LECTURE 3 Morphology & Syntax

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LECTURE 3 Morphology & Syntax
Learning objectives:
1. to know suffixual homophones.
2. to analyze immediate constituents.
Suffixual homophones
a group of suffixes that have the same sounds but
they have different meanings. For example:
A.(Er cp) has two homophones. 1. The first is the
derivational suffix (Er-n) which is attached to verb
to form nouns. This is highly productive suffix. It is
used to produce hundreds of English nouns. E.g.
hunter. It is called the agent -er and conveys the
meaning of that which perform the action of the
verb stem.
2.The second –er morphemes appears at the end of
words like chatter. This –er conveys the meaning of
EX 8-17 /P 100
Identify the italicized –er:
1. This is a heavier tennis rocket than I want.
2. We watched the shimmer of the evening light.
3. The fighter weighed in at 180 pounds.
4. He was tougher than he looked.
B. the verbal inflectional suffix{ING-vb} has two
homophones in ing:
1. The first one is the nominal deviational
suffix{ING nm} examples: weddings, readings.
2. The second homophone of the{-ING vb} is the
adjectival morpheme{ING aj} as in : a charming
EX 8-18 Identify the italicized words
by these symbols
V-al =verbal
{ING vb}
N –al=nominal {ING nm}
Aj-al=adjectival {ING aj}
1. It was a charming spot.
2. Jim lost both fillings from his tooth.
3. She saw the waiting cash.
4. It was exciting to watch the fight.
5. Old sayings are often half true.
EX 8-18 Identify the italicized words
by these symbols 1-15
1-15 •
C. The verbal inflectional {-D pp} has a
homophone in the adjectival derivational {D aj}.
eg. Helen was excited about her new job.
EX 8-19 Identify the suffixes of the
italicized words with these symbols:
V-al={D pp}; Aj={D aj} •
1. You should read the printed statements.
2. Merle was a neglected child.
3. This a complicated question.
4. His chosen bride had lived in India.
5. He brought a stolen picture.
D. The adverbial derivational suffix{-LY av} is added
to adjectives to form adverbs of manner, as in rick;
ricky, kind; kindly, formal; formally, happy; happily.
EX 8-21
Identify the italicized ly as {LY-av},{LY-aj}:
1. The witness testified falsely.
2. Grace has a deadly wit.
3. Janet always behaved with a maidenly
4. He tiptoes softly into the room.
5. Jimmy received a weekly allowance.
(EX 6-10)
Noun Feminine Forms
suffix •
-e •
-enne •
-ess •
-etta •
ette •
fiancé •
Comedian •
Parton •
Henry •
usher •
fiancée •
Comedienne •
Patroness •
Henrietta •
usherette •
EX 8-23/P 106 Write the feminine
form(consult a dictionary& the following
Individual/ HOME WORK
Noun Diminutive Forms
In English six diminutive nouns can be found. They
are morphemes that convey a meaning of smallest
or endearment or both:
as in auntie, Betty, sweetie, Willy.
as in dinette, towelette.
as in babykins.
as in duckling, darling(=little dear).
as in circlet
as in booklet, starlet
EX 8-24/P 106Give a noun diminutive
form(consult a dictionary& the following
Individual/ HOME WORK •
immediate constituents IC
What the four sorts /types of morphemes •
These morphemes are put together to form •
words. For example, the word cheerful is
composed of two parts.
-cheer ful
When we analyze a word we divide /cut into parts
of which it seems to have been composed. We do
this until we reduced a word to its ultimate
constituents, that is to the unit morphemes /layers
of structure of which it is composed. Two points:
1. If a word ends in inflectional suffix, the first cut is
between tis suffix and the rest of the word, as in
preconceiv/ed, malformation/s.
2. One of the IC should be a free morpheme. A free
morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with
Examples: Analyze these words to their
immediate constituents(draw tree
EX 8-25
p 108
Home work •
One of the IC showing the layers of structure •
is wrong. Which is it and why?
EX 8-26 Diagram these words to
show the layers of structure.
-itemized •
-preprofessional •
-newspaperdom •
-counterdeclartion •
-malconstruction •
-contradictory •
-disethrone •
H W EX 8-26 Diagram these words to
show the layers of structure
-mid after noon
-Ic land ic
-super natur al
-un com fort able
-fest iv al
-en gag ing
-ex press ion ism
-mis judg ment