Cultural Changes of the 1920s

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Transcript Cultural Changes of the 1920s

What does this 1920’s magazine cover indicate about life & culture during the 1920’s?

(write your response)

How has the computer and the internet changed our society?

(Explain your answer in paragraph form)

Social Changes/1920’s

A ban on alcohol

– Prohibition 

New rights for women

– Women’s suffrage 

New inventions that bring social change

– Automobile – Radio – Moving pictures (The movies)

What were the positive and negative effects of prohibition ?

Positive effects

– Alcoholism declined – Liver diseases caused by liquor declined – Decrease in family problems brought on by alcohol 

Negative effects

– Rise in organized crime  Gangsters earned big profits selling illegal liquor – Lawlessness in big cities  Gangsters fought among themselves in turf wars

Why was prohibition repealed ?

   The ban reduced drinking but never stopped it Respect for the law was undermined Americans were buying liquor in


or from


 By 1933, the 21 st 18 th amendment amendment repealed the –

The 18 th amendment is the only amendment ever to be repealed

New Rights for Women

   

How did the 19 th amendment (women’s right to vote) transform American politics?

– Voting population doubled – Politicians had to appeal to women’s issues  Concerns about children, family, and education

Women fight for other legal rights

– Entrance into professional schools and control over their own income

Some women chose to continue working outside the home after WWI

– Others return to house work

Women’s rights movement gains ground

New Inventions/Automobile

Impact of the automobile

– Mass production and cheaper prices made automobiles more affordable for the middle class – More people purchased cars, more car companies were created, new jobs created – Other car companies improve on Ford’s production methods (allowing more choices in autos & options)

New Inventions/Automobile

Economic Effects

– Growth in jobs

(auto industry & related industries)

 Steel, rubber, and oil industries – Roads and highways are built

(more new jobs!)

– Gas stations, hotels, and restaurants sprang up across the country

(more new jobs!)

– New industries create new jobs 

Social Effects

– Growth of suburbs  People could live outside the city and drive to work (commute) – Driving gave women more freedom – Easier to travel and communicate with other cities & towns

New Inventions/Entertainment


 The motion picture industry boomed in Hollywood, California  Millions of Americans went to the movies weekly  At first there were silent films,

The Jazz Singer

was the first “talkie” 


 Brought family entertainment directly into the home – Comedies, dramas, westerns, news, music, and sports shows

SUSPENSE SHOWS POPULAR SONGS SPORTS How did radio change US society?

Created a new lifestyle

Families gathered around the radio for entertainment & information

News traveled faster, revolutionized advertising, entertainment, politics NEWS


How did cultural changes influence American society during the 1920’s?

– Prohibition caused an increase in organized crime (organized crime remained after repeal) – Women’s right to vote forever changed American politics – Women’s role in society begins to change  New roles/professions outside the home – New inventions created new industries and put more people to work/radio changed communication