Zielsetzung und Arbeitsfelder der AG

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Workshop on Developing a Green Business Support Strategy for Ukrainian Private Business Organizations

Donetsk, 7-8 October 2010

“Developing a Green Business Support Strategy for UBCCE“ A UBCCE/ GTZ project supported by the German Government through the International Climate Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU)

“Experiences from International Cooperation“

Detlef Schreiber, Head Environment, Resource Efficiency, Waste Management 29.04.2020

Seite 1

Project “Developing a Green Business Support Strategy for UBCCE“

Objectives: A Green Business Support Strategy for UBCCE is developed

- Create awareness for the multiple challenges of climate change for the business sector (and opportunities) - promote the application of climate-friendly technologies explore market opportunities (“Green business”) - exchange of experiences, common learning Pilot countries: Ukraine and Azerbaidjan 29.04.2020

Seite 2


Economy & Green


Greening the Economy, Global Economy, Low-carbon Green Recovery, Green Green growth, Green Techologies, New Deal, Low-carbon Business, Green Green markets Jobs, Social & Economic Development / GDP-Growth Environmental Degradation, Resource Consumption Greenhouse Gas Emissions

What‘s new? Why is Green Economy important?

Global Trends Population (Quelle: Meadows, Limits to Growth, 30 Year Update) Industrial Production Metal consumption CO2-Concentration


Economy &


Growth Discussion

UNEP 03/2009: Global Green New Deal / Green Economy Initiative OECD-Declaration 06/2009 on Green Growth – Maximize social & ecologic benefits of recovery packages for tackling

financial crisis

G-20, 09/2010 -> Financing the shift to a Green Economy (WB etc.) Kopenhagen Accord 12/2009 ->

climate change

UN General Assembly -> Summit Rio 2012 (Focus: Green Economy!)

= >

What does “Green Busines” mean for Enterprises and private sector organisations?

Green Markets:

General need for more efficient and • • • sustainable products and services Increasing awareness of Consumers Green public procurement Regulations and standards • •

Green Enterprises:

Improve environmental performance Reduce materials intensity, energy and material • • costs (Germany: > 40 % of production costs) Improve energy and resource efficiency


waste, emissions and


Business organisations = providers of information and services!

GTZ - Government-owned Company for International Cooperation for Sustainable Development

Turnover Ongoing projects > € 1.500 Million/year approx 2.700 in developing and transform countries, emerging economies Partner countries Employees about 130 ~ 15.000 world-wide Clients: • German Government / Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development (BMZ) • Other Federal Ministries (BMU – Environment) • Commission of the European Union • Governments of other countries • International finance institutions, private companies 29.04.2020

Seite 7

GTZ – Activities in the Framework of Bilateral Cooperation with the Ukraine

Since 2002 the Federal Ministry for Eonomic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provides Funds for bilateal Technical and Financial Cooperation (439 Mio. EUR in total, 33 Mio. EUR TC) Focus Areas: • Sustainable Economic Development and Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises • Energy and Energy Efficiency • Combat against HIV / AIDS Other German Ministries involved in bilateral Cooperation: Interior, Health, Environment (BMU – Climate Change / ICI) 29.04.2020

Seite 8

Green Economy & Environmental Management Projects

Number of projects: about 20 29.04.2020

Seite 9

Environmental policy and legal framework conditions & economic incentives

Creation of framework conditions and incentives for a Green Economy and resource efficiency

   

Legal instruments and standards Economic incentives for efficient resource use and environmental protection / Environmental Fiscal Reform Mainstreaming / strategic environmental and climate assessment Negotiated solutions, voluntary agreements


Seite 10

Example: CHINA Ecological Fiscal Reform (EFR) GTZ support to the „Task Force on Economic Instruments for Energy Efficiency and the Environment“ in China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) Recommendations to Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister of China (2009):

    

Introduction of „Eco-Tax“ as part of the Tax Reform Focus on such priorities as water, air and waste Development of appropriate CO 2 taxation Increase of energy prices (abolish harmful subsidies) Development of green – low carbon Economy


Seite 11

Profitable Environmental Management (PREMA)

Input Process Output

desired final product Raw material Energy Water

generation of NPO + + Disposal Costs of NPO

Non-product output (NPO) 10-30% of total cost of production

Total NPO-costs .

