Mobile Agents - AJANTA - University of Minnesota

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Mobile Agent Programming in Ajanta

Anand Tripathi Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota Minneapolis MN 55455 This work was supported by NSF grants ANIR 9813703 and EIA 9818338

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 2


• • • • •

Mobile Agent Paradigm Benefits, Obstacles, and Potential Applications Evolution of the Mobile Agent Paradeigm Ajanta Mobile Agent Programming System Conclusions and Future Directions

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 3

Contributors to Ajanta Project

Neeran Karnik (currently with IBM New Delhi) Manish Vora (currently with Fore Systems) Tanvir Ahmed Ram Singh (currently with Cisco) Arvind Prakash (currently with Microsoft) Shremattie Jaman

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 4

Aspects of Mobile Agent Research

Distributed System Research

Focus on system architectures and protocols for managing executions of mobile agent objects.

Security, fault tolerance, naming, yellow pages

Programming Languages Research

Code mobility, safety, programming constructs

Agent communication languages

Artificial Intelligence Research

Focus on intelligence, learning, and cooperation

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 5

What is an agent?

• •

An agent is a software component (object) which can perform one or more tasks in some predefined manner.

Properties of an agent:


– –

Autonomy Deliberative vs. Reactive

– –

Learning Cooperation See: IEEE Spectrum April 1998 paper by Morreale

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 6


Remote Procedure Call:

parameters(data) Client Server results (data)

Code resides at the server

• • •

Courier at Xerox PARC in 1980 Sun RPC 1984 DCE, CORBA late 1980’s

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 7

Evolution …

Process Migration

• • •

Process migration allows a partially executed process to be relocated to another node.

Execution state of the process is migrated.

Stack, memory, program counter, state of open files.

Mainly used for load balancing.

In the mid 1980s several mechanisms were investigated and supported in a local area network environments.

Locus (UCLA), Sprite (UC Berkeley), Condor (Wisconsin)

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 8

Evolution …

Object Migration

• Object migration allows objects to be moved across address spaces at different nodes.

– Requires mobility of object’s code and data.

• Emerald supported object mobility under program control. (Univ. of Washington) (1986) • Chorus distributed system (1988) supported object mobility with autonomous control by the object.

• Most of these system supported migration in a homogeneous system.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 9

Evolution ...

Remote Programming and Code Mobility:

Client procedure code + data Server results (data )

Code transported to the server

• •

Remote Evaluation model by Stamos and Gifford (MIT) (1990).

Java Sun Microsystems (1995) allows code migration across heterogeneous platforms.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 10

Mobile Agents

A mobile agent is an object capable of autonomously migrating from one host to another in a distributed system to perform actions on behalf of its creator.

Client Server 1

agent (code+data) Mobile Agent

Server 3 Server 2 Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 11

Mobile Agents

A mobile agent is an object capable of autonomously migrating from one host to another in a distributed system to perform actions on behalf of its creator.

Client Server 1

agent (code+data) Mobile Agent

Server 3 Server 2 Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 12

Potential Benefits and Capabilities

• • • • •

Concurrency Reduced network usage (bandwidth + frequency)

– –

No need to maintain client-server connection Move processing closer to where needed Client-server asynchrony

Disconnected operations Installation of client-specific interfaces Dynamic interface upgrades

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 13

Examples of Potential Applications

• • •

User-level applications

– –

Search and information filtering agents Personal assistants Middleware systems

Global file systems

Distributed collaboration and workflow systems System level tasks

– – –

Network status monitoring and control Intrusion detection Software distribution, installation, upgrades

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 14

Basic Requirements

• •

A mobile agent system needs to support migration of a partially executed agent object from one node to another.

Code migration to the destination node

– – –

Agent state migration There are two approaches to state migration Strong mobility refers to transfer of system level execution state, such as execution stack, program counter, memory

Weak mobility refers to application level state transfer IEEE TSE May’98 paper by Fugetta, Picco, Vigna

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 15

Obstacles --

Security Issues

• • •

Protection of host resources

Unauthorized access to host resources

files, processes, system programs

– – – –

privacy concerns Damage to resources Denial of service attack ‘annoyance’ attacks Privacy & integrity of agent data

Passive & active attacks Beyond applet security model

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 16

Obstacles --

Robustness Issues

• •

Fault Tolerance Issues

– – –

Exceptions during agent’s remote execution Unavailability of server Loss of an agent during migration Status Monitoring and Control

– –

Support to monitor an agent’s status Support to recall or terminate an agent

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 17

Obstacles -

Programming Support

• • • • • •

Programming model and APIs Programming infrastructure and services Naming scheme for servers, agents, resources Agent transfer protocol Inter-agent communication protocol Debugging facilities

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 18

Mobile Agent Systems -


Mobile Agent Systems Languages Telescript Oblique Middleware Systems OO Language Based Java based Script Language Based Tcl, Python, Perl

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 19

Agent Programming Systems

• • • • • •

Telescript - A language developed by General Magic in the early 1990s. OO language for programming mobile agents.

