The SOCks Design Platform

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The SOCks Design Platform
Johannes Grad
System-on-Chip (SoC) Design
• Combines all elements of a computer onto a single chip
– Microprocessor
– Memory
– Address- and Databus
– Periphery
– Application specific logic
• Software development must take place on simulation models or
FPGAs until the actual chip is fabricated
• Hardware/Software Co-Design issues: Need to make educated
guess on what becomes hardware and what is done in Software
early in the design process
Johannes Grad, IIT
“Soft” IP Blocks
• Synthesizable HDL code (commercial HDL is usually encrypted)
• From Synopsys Designware, Opencores, MIPS, etc.
• Can be implemented on any Library
• HDL for 8051, 6800 available
• Usually highly configurable
– Cash (Yes, No, How big, Code/Data separate or unified)
– Pipelined (Yes, No)
– SRAM interface (single cycle, multi cycle)
– User Defined Instructions
• Timing, Area and Power depend on process, CAD tools used, and user
• Popular Example: Synopsys DesignWare
Johannes Grad, IIT
“Hard” IP Blocks
• Fully implemented, verified mask layout block
• Available only for specific process
• Not configurable
• Guaranteed Timing, Area, Power Consumption
• E.g. MIPS Hard-IP cores
SOCks uses Soft-IP cores
Johannes Grad, IIT
The Leon Core
• Available in the public domain (under GNU License)
• Synthesizable VHDL soft-core
• Highly configurable for many different scenarios
• Verified in several silicon implementations
• Contains AMBA controller
• Turbo-Eagle uses 2 instances of Leon:
– Master CPU called “Leon”
– Slave CPU called “DSP” (a Leon core configured for DSP)
• “Leon” has been modified by Cadence for this project to run at twice
the bus frequency and to use 2-port instead of 3-port RAMs
• “DSP” still runs at bus frequency
Johannes Grad, IIT
The AMBA bus (1)
• Developed by ARM
• Common bus interface for rapid SoC development
• Paradigm: “Design Reuse”
– Only need to code and verify a block once
– Can use over and over in other AMBA systems
• Avoids glue logic between blocks with custom busses
• “AMBA Compliance Testbench” to certify blocks as compatible
• “AHB” – High Speed Version
• “APB” – Peripheral low speed version
– Use Bridge to interface to “AHB”
– Less stringent requirements for low throughput blocks
– Isolates critical bus segments from slower blocks
Johannes Grad, IIT
The AMBA Bus (2)
Multiplexed, not tri-stated
Uses dedicated Point-2-Point links
between blocks
Uses Multiplexer to establish link and
grant bus
Avoid long busses that connect to
many blocks
Possible because wire density much
greater than with discrete
1 transfer takes 2 cycles:
Address Phase
Data Phase
Transfer Types
Single Word
Only positive-edge logic
Easier timing analysis
Supports more libraries
Johannes Grad, IIT
SoC Design Flow
1) Firmware Design
• “Firmware” is the code that is executed on an embedded system
• Not visible to the consumer
• Typically resides in Flash memory
– Can update code in the field
– Can offer user to download firmware
• Tools used:
– GCC SPARC compiler, linker and assembler
– Installed on the ECE servers “skew” and “vulcan”
– Include “/opt/rtems/bin” in your $PATH variable:
setenv path (/opt/rtems/bin:$PATH)
Johannes Grad, IIT
SoC Design Flow
2) RTL Design
• VHDL, Verilog or mixed design (SystemC in the future)
• Instantiate memories and PHYs in testbench
• Load RAM and ROM images into testbench
• Run Simulation, capture output in file
• Compare file to golden file (known good output)
• Tools used:
– Cadence Incisive Platform:
– NC-VHDL, NC-Verilog, NC-SIM
Johannes Grad, IIT
SoC Design Flow
3) Synthesis
• Generate timing models for all RAMs
• Partition design into blocks
• Create timing constraints
• Synthesize blocks and toplevel
• Output netlist and toplevel timing constraints
• Tools used
– Cadence Encounter Platform:
– PKS, BuildGates or RTL Compiler
Note: Synthesis not part of SOCks Project
Johannes Grad, IIT
SoC Design Flow
4) Physical Implementation
• Generate geometry abstracts for all RAMs
