Transcript Folie 1

IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
IUMI in a Nutshell
Organization, Work and Current Developments
IUMI Executive Committee Spring Meeting, Rio
FENSEG Market Conference, Thu, 22nd May 2014
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Rio 22/05/2014
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Lars Lange
IUMI Secretary General, Hamburg
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
What is IUMI?
 IUMI: International Union of Marine
 Established 1874 in Berlin, IUMI moved after
the second World War to Zurich
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IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
What is IUMI?
 since 2013 head office in Hamburg / Germany
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 IUMI considers all issues of interest to the
worldwide marine insurance industry
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
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Issues of Interest?
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
Who are IUMI's members?
 49 national insurance and marine insurance
associations and
 19 IUMI Professional Partners (IPPs), all
related to the marine insurance business
 IUMI is representing Marine Insurers and
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 Brokers?
 P&I Insurance?
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
How is IUMI organized?
“a professional body which is run by and for its
- IUMI Office in Hamburg
- Press Work / IMO Liaison in London
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- Executive Committee
- 7 Technical Committees
- Political Forum, Salvage Forum
- Council
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
Political Forum
 Founded in 2012
 11 members:
 8 members: Secretaries / Membership,
 Plus President, SG, IUMI IMO Liaison
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 Recommends action to the IUMI Executive
Committee and the IUMI Technical
 „Current Issue List“
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
Political Forum
 Founded in 2012
 11 members:
 8 members: Secretaries / Membership,
 Plus President, SG, IUMI IMO Liaison
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 Recommends action to the IUMI Executive
Committee and the IUMI Technical
 „Current Issue List“
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
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Political Forum
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
Project “IUMI 2015”
 IUMI 2015: “more political and more visible”
 Moving head office to Hamburg, full time SG,
more workforce in the office
 development of capacities
 Increased involvement of member associations
 Increased cooperation with other associations
 Increased involvement at IMO, at local authorities like
EU and other stakeholders in maritime business
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 More information to the membership
and third parties
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
New Articles of Association
 Reflect all changes within the IUMI 2015
 As compliant, transparent and modern as
 Terms of reference for the Technical Committees
 Transparent voting procedures
 Proper accounting and auditing
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 Council decision in September 2014 during
the Hong Kong conference
IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
How does IUMI work?
 Lobbying
 Local Authorities
 Stakeholders Maritime Business
 Information
 Conferences, Meetings
 Press Work, IUMI Newsletter
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 Services
 Statistics
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IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
IUMI's unique status
 IUMI has a unique status in the world of
marine and transport insurance
 IUMI is dedicated to maintain and expand
trade, focusing not only on developed but
more and more also on emerging markets
 South America
 Asia
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IUMI International Union
of Marine Insurance
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That‘s it
Lars Lange
Große Elbstraße 36
22767 Hamburg
+49 – 40 2000 747 – 0
[email protected]