Designed with security requirements.

It was used for email It was used in Sony’s Magic Link personal digital assistant linking to messaging and email services of AT&T and AOL Now discontinued in favor of Odyssey .

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 20

Agent Programming Systems

Tacoma - Tcl based system developed at Cornell and Tromso University (1994-95)

Agent Tcl - Tcl based system developed at Dartmouth College. (1994-95) D’Agents

• •

Aglets - Java based system from IBM. (1996) Concordia - Java based system from Mitsubishi Research. (1997)

• •

Voyager - Java based system from ObjectSpace Odyssey - Java based system from General Magic See

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 21

Ajanta Mobile Agent System

• • • • • • •

Ajanta System Architecture Agent Programming Primitives Agent Server Architecture and Security Agent Protection Patterns for Agent Migration Agent-Based Applications Conclusions and Future Directions

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 22

Ajanta System Architecture

• • •

A mobile agent in Ajanta is a Java object Infrastructure for agent-based applications

The base




classes Infrastructure for hosting agents

Applications extend the generic agent server to define Name service

– –

Location information and public-key distribution Based on Uniform Resource Naming ( URN ) framework

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 23

Mobile Agents in Ajanta


serialize byte array deserialize

Object Host-A n e t w o r k Host-B 

state mobility using Java object serialization

code mobility based on “on-demand” class loading

Agent transfer is lightweight (no code or thread state transfer) weak mobility

execution context - control flow by method chaining

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 24

Agent Programming Support

• • • • •

Base Agent class defines basic functionality for creating and launching an agent.

Agent execution model

arrive and depart methods define entry and exit protocols at a host.

ItinAgent class defines itinerary based agents Migration patterns for itinerary composition Exception handling by guardians.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 25

Defining an Application Agent

• • •

An application specific agent is defined by inheriting from Ajanta’s base Agent class.

The base Agent class has empty definitions for run, arrive , and depart methods.

Application specific agent class must suitably redefine these methods.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 26

Agent Credentials


– – – – – –

object includes: agent name (its own identity, in URN format) owner (URN of the human user it represents) creator (program/application that created it) guardian (its “home site”/exception handler) code base (class bytecode server) owner’s signature on the above

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 27

Agent Migration Request

go(destination,methodName, parameter description) • •

If no method is specified, by default run method is executed at the destination server .

Absolute vs Relative migration (co-location with other agents/resources)

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 28

Agent Execution at a Server

• • • • •

When an agent arrives at a server: Its credentials are verified.

A thread is created for its execution.

This thread first executes the the agent.

arrive method of It then executes the requested method .

Finally it executes the depart method.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 29

Exception Handling -- Guardian

Agent Creator Code Base Server Agent Server Agent launch Agent Exception Agent transfer on exception Agent Guardian Agent colocates with the Guardian’s and calls its Report method

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 30

Protection of Server Resources

• Agents should be granted controlled access to host resources based on their credentials.

– Access to files, network, application resources • Agents should be prevented from bringing impostor code for security sensitive classes.

• Agents should be prevented from transferring a resource to a remote site. Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 31

Protection of Server Resources

• • •

Based on JDK 1.1 security model Protection domains for agents

– – – – – –

Thread groups in Java Using the thread-group ID to identify the agent The Domain Registry Class loading in Java [Lindholm & Yellin 1996] Class loader-based namespace isolation One class loader per agent (domain) On-demand, secure code transfer

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 32

Agent and Server - Interactions

AGENT current Itinerary AGENT SERVER Resource Proxy1 Proxy2 AccessProtocol Code

M1 M2 M3

State Unprotected Data AppendOnly Data Targeted Data ReadOnly Data Credentials host RMI Server Interface Agent Environment Resource Registry Domain Registry Agent Transfer ATP

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 33

Proxy Based Resource Access

• • •

Agents aren’t given references to resource objects Proxy interposition [Shapiro 1986] Proxy as identity-based capability [Gong 1989]

– – –

access control dynamic revocation usage metering

Resource Proxy1 Proxy2 Agent1 Agent2 •

Assumption: agent server is not malicious

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 34

Resource binding protocol

Resource Proxy2 Proxy1 6 Agent 1 AccessProtocol 4 Agent Environment 5 Resource Registry 3 Domain Registry Server Interface

1. Resource registers its URN 2. Agent requests a resource 3. Server locates resource in registry

2 Agent Transfer 4

. getProxy method is invoked 5. New proxy object is returned to agent 6. Agent accesses resource via proxy

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 35

Security against potential attacks

• • • • •

Indirect access to the embedded resource: prevented using Java encapsulation ( private ).

