Transcript Warm-ups:

Safety Review and
Scientific Method
Monday, August 27, 2012
Pick two of the safety rules and state why they are necessary.
No eating or drinking in the lab
Read all directions thoroughly
Be careful in the lab- no messing around
Keep lab area neat
Return all supplies
Do not taste, touch, or smell any substances UNLESS told
to do so
When smelling, wave hand over substance
Tell teacher of all accidents
No binders in the lab
Clean up area- area must be checked by an adult
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
• Read the following lab scenario. Describe what is dangerous in the
scenario and what the students should have have done to be safe.
As usual, Stephen and Janet were late to class and all the
other students were already in the lab. “What are we supposed
to do?’’ asked Janet. “I don’t know,’’ replied Stephen. “Let’s
just do what everyone else is doing!’’
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
A group of students were preparing an activity to
determine whether certain materials will float or sink
when placed in water. Before the experiment started,
one student said, “If a sponge is placed in water,
then the sponge will float.” This statement is
F a conclusion
G a fact
H an observation
J a prediction/hypothesis
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
A group of students were preparing an activity to
determine whether certain materials will float or sink
when placed in water. Before the experiment started,
one student said, “If a sponge is placed in water,
then the sponge will float.” This statement is
J a prediction/hypothesis
A hypothesis is an educated guess
based upon background knowledge. It
is always written as an if…, then
statement with no personal pronouns.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
• A student thinks that orange juice will freeze faster than any
other substance. She fills identical containers with the same
amount of different liquids, then places each in the freezer. She
checks them every five minutes and discovers that the orange
juice is the last one to freeze and the water is the first to freeze.
Which should the student do next?
A Change her results to match her original hypothesis.
B Repeat her investigation to see if her results are the
C Conclude that investigations can only be performed on
D Tell her friends that investigations at school work better
than at home.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
• A student thinks that orange juice will freeze faster than any
other substance. She fills identical containers with the same
amount of different liquids, then places each in the freezer. She
checks them every five minutes and discovers that the orange
juice is the last one to freeze and the water is the first to freeze.
Which should the student do next?
B Repeat her investigation to see if her
results are the same.
The more trials that are done, the better the data
collected. Eliminates human error.
Friday, August 31, 2012
In an experiment, Jackson
tested to see how the size of
rocks affects the amount of
dirt that washes away when
water flows downhill. Which
variable was manipulated?
Amount of water
Slope of the hill
Size of the rocks
Type of dirt
Transitional Page
Friday, August 31, 2012
In an experiment, Jackson
tested to see how the size of
rocks affects the amount of
dirt that washes away when
water flows downhill. Which
variable was manipulated?
Size of the rocks
Manipulated (Independent)
variable is what is being
changed or tested in the lab
Transitional Page
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Sandy is conducting an investigation to find
out which food his dog likes best. Which is
the manipulated variable in his
F The color of his dog’s food dish
G The kind of food he gives his dog
H The amount of food he gives his dog
J The time of day he feeds his dog
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Sandy is conducting an investigation to find
out which food his dog likes best. Which is
the manipulated variable in his
G The kind of food he gives his dog
Manipulated Variable – What is tested or
changed in the experiment. Can only have 1
variable in an experiment
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
To find out which soil
absorbs (holds) moisture
best, each container shown
must —
A be made of a different material
B have soil from the same place
C be tested by the same person
D contain the same
amount of soil
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
To find out which soil
absorbs (holds) moisture
best, each container shown
must —
be made of a different material
The variable being changed is the
manipulated variable.
Transitional Page
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A student set up an experiment to test how much bean
plants will grow in soil with salt in it. The student
grew 50 plants in one group and 50 plants in the
other group. The only thing that can be different in
the two groups is the amount of —
F soil in each plant pot
G water given to each plant
H salt in the soil in each plant pot
J fertilizer given to each plant
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A student set up an experiment to test how much bean
plants will grow in soil with salt in it. The student
grew 50 plants in one group and 50 plants in the
other group. The only thing that can be different in
the two groups is the amount of —
H salt in the soil in each plant pot
What would need to be controlled in this
experiment? List at least four different
- These are full sized
backdrops, just scale them up!
- Can be Copy-Pasted out of
Templates for use anywhere!