Maya sacrifice lesson

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Transcript Maya sacrifice lesson

WARM UP 2/27/15

Who has the power during human sacrifices?

Priests, rulers or the person being sacrificed?

Explain in 2-3 sen.

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Key Vocabulary

Nacom – priest in charge of cutting out hearts  Cenote – underwater cave Chac – elderly priests who held sacrifices down (named after the god of rain) Bloodletting – the act of releasing blood from a sacrifice

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Key Facts

Sacrifice was both of humans and animals.

 Crocodiles, iguanas, dogs, peccaries, jaguars, and turkeys.

 Human sacrifice is the most meaningful.

 Slaves, criminals, orphans and children.

Purpose was to appease or please the gods.

Sacrifices were made by cutting out of the heart, drowning, beating, mutilation, and arrow sacrifices.

 Sacrifices were often painted blue.

Creation Myth

 Human beings were created to satisfy the gods' desire to be worshiped.  Humans’ ability to think and reason frightened the gods so much that they limited humans' ability to see.   Humans would always have to rely on the gods.

The Maya believed they must sacrifice human beings so that the hearts and blood of the victims could be used to feed the gods.

Heart Sacrifice

 “the victim was stripped and …led to an altar-like stone. Arms and legs held by priests and the nacom would use a flint knife to remove the still beating heart. Skinned by lower rank priests, the skin would be worn in a dance. If the victim had been an extraordinary prize his body would be butchered and eaten by nobles and spectators.”

Arrow Sacrifice

 “The victim was… bound to a stake. The priest cut the victim and let his blood. He anointed the idols with the blood. Dancers with bows and arrows shot at his heart.”

Well Sacrifice

 “…performed at Chichen Itza. Men, women and children were flung into the hole (well or cinote) as sacrifices to the gods. If the victim was still alive after a while they were considered to be spared by the gods and were rescued. This sacrifice was performed during drought to bring rain to the people. Young men were most commonly sacrificed in this ritual because they represented strength and power.”

How to write a narrative

Narrative Structure

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Focus on ONE event

On your sticky note:  Your name AND  One thing you found interesting about human sacrifice rituals in Central America.