Copying of embedded resource via serialization: prevented using Java’s transient keyword.

Use of proxy class that compromises embedded resource: Ajanta class loader only loads trusted proxy classes.

Typecasting of proxy: not possible, since proxy class has no ancestors (other than the base Java class Object ).

Cloning of proxy: not allowed, since proxy class does not implement Cloneable interface.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 36

Inter-agent Communication

• •

Inter-agent communication for co-located agents: using proxy-based binding Remote communication with agent using RMI :

– – –

leakage of sensitive data via remote invocation proxy interposition between remote caller and agent the createRMIProxy primitive

– –

proxy screens (authenticates) incoming RMI calls security manager screens outgoing connections

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 37

Protection of Agent State

• •

On the network: ATP uses encryption Types of objects contained in an agent

– – –

read-only (constants) append-only (logs, write-once data) targeted (private, for specific servers )

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 38

Agent Control Primitives

• •

Remote agents can be terminated or recalled home:

– public void terminate (URN agent,...); – public void recall (URN agent,...); – public void retract (URN agent,...);

Authentication necessary for these primitives

– public Ticket authenticate (URN caller, int nonce); Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 39

Agents and Itineraries

An example of a simple itinerary next Current Host A, action M Host B, action M Host C, action M Host D, action M Host E, action M Host F, action M

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 40

Migrations Patterns

An itinerary is a sequence of patterns. A pattern is a collection of patterns. (Recursive) ItinEntry primitive pattern host, action Sequence of patterns: execute the patterns in a sequential order.

Set of patterns: execute in any arbitrary order 3 1 2 1 4 3 Selection of one pattern among a set of patterns 1

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota

3 4


Applications of mobile agents

• • • •

A Calendar Management System

– –

a ‘calendar server’ maintaining users’ calendars agents for scheduling meetings using patterns: Global File Access System

agent-based remote file access system Web Index Search Service

built above the file access system. Agents are used for searching a user’s web-page directory. Distributed Collaboration

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 42

Distributed Calendar System

• • • •

Each person in a group maintains a calendar and runs a calendar server.

Calendar is a collection of events, organized by days.

An event has: start time, duration, description To schedule a meeting of a set of people, an agent is sent to check each participant’s calendar server with proposed meeting times .

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 43

Calendar Agent and Servers

Cal Server of User A Agent Calendar Cal Server of User B Agent Calendar Cal Server of User C Agent Calendar Cal Server of User D Agent Calendar

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 44

Global File Access System

Client Agent Migration User A’s File Access Server Agent to fetch/deposit files Files with ACL Files with ACL User A’s File Access Server User A’s File Access Server Files with ACL

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 45

Global File Access System

• File load, store, transfer, ‘stat’, keyword search • Interface primitives: – fetchFile (URN fileName); – transferFile (URN fileName, URL dest); – depositFile – getFileStat (byte[] data, URN fileName); (URN fileName); – search (String keywords); • ‘root’ directory, and access control list Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 46

Web Index Search Service

• • • •

A user can run a Web-Index Server for his/her web directory.

This server stores an index for the user’s web directory. This index is prepared using Glimpse, an indexing and search tool from the University of Arizona.

A client can send an agent to one or more web index servers to search for files containing some given set of words.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 47

Agent Based Web Search

Server Agent File Server Thread Client Launch Results View Processing Browser Search/Filter Glimpse index of the .www

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 48

Global File System



open, read and write a remote file - support for different consistency model (AFS, Sprite, NFS etc) - dynamically configurable cache module (block size, cache size etc) - centralized as well as distributed caching policy

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 49

File System Initialization and Open Command

Client Agent Environment File Server

Agent AjfsFile 5 getProxy File Client Agent 1 6 Data and Control channel open 2 File Server Agent 3 File Client Agent 4 Agent Transfer Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 50

Agent-based Distributed Collaboration

• Agent can be used as workflow objects.

• Agents can be installed or transported to different user’s nodes for executing coordination protocols.

• Specify workflow constraints for a dynamic collaboration • Role based access-control Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 51


• Define a collaboration environment • in terms of user roles, shared objects, security and coordination requirements using XML DTD • A written contract between Ajanta Collaborative System and a convener.

