Transcript Slide 1

Assessing Regional Housing Markets
and Developing Effective Strategies
for Meeting Older Peoples
Housing Demands
in the South West Region
June 2008
This Workshop
The IGP Project
Key issues
Good practice examples
What needs to happen
The IGP project
Learning set
Review of demographics
Review of supply
Case studies of innovation and good practice
Key issues (1)
Current housing
 Most older people will want to stay in their own
homes for as long as possible. Need for: support,
information and advice, handyperson, adaptations,
equipment, telecare, better thermal comfort and
reduced fuel poverty across tenures.
 Limited home improvement services
New housing
 Age-proof through changes in the quality and supply
of housing in the region. Lifetime Homes Standards
by 2011 for all social housing, and all new housing is
expected to be so by 2013.
 How can neighbourhoods and wider service
providers maximise independence?
Key issues (2)
Sheltered housing
 Much low demand sheltered housing due to the
location, size, accessibility and condition of the
housing. Many schemes will not meet future
requirements. Need to establish whether stock is
suitable, or can it be adapted at reasonable cost, or
should it be replaced.
 Uncertain impact of Choice Based Lettings and
Individual Budgets
 Difficult-to-sell private sector retirement housing may
emerge due to current downturn in house sales
Key issues (3)
Extra care housing
 Very variable levels of provision. In many areas,
more ECH for rent, shared ownership and sale will be
needed. Local authorities can facilitate this through
planning and provision of sites to RSLs and other
Older people with mental health needs and learning
 Little provision of services or specialist
Key issues (4)
Rural care and support
 Lower proportion of younger people in rural areas
will jeopardise ability to maintain older people in
rural communities. Can professional roles be
combined across housing, health and social care in
alliance with assistive technology to maximise use of
limited professional resources; and can levels of
community support for older in-migrants who lack
local informal care and support be raised?
Limited diversity and innovation
 Fits with government’s personalisation agenda, eg,
retirement communities, home-sharing schemes, cohousing.
Key issues (5)
Wider health and care economy
 Innovations in the South West, eg, Gloucestershire
Partnership for Older People Project, Whole System
Demonstrator telecare pilot in Cornwall, retirement
village concept, indicate potential to contribute to the
health and well-being of older people.
 LAs and RSLs need to work in partnership with a
range of organisations, including: planners, PCTs,
private and voluntary sector, older people, eg, joint
commissioning of, and consortia, on new
developments; purchase of accommodation in
private or voluntary sector developments; publicprivate initiatives to refurbish and/or sell some of the
existing sheltered housing stock.
Key issues (6)
 Urgent need for comprehensive change in attitudes
to housing - recognising implications of ageing
society among professionals, from planners to
providers. Homes and neighbourhoods suitable for
older people needs to be the objective of all new
 Older people themselves need to be informed about
their housing and support options in old age
Good Practice Examples
 Estimating future needs for extra care housing
 A partnership approach to developing very sheltered
 Sheltered housing service review
 Housing options service
 Area based low level support services
 Developing a cross-tenure independent living service
 Mainstreaming assistive technology
 A multi-tenure extra care scheme
Questions about the future
 In authorities facing the biggest increases in
numbers of older people is there a sense of
 What capacity do we have to target services on those
with greatest need / may get the greatest gain?
 Is there an estimate of the quality and potential for
the future use of sheltered housing? Is there a plan
for re-modeling or disposal where appropriate?
 What plans are in place for older people with
dementia and other older people with specialist
Questions about the future
 Is your view across the whole market, ie people who
will self fund and provision by the private and
voluntary sector?
 How close is the relationship to planning?
 Is the assistive technology strategy separate or
integrated with that of older people?
 Is there any discussion locally about either
interchangeability of roles eg, between housing
support, care services and community health or
function, eg, home care, supporting people, care and
repair, assistive technology.