Non-Product Output Concept : NPO = All material, energy and water which is used in the production process but does not end up in the final product © GTZ-PREMAnet, 2008

Seite 12

Example: CHINA – application of mjethodology „Profitable Environmental Management“ (PREMA) Approach

PREMA Training of 3 Trainers, 42 Consultants, 128 representatives of companies

 

Implementation of 11 training programs in 5 cities Implementation of 840 PREMA measures in more than 60 companies Results

 

64 companies, implementation of more than 800 individual measures Investment of approx. 6,5 million € in plants that led to annual net saving of approx. 13,5 million € (average payback period: 5,2 months)

Altogether, up to 30% of energy, 20% of water and 10% of materials have been saved


Seite 13

* billion


PREMA Saving Potentials

Water Steel

Saving potentials in Chinese Enterprises with PREMA ®


Seite 14

Sustainable Energy

Renewable Energies (RE)

 Wind energy   Bio energy Hydropower   Solar energy other sources (geothermal …) 

Energy Efficiency (EE)

 EE in Buildings    EE - electric devices, products EE in the Industry EE in thermal Power Plants 

Strategies for Energy and Climate

 International Networking  Energy planning  Carbon markets 29.04.2020

Seite 15

Green(ing) Industrial Parks

Polluting production processes Rare cooperation with SMEs No use of existing synergy potentials between the companies No integration into regional structures Insufficient laws & regulations 29.04.2020

Seite 16

Benefits of Integrated Eco-Industrial Parks

National/ International Competitiveness Investment safety High investments per unit area Good relations with communities Clean and effective production processes Compliance with national and international standards Efficient estate management Marketability of the site


Seite 17

GTZ Services for EIP

Capacity development for public and private decision makers Business models for the park management Dialogue forums, community advisory panels, etc.

Improved policies and governance International networks Technology transfer 29.04.2020

Seite 18

Competence and Technology Centres

Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), India Cooperation with UN –ESCAP, regional network

International Centre for Environmental Technologies (CITET), Tunisia PREMA, ISO 14001; EU-Project on Eco-Labelling;

Centre for Environmental Technologies, Morocco Local cooperation with partners from private sector and local administration

And other examples (Chile, Turkey etc.)

Seite 19

Resource Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Cities

Concepts for cities and municipalities on climate change, environmental management and resource efficiency

Urban climate strategies (GHG inventory for cities, climate action plans, etc.)

Resource efficient municipal economy

brown field development (management of contaminated sites)

 

Urban environmental management

“Green Cooling for a Warming World”


Seite 20

“Green Cooling in a Warming World”

Project Example: PROKLIMA

Funds of the Montreal Protocol used for projects for the substitution of ODP by ozone- and climate-friendly substances in cooling and foaming: US$ 43,5 Mio.

Capacity building, technology transfer & demonstration

Mitigation of Greenhouse gases: ca. 46,3 Mio t. CO2eq.

Costs per ton of CO2eq: < 1 US$ On-going projects (BMU-ICI):

Reduction of direct GHG-Emissions: 36 Mio. t CO2eq

indirect mitigation / increased energy efficiency: 7 Mio. t


Seite 21

Integrated waste management Towards climate-friendly, resource efficient integrated solid waste management

Waste policy (e.g. Product stewardship, extended producer responsibility, economic instruments)

  

3R: reduce, re-use, recycle Use of recycling material in production process Municipal waste management and information systems

    

GHG mitigation / Waste climate calculator Waste to Energy

Co-Processing of waste in cement kilns

Integration of informal sector into recycling Public Private Partnership (PPP)


Seite 22

Example: MEXICO Waste Management and Sustainable Resource Use Approach:

 Development and implementation of

integrated solid waste management (ISWM)

and procedures the management of contaminated sites  Advise to competent ministries on formulation of sector policies, laws, norms and technical guidelines and creation of framework conditions


 National Waste Strategy with an integrated approach, developed with GTZ support  The share of recyclable waste increased in the period from 2002 till 2007 from 48 to 78 percent of the total volume of waste  Funding provided by Mexico for remediation of heavily contaminated sites increased from 280.000 € in 2006 to 4,7 Millions € in 2008 29.04.2020

Seite 23

Public Private Partnership

Recycling and waste management

Sustainable tourism

Ozon layer and climate protection


Seite 24


Tackling global challenges like climate change, growing populations and increasing resource consumption require enormous efforts and changes towards a Green Economy. Markets are started becoming increasingly green; change can already be noticed in many segments.

Enterprises are facing huge challenges and opportunities. They should prepare as early as possible in order to improve resource efficiency and identify green market chances.

Private sector = part of the solution!

Business organisations should support enterprises by providing information and facilitating training and other services.


Seite 25

Thank you very much for your attention!

[email protected]


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