• Specify a collaboration plan in XML • This plan conforms to the DTD and shared • Role are assigned to people • Execute the Ajanta Collaborative System Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 52

Steps in Building a Collaboration

Collaborative Environment in XML DTD XML Specification of a Collaborative Plan Agent based Distributed Collaborative System using Ajanta

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 53

Agent-based Collaborative System

User A User Interface User B User Interface a b c d

Shared Replicated Objects (Object Space) Agent-based Coordination Facility

Communication Network

Dispatching of a Coordination Agent

a b c d

Shared Replicated Objects(Object Space) Agent-based Coordination Facility

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 54

Collaborative Authoring System

User Interface Document Manager



from a remote user’s UCI

Objects created from XML plan AccessProtocol

Agent Environment Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 55

Future Directions

• • • • •

Further investigations into agent security issues, and analysis of integrity and security of the Ajanta mechanisms Scale of operations with a number of different kinds of applications involving a significant number of agents.

Robustness and fault-tolerance Agent group coordination and management Support for debugging agent applications High level language for agent programming

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 56

Resource Implementation

Resource AccessProtocol ResourceImpl Calendar CalendarImpl CalendarProxy

= provided by Ajanta = written by resource provider = = implementation inheritance interface

inheritance Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 57

Access control in the proxy

The Calendar proxy: private transient Calendar ref; private Method[] enabledMethods; // the hidden resource boolean isFree (TimeRange t) { // Use Java reflection to find the isFree Method object thisMethod = myClass.getMethod (“isFree”,……); if (isEnabled(thisMethod)) return ref.isFree(t); // pass it through to ref } else // throw security violation exception

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 58

Server and Agent: Interactions

File System Resource Job buffer File System Proxy File System Thread Access Control List File Server OS File System Agent Thread Agent Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 59

Team Members

Anand Tripathi

Associate Professor, Computer Science

B.Tech (Elect. Eng.), 1972, IIT Bombay

Ph.D. 1980, University of Texas at Austin

1981-84, Senior Principal Research Scientist, Honeywell Inc. Minneapolis

1995-97 Program Director for Operating Systems and Systems Software program at the National Science Foundation.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 60

Team Members

Anand Tripathi

( Principal Investigator) • • •

Current Team Members Tanvir Ahmed Ram Singh

(M.S. student) (M.S. student)

Arvind Prakash

(M.S. student) • •

Graduated Team Members : Neeran Karnik


Manish Vora

(M.S.) Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 61


The primary goal of the Ajanta project is to investigate and build an agent programming infrastructure for programming secure, high-confidence agent-based applications.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 62

Current Research Activities


The Ajanta infrastructure

– – – –

agent execution, migration & binding agent programming primitives secure, remote control of agents Location-independent naming based on the URN framework


Secure Agent Transfer


Mechanisms for server resource protection

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 63

Current Research Activities


Secure inter-agent communication using RMI


Authentication protocol for client-server interactions


Mechanisms to protect agent state

– –

Read-only state, Append-only state, Targeted state the ElGamal cryptosystem in Java

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 64



parameters(data) results (data

) Server

procedure (code)


results (data)



Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 65

Applications of mobile agents

• •

A Global File System

Agents to act as client-side protocol managers with dynamic policies for caching and synchronization.

– –

Agents as mobile shared objects Server should be able to control the client-side protocol manager’s behavior dynamically Active Mail System

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Agents as multimedia mail carriers On-demand retrieval of multimedia

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 66

Patterns for Itinerary Composition

• • •

Itinerary = sequence of ‘patterns’ A pattern is a collection of patterns. (Recursive) Pattern types:

– ItinEntry

(server + method specification)

– Sequence

(ordered list of patterns)

– Set

(unordered list of patterns)

– Selection

(any one from a list of patterns)

– Loop

(iterate over a sequence of patterns)

– Split

(create one child agent per pattern in list)

– SplitJoin

(wait for child agents to return)

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 67

Secure Agent Transfer

• •


– –

Code and state transfer Security requirements (secrecy, integrity, authentication)

– – – – –

Failure/exception handling Name service updates Audit trails Garbage collection Thread allocation Absolute vs Relative migration (co-location with other agents/resources)

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 68

Applications of mobile agents

• •

Global File Access System

Currently we have a simple agent-based remote file access system

An agent can be used to fetch/deposit files at remote user’s node.

Web Index Search Service

This is built on the file access system. Agents are used for searching a user’s web-page directory.

User runs a web-index server

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 69

Web Index Sever and Agent

• • • •

The server uses Glimpse to search the index and get the list of files satisfying the given search query. The agent is given the URLs of these files .

Agent can bring back some initial parts of files.

The agent returns home and creates an HTML document with these URLs as hypertext links.

The result document also shows the frequency of occurrence of the search string in each document.

Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota 70