• Create floorplan, place RAMs, crate power structures
• Partition design into blocks and implement each block
• Load blocks, flatten toplevel
• Run final timing and DRC analysis
• Tools used:
– Cadence Encounter Platform:
– SOC Encounter, Nanoroute, Fire&Ice
Note: Physical Implementation not part of SOCks Project
Johannes Grad, IIT
SOCks Overview
Custom Logic
Add your digitial
logic here
The “cubing” logic is
located here by default
Slave Interface
IO Monitor:
Text Output
File Output
Simulation Testbench
Johannes Grad, IIT
Leon Overview
Johannes Grad, IIT
SOCks Design Flow
HDL Code
VHDL Compiler
Verilog Compiler
C/C++ Compiler
Object Linker
HDL Simulator: NC-Sim
Johannes Grad, IIT
Getting SOCks
• Make sure you have 50MB space available
• Use “quota –v” to check
• Install the data:
tar xvf /import/vlsi7/jgrad/socks/socks.tar
• This will create a folder ./socks
• Add this line to the bottom of your .cshrc file:
set path (/opt/rtems/bin $path)
• Test it by seeing if the compiler is found:
which sparc-rtems-g++
• Remember to run skew or vulcan. From other machines, do
ssh skew or ssh vulcan
Johannes Grad, IIT
SOCks Distribution Content
Unix scripts to compile and simulate the SOCks ASIC
SOCks Documentation
C/C++ Source Code Folder
Demo program #1
Demo program #2
HDL Simulation Folder
VHDL test-bench code
Test-bench include files
TLC Scripts for NC-Sim
HDL Folder
HDL for the Custom Logic
HDL for the ASIC toplevel
Compiled HDL folder
Compiled Custom logic
Compiled Top-level logic
Johannes Grad, IIT
SOCks Design Flow
1) Setting up a firmware folder
• Creating a new source code folder
– cd ./firmware
– cp –r bubblesort project1
• Use the “bubblesort” project as a template
• Put your C code into leon_test.c
• You can create as many folders as you want in the “firmware”
• For simulation you will then specify which firmware-folder to use
Johannes Grad, IIT
SOCks Design Flow
2) Compiling the Firmware
• Creating and compiling the source code
cd project1
[emacs | pico | etc.] leon_test.c
• All compilation instructions are in “Makefile”
• Simply type “make” and your code will be compiled and linked
• Use emacs or pico as your text editor
• The compilation result will be in “ram.dat” and “rom.dat”
• Those will be read into the testbench memories
Johannes Grad, IIT
SOCks Design Flow
3) Creating Digital Logic
• In this step digital logic is created that will go into the “custom”
• This block communicates with the Leon through the Amba bus
• Creating and compiling the custom logic HDL
cd ../../hdl/custom
[emacs | pico | etc.] custom_top.v
cd ..
• Your folder has to be called “custom”
• The compiler will compile all files that end in “.v”
• “Compile” in this context means to build a HDL simulation model,
not a binary fom C code
Johannes Grad, IIT
SOCks Design Flow
4) Running the Simulation
• Running the simulation (replace “project1” with the name of your
firmware folder)
cd ../sim
../exe/socks_sim project1
• Running the simulation and creating waveforms for the custom
../exe/socks_sim project1 partial
• Running the simulation and creating waveforms for the entire
../exe/socks_sim project1 full
Johannes Grad, IIT
SOCks Design Flow
5) Clean Up
• Removing all temporary data to save space
cd ..
• This removes all temporary data
• Can be helpful to minimize disk space usage
• Also useful to force the tool to re-compile and build everything
Johannes Grad, IIT
The Cube Example
• This a very simple SOC:
– Software is running on the Leon
– Hardware acceleration is provided for “x=y3”
• Steps to run this:
cd firmware/cube
cd ../../hdl
cd ../sim
../exe/socks_sim cube
• The firmware used the function to output numbers
• That output can be found in INT.OUTPUT
Johannes Grad, IIT
The Bubblesort Program
• This is a software-only example
• The custom-logic is still “x=y3” but we will not use it
• All we do is compile firmware and run it on the Leon
cd firmware/bubblesort
cd ../../hdl
cd ../sim
../exe/socks_sim bubblesort
• The output is printed directly on the screen
Johannes Grad, IIT