HCl
NaCl  Na +Cl
Adding HCL decreases Na concentration thereby
lowering line intensity.
Dissociation Equilibria
• V, Al, and Ti interact with such species as O
and OH. These are represents as Ox. These are
always present in flames.
VOx  V + Ox
AlOx  Al +Ox
TiOX  Ti + Ox
Ionization Equilibria
• Ionization of atoms is small in combustion
mixtures that involve air as the oxidant, it is
often neglected.
• Ionization is important in higher temp. flames
where oxygen or nitrous oxide is the oxidant.
There are free electrons produced by the
M  M+ + e-
Ionization Equilibria
• The equilibrium constant K for the reaction:
K= [M+][e- ]/ [M]
Degree of Ionization of metals at flame temps.
Table 9-2 pg. 246
Ch. 9 Atomic Absorption
Section D
Atomic Absorption Analytical
Sample Preparation
1. Flame Spectroscopic Methods
Sample materials:
• Soils
• Animal tissues
• Plants
• Petroleum products
• Minerals
Common problem: most are insoluble in aqueous solutions so
preliminary treatment to the sample is required
Preliminary Treatments
Decomposition of material
– Rigorous treatment of the sample at high temperatures
Con: risk losing the analyte by volatilization or as particulates in smoke
– Treatment with specific reagents
Con: can cause chemical and spectral interferences or can cause the analyte to appear as in impurity in the solution
Common Decomp. Methods
1. Treatment with hot mineral acids
2. Oxidation with liquid reagents (sulfuric, nitric, or perchloric acids: wet ashing)
3. Combustion in an oxygen bomb (or other closed container)
4. Ashing at high temperatures
5. High temperature fusion with reagents ( boric oxide, sodium carbonate,
sodium peroxide, and potassium pyrosulfate)
Sample Preparation
2. Electrothermal Atomization
Sample Types
1. Liquid Samples: blood, petroleum products, and organic solvents.
* liquid solvents can be pipetted directly into the furnace for ashing and atomization.
2. Solid Samples: plant leaves, animal tissues, and inorganic substances.
* solids can be weighed directly into a cup-type atomizer or into specific containers for
introduction into a tube type furnace.
Sample Introduction by
Flow Injection
• Introduce samples into a flame atomic absorption spectrometer
• Peristaltic pump and valve arrangements help insure efficiency while
conserving the sample
• Carrier system: Deionized water or diluted electrolyte are used to
provide continuous flushing of the flame atomizer
• This reduces build up from samples containing high levels of salts or suspended
Organic Solvents
Low Molecular-weight organic solvents:
1. Alcohols
2. Esters
3. Ketones
Why Organic Solvents?
1. Increased nebulizer efficiency- increases the amount of sample that reaches the
2. Rapid evaporation of the solvent
Solvent Ratios:
Leaner fuel-oxidant ratios must be used to offset the presence of any added organic
This produces lower flame temperatures, which can increase the potential for chemical
Organic Solvents (cont.)
Immiscible Solvents
ex: Methyl isobutyl ketone
These solvents extract chelates of metallic ions
The resulting extract in then nebulized directly into a flame
Enhance absorption lines
Only small amounts are required to extract from relatively large volumes of
aqueous solutions
Enhance the sensitivity of the sample, which reduces interferences
Common Chelating Agents1. Ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate
2. Diphenylthicarbazone
3. 8-hydroxyquinoline
4. Acetylacetone
Calibration Curves
Should Follow Beer’s Law:
A= abc
A: absorption (L/ g cm)
a: absorptivity
b: path length through medium
c: concentration
Calibration Curves (cont.)
• Should cover range of concentration found in the sample
• 1 standard solution should be measured after each time an
analysis is performed. Using 2 standards that bracket the
analyte concentration would be more efficient in identifying
any uncontrolled variables that result from atomization and
absorbance measurements
Application of AAS
Sensitive men for the quantitative determination of more than 60 metals or
metalloid elements
Table 9-3 shows Detection Limits
Columns 2 & 3 present detection limits for a number of common elements by
flame and electrothermal atomic absorption
Detection Limits
1. Flame Atomization: 0.001 – 0.020 ppm
2. Electrothermal Atomization: 2 x 10-6 – 1 x 10-5 ppm
Relative error
Flame Analysis: 1-2 %
Electrothermal Analysis: errors extend flame errors by a factor of 5-10
9D-1 Sample Preparation
• Sample has to be introduced into the excitation in
the form of a solution (disadvantage).
 Many materials are not soluble in common solvents;
extensive treatment is required.
– Treatment with hot minerals, oxidation with liquid
reagent, ashing at high temperature, etc.
• Some minerals can be atomized directly. Solid
samples are weighed into cup-type atomizers
9D-2 Sample Introduction by Flow
• FIA – Introduces samples into a flame atomic
absorption spectrometer.
• Carrier stream of the FIA system provides
continuous flushing of the flame atomizer
9D-3 Organic Solvents
• The effect of organic solvents is attributable to
increased nebulizer efficiency. More rapid solvent
evaporation also contribute to the effect.
• Use of immiscible solvents is the most important
analytical application of organic solvents to flame
• Resulting extract is nebulized into the flame
(sensitivity increases).
• Part of the matrix components remain in the
solvent (advantage).
9D-4 Calibration Curves
• Theory is that calibration curves should follow
Beer’s Law which does not happen very often
• Absorbance should be directly proportional to
• Use two standards that bracket the
concentration of the analyte.
9D-5 Standard Addition Method
• Should use method found in Section 1D-3
• Need to compensate for chemical and spectral
interferences of the sample
9D-6 Application of AAS
• A sensitive way of determining 60 metals and
metalloid elements
Detection Limits
• Flame Atomization Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy are
in the range of 1-20ng/mL,or .001-.020ppm
• Electrothermal Atomization are in the range of .002.01ng/mL or 2x10-6 - 1x10-5ppm
• Error in Flame Ionization Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy 1-2%
• Electrothermal Atomization increase by a factor of 5-10
Atomic Fluorescence
Keri Franz
Kyle Howard
Lauren Kaminsky
Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy
• Useful and convenient for quantitative
determination of many elements
• Not used as often as atomic emission and
atomic absorption
• Useful for determining elements that form
vapors and hydrides- Pb, Hg, Cd, Zn
• Fluorescence instruments are generally harder
to maintain and thus more expensive
Instrumentation Sources
• Sample container is usually a flame or
electrothermal atomization cell, glow
discharge, or an inductively coupled plasma
• Continuum source is ideal
• Hollow cathode lamps were used frequently
but now EDLs (electrodeless discharge lamps)
are more common
• EDLs have greater intensity than hollow
cathode lamps
• Lasers are good sources despite increased
Dispersive Instrumentation
• Contains:
– Modulated Source
– Atomizer (flame or nonflame)
– Monochromator or Interference Filter System
– Detector
– Signal Processor
– Readout
Nondispersive Instrumentation
• Contains:
– Source
– Atomizer
– Detector
• Advantages:
– Low Cost & Simplicity
– Multi-element Analysis Adaptability
– High Sensitivity
– Simultaneous Collection of Energy
• For accuracy, make sure source output lacks
• Determination of Metals
– Lubricating Oils
– Seawater
– Geological Samples
– Clinical Samples
– Environmental Samples
– Agricultural Samples