Policy SIG report

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Policy SIG report

AMM, APNIC 27 Manila, Philippines

Policy Development Process

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Co-chair election

• Two nominees: – Ching-Heng Ku – David Woodgate • Congratulations and sympathies to the new Policy SIG Co-chair, Ching-Heng Ku

7 proposals discussed at APNIC 27

• prop-50: IPv4 address transfers • prop-60: Change in the criteria for the recognition of NIRs in the APNIC region • prop-63: Reducing timeframe of IPv4 allocations from twelve to six months • prop-67: A simple transfer proposal • prop-68: Inter-RIR transfer policy • prop-69: Global policy proposal for the allocation of IPv4 blocks to Regional Internet Registries • prop-70: Maximum IPv4 allocation size

Proposals abandoned

• prop-60: Change in the criteria for the recognition of NIRs in the APNIC region • prop-63: Reducing timeframe of IPv4 allocations from twelve to six months • prop-70: Maximum IPv4 allocation size

Proposals withdrawn by authors

• prop-67: A simple transfer proposal • prop-68: Inter-RIR transfer policy In favour of prop-050 as modified by consensus at the meeting

Action items on consensus proposals


Pending approval at each remaining stage of the policy development process, the APNIC Secretariat to implement prop-50, "IPv4 address transfers” based on the revisions below: – APNIC will process IPv4 address transfer requests involving current account holders following the adoption of this proposed policy, subject to the following conditions:

• The minimum transfer size accepted will be a /24.

• APNIC is to maintain a public log of all transfers.

• Address transfers should be permitted between APNIC account holders and NIR members, if and when individual NIRs implement the transfer policy.

• Address transfers are permitted between APNIC account holders and other RIR account holders, following the policies of all the respective RIRs.

• This proposal to take effect as soon as the APNIC Secretariat can implement the mechanisms of the policy.

Action items on consensus proposals


Pending approval at each remaining stage of the policy development process, the APNIC Secretariat to implement prop-69, "Global policy proposal for the allocation of IPv4 blocks to Regional Internet Registries” with the following clarifications: – The minimum size for redistributions by IANA to be explicitly documented – Examples of how IANA would redistribute space to the RIRs to be added