Transcript Mediation

Victim-Offender Mediation
Impact upon Youth Crime
Presented by
Betty Noreen, Mediation Advisor
North Star Youth Mediation Program
(907) 457-6797, fax (907) 457-6791
[email protected]
Victim-Offender Mediation
 Based on Restorative Justice Principles
 Characteristics and Benefits
 Stages
 Effect of VOM on Juvenile Offender Recidivism
North Star Youth Mediation Program
Questions and Comments
Victim-Offender Mediation is Based upon
Restorative Justice Principles:
Offense is against people/community
All parties are affected
They take an active role in restoration
Offenders are held directly accountable
Repairs emotional and material harm
Restores losses
Restorative Justice Questions:
1. What is the harm?
2. What needs to be done to repair the
3. Who is responsible for the repair?
VOM Characteristics and Benefits
Collaborative, not adversarial
Empowers Victims
Holds Offender accountable
Guilt/Innocence is not an issue
Victim’s questions are answered
Promotes mutual understanding
Develops mutually acceptable restitution plans
Provides closure for both victim and offender
VOM Stages
Referral and Screening
Pre-Mediation Meetings
Follow Up
The Effect of Victim Offender Mediation on
Juvenile Offender Recidivism: A Meta-Analysis
by Bradshaw, Roseborough & Umbreit
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vo. 24, No. 1, Fall 2006
“This article reports the results of a meta-analysis of
the effects of victim offender mediation (VOM) on
juvenile recidivism. Analyses were conducted on
fifteen studies consisting of 9,172 juveniles in twentyone service sites in the United States. Participation in
VOM accounted for a 34 percent reduction in
juvenile recidivism.”
North Star Youth Mediation Program
A program of North Star Youth Court
in Fairbanks, Alaska
Began in 2001 with Victim-Offender
Mediation and Peer Mediation
Parent-Teen Mediation added in 2005
Program Characteristics:
 Non-Profit Organization, $25 referral fee
 Co-facilitated by youth and adult mediators
 Provides basic and parent-teen mediation training
 Utilizes volunteer adult mediators
 Monthly Youth Mediator Corps meetings
 Develops youth leadership and competency
 Promotes community awareness of alternative
conflict resolution and restorative justice options
Program Goals:
 To model good communication and conflict
resolution skills with courtesy and respect.
 To demonstrate that conflict exists universally and
can have positive outcomes.
 To teach the critical life-skill of how to resolve
further conflict constructively.
 To identify and focus on the underlying needs
expressed in actions or positions.
 To gain an understanding and appreciation of our
differences and to identify similarities.
 To learn something new about the other person
and develop empathy and closeness.
 To come to mutual agreement on how to resolve a
conflict or repair a harm.
Potential Referral Sources
Victim-Offender Mediation
 Youth Court Sentencing Option
 Juvenile Probation Officers
 Superior Court Juvenile Disposition
 Alaska State Troopers/Police Officers
Peer Mediation
 Schools & Youth Programs
 Resource Agencies
 Private Individuals
Parent-Teen Mediation
 Children and Family Service Agencies
 Private Individuals