Ways of the World - Bedford

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Transcript Ways of the World - Bedford

Robert W. Strayer
Ways of the World:
A Brief Global History
First Edition
Classical Era Variations:
Africa and the Americas
500 B.C.E.–1200 C.E.
Copyright © 2009 by Bedford/St. Martin’s
The African Northeast
• Meroë: Continuing a Nile Valley Civilization
• Axum: The Making of a Christian Kingdom
Along the Niger River:
Cities without States
South of the Equator:
The World of Bantu Africa
• Cultural Encounters
• Society and Religion
Civilizations of Mesoamerica
• The Maya: Writing and Warfare
• Teotihuacán: America’s Greatest City
Civilizations of the Andes
• Chavín: A Pan-Andean Religious Movement
• Moche: A Regional Andean Civilization
North America in the Classical Era:
From Chaco to Cahokia
• Pit Houses and Great Houses: The Ancestral
• The Mound Builders of the Eastern Woodlands
Chapter 7
Classical Era Variations: Africa and the
Americas, 500 B.C.E.‒1200 C.E.
Map 7.1 Africa in the Classical Era (p. 185)
Spot Map 7.1 Classical Civilizations of Mesoamerica (p. 193)
Spot Map 7.2 Classical Civilizations of the Andes (p. 197)
Spot Map 7.3 North America in the Classical Era (p. 201)
An Elite Maya Woman (p. 180)
A Bracelet from Meroë (p. 186)
The Columns of Axum (p. 187)
Khoikhoi of South Africa (p. 191)
A Mural of Teotihuacán (p. 196)
The Lord of Sipan (p. 200)
Pueblo Bonito (p. 202)