Transcript Document

The Cost to Society of Poor Communication Mary Hartshorne – Head of Expert Advisory Services, I CAN

The Cost to the Nation of Children’s Poor Communication October 2006

Prevalence - 10% of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) - 5-7% with specific speech and language difficulties - upwards of 50% of children with poor language skills on school entry in some areas of the UK

Language: a foundation life-skill

Academic success Literacy skills Wider range of life chances Like and stay at school Positive self esteem Manage behaviour Problem-solve Friendships & acceptance Social skills Language skills

Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN): on the child/young person

Speech, language and communication skills impact on

- Literacy development - Academic achievement - Social relationships and personal skills - Self esteem and confidence - Emotional regulation and behaviour

Longer term impact on

- Employability - Social inclusion - Life chances

Cost of Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN): to the nation

• What employers want • Actual costs • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training at 16 – 18) - England 10% - Highest in areas of social deprivation

What we know can make a difference

• Central role for communication • Skilled and confident carers • Focused early intervention programmes • Integrated approaches • Skilled and confident workforce

Recent initiatives

• The Bercow Review • Inclusion Development Programme (IDP) • The Communication Trust

- Speech, Language and Communication Framework (SLCF)

I CAN The Children’s Communication Charity

• Influencing and awareness-raising • I CAN Talk series – discussion papers • Direct Services • schools • training • consultancy and outreach • Programmes and resources • Information

The Cost to Society of Children’s Poor Communication Mary Hartshorne – Head of Expert Advisory Services, I CAN [email protected]