Spread Spectrum

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Telecommunication Technologies
Week 8
Flow Control
Error Control
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej J. Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Where are we?
 Up until now:
Physical Layer
 Now: Data Link
Flow Control
Error Control
a data
transmission link”
 Later…
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Flow Control
 Ensuring the sending entity does not
overwhelm the receiving entity
Preventing buffer overflow
 Transmission time
Time taken to emit all bits into medium
 Propagation time
Time for a bit to traverse the link
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Stop and Wait
 Source transmits frame
 Destination receives frame and replies with
acknowledgement (ACK)
 Source waits for ACK before sending next
 Destination can stop flow by not send ACK
 Works well for a few large frames
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
 Large block of data may be split into small
Limited buffer size
Errors detected sooner (when whole frame
On error, retransmission of smaller frames is
Prevents one station occupying medium for
long periods
 Stop and wait becomes inadequate
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
 If the data rate is 10 Mbps and transmission is
over a distance of 100 m, how long will it take
to send 1 Kb in eight 128 byte chunks with stop
and wait FC? [assume v = 2×108 ms-1].
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Stop and Wait Link Utilization
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Sliding Window Flow Control
 Allow multiple frames to be in transit
 Receiver has buffer W long
 Transmitter can send up to W frames without
 Each frame is numbered
 ACK includes number of next frame expected
 Sequence number bounded by size of field (k)
Frames are numbered modulo 2k
W = 2k-1
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Sliding Window
 Receiver can acknowledge frames without
permitting further transmission (Receive Not
 Must send a normal acknowledge to resume
 If duplex, use piggybacking
If no data to send, use acknowledgement frame
If data but no acknowledgement to send, send last
acknowledgement number again, or have ACK
valid flag (TCP)
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Error Detection
 Additional bits added by transmitter for error
detection code
 Parity
Value of parity bit is such that character has even
(even parity) or odd (odd parity) number of ones
Even number of bit errors goes undetected
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Cyclic Redundancy Check
 For a block of k bits transmitter generates n bit
 Transmit k+n bits which is exactly divisible by
some number
 Receive divides frame by that number
If no remainder, assume no error
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Error Control
 Detection and correction of errors
 Lost frames
 Damaged frames
 Automatic repeat request
Error detection
Positive acknowledgment
Retransmission after timeout
Negative acknowledgement and retransmission
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)
 Stop and wait
 Go back N
 Selective reject (selective retransmission)
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Stop and Wait
 Source transmits single frame
 Wait for ACK
 If received frame damaged, discard it
Transmitter has timeout
If no ACK within timeout, retransmit
 If ACK damaged,transmitter will not recognize
Transmitter will retransmit
Receive gets two copies of frame
Use ACK0 and ACK1
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Stop and Wait ARQ
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Stop and Wait - Pros and Cons
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Go Back N
 Based on sliding window
 If no error, ACK as usual with next frame
 Use window to control number of outstanding
 If error, reply with rejection
Discard that frame and all future frames until error
frame received correctly
Transmitter must go back and retransmit that frame
and all subsequent frames
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Go Back N - Damaged Frame
 Receiver detects error in frame i
 Receiver sends rejection-i (REJ-i)
 Transmitter gets rejection-i
 Transmitter retransmits frame i and all
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Go Back N - Lost Frame (1)
 Frame i lost and transmitter sends i+1
 Receiver gets frame i+1 out of sequence
 Receiver sends reject i
 Transmitter goes back to frame i and
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Go Back N - Lost Frame (2)
 Frame i lost and no additional frame sent
 Receiver gets nothing and returns neither
acknowledgement nor rejection
 Transmitter times out and sends
acknowledgement frame with P bit set to 1
 Receiver interprets this as command which it
acknowledges with the number of the next frame
it expects (frame i )
 Transmitter then retransmits frame i
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Go Back N - Damaged
 Receiver gets frame i and send
acknowledgement (i+1) which is lost
 Acknowledgements are cumulative, so next
acknowledgement (i+n) may arrive before
transmitter times out on frame i
 If transmitter times out, it sends
acknowledgement with P bit set as before
 This can be repeated a number of times before
a reset procedure is initiated
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Go Back N - Damaged Rejection
 Receiver sends rejection which is lost
 As for lost frame (2)
 (Transmitter times out and sends
acknowledgement frame with P bit set to 1)
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Selective Reject
 Also called selective retransmission
 Only rejected frames are retransmitted
 Subsequent frames are accepted by the
receiver and buffered
 Minimises retransmission
 Receiver must maintain large enough buffer
 More complex log at transmitter
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Performance Issues
 What is the line utilisation for various flow
control methods?
Stop and Wait
Sliding Window
 What is the line utilisation for various ARQ
Stop and Wait
Selective Reject
Go Back N
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Which is best ???
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Stop and Wait Flow Control
 Assume stations A and B are communicating
frames F1,F2,F3,…,Fn
 Total transmission time T = nTF where TF is the
time to transmit one frame and receive an
 TF = tprop+tframe+tproc+tprop+tack+tproc
tprop: propagation delay
tframe: time spent transmitting a frame
tproc: processing time
tack:time spent transmitting an acknowledgement
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Stop and Wait Flow Control
 TF = tprop+tframe+tproc+tprop+tack+tproc
= 2tprop+tframe
T = n(2tprop+tframe)
 T is the total time to transmit, the actual time
spent transmitting is only ntframe
 Line utilisation U = ntframe/T
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Line utilisation
 Define line utilisation U as the ratio of
transmission time to the time taken to transmit
 For Stop and Wait
define a = tprop/tframe, then U = 1/(1+2a)
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
The parameter a
 We have defined a = tprop/tframe
 Alternatively, define
V: propagation speed (ms-1)
d: transmission distance (m)
R: data rate (bps)
L: frame size (bits)
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Spread Spectrum
 Analog or digital data
 Analog signal
 Objective: Spread data over wide bandwidth
 Makes jamming and interception harder
 Frequency hoping
Signal broadcast over seemingly random series of frequencies
 Direct Sequence
Each bit is represented by multiple bits in transmitted signal
Chipping code
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
General model for SS
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Spread Spectrum
 Frequency hoping
Signal broadcast over seemingly random series
of frequencies
 Direct Sequence
Each bit is represented by multiple bits in
transmitted signal
Chipping code
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Direct Sequence
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
 What is the bandwidth of a digital data
stream encoded with direct sequence
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE
Generating noise
 Need to generate same “noise” at source
and destination
 Computers are deterministic – generating
true noise is not possible (i.e. no truly
random numbers)
 May use
pseudo-random algorithm
predetermined sequences (e.g. Gold
EIE325: Telecommunication Technologies
Maciej Ogorzałek, PolyU, EIE