Transcript Document

Literary Terms
We will be using these literary terms
throughout the school year.
You need to keep up with your notes.
We will use the following terms:
Character (Characterization)
Author’s Diction
Rising Action
Falling Action
Figures of Speech
A character is a person or an animal that takes part in the action of a
literary work.
• Characterization
• word picture: a graphic or vivid verbal description; "too often the
narrative was interrupted by long word pictures"
•The Antagonist is a
character or force in conflict
with a main character, or
Do you know your Antagonists???
• On your paper take a few minutes to write
down some Antagonists that you can
recall from movies, television shows, and
video games
• Remember the Antagonist is in conflict
with the Protagonist or, main character!
• Helpful hint – you should now know why
people use the saying “Don’t antagonize
• The Protagonist is the main
character in a literary work
• Can you name some famous
Protagonists that are found in
Author’s Diction
• refers to the author's to choice of
words. Words are the writer's
basic tools: They create the color
and texture of the written work.
• Some easy examples are:
She lit my heart on fire….or she made me glow
The arrangement of words and phrases to create
well-formed sentences in a language.
The pretty is girl.
The Pretty is the girl.
The girl is pretty.
The girl pretty.
Imagery is words or phrases
that appeal to one or more of
the five senses. Writers use
imagery to describe how their
subjects look, sound, feel,
taste, and smell.
Mood, or atmosphere, is the feeling
created in the reader by a literary
work or passage. Writer’s use many
devices to create mood, including
images, dialogue, setting, and plot.
Often, a writer creates a mood at the
beginning of a work and then
sustains the mood throughout.
Sometimes, however, the mood of
the work changes dramatically.
Plot is the sequence of events. In most novels,
dramas, short stories, and narrative poems, the
plot involves both characters and a central conflict.
The plot usually begins with an exposition that
introduces the setting, the characters, and the
basic situation. This is introduced and developed.
The conflict then increases until it reaches a high
point of interest or suspense, the climax. The
climax is followed by the falling action, or end, of
the central conflict. Any events that occur during
the falling action make up the resolution.
Conflict Introduced
The Exposition is the
introduction. It is the part
of the work that introduces
the characters, setting, and
basic situation.
Rising Action
Rising Action is the part of the
plot that begins to occur as
soon as the conflict is
introduced. The rising action
adds complications to the
conflict and increases reader
The Climax is the point of
greatest emotional intensity,
interest, or suspense in the
plot of a narrative. The climax
typically comes at the turning
point in a story or drama.
Falling Action
Falling Action is the action that
typically follows the climax and
reveals its results.
The Resolution is the part of
the plot that concludes the
falling action by revealing or
suggesting the outcome of
the conflict.
Conflict is the struggle
between opposing forces in
a story or play. There are
two types of conflict that
exist in literature.
Foreshadowing is the author’s use of clues
to hint at what might happen later in the
story. Writers use foreshadowing to build
their readers’ expectations and to create
suspense. This is used to help readers
prepare for what is to come.
Can you think of an
element of
Suspense is the growing interest and
excitement readers experience while
awaiting a climax or resolution in a work
of literature. It is a feeling of anxious
uncertainty about the outcome of events.
Writers create suspense by raising
questions in the minds of their readers.
Point of View
Point of View is the perspective, or vantage
point, from which a story is told. It is the
relationship of the narrator to the story.
First-person is told by a character who uses
the first-person pronoun “I”.
Third-person limited point of view is the
point of view where the narrator uses
third-person pronouns such as “he” and
“she” to refer to the characters.
The setting of a literary work is the time and
place of the action.
The setting includes all the details of a place and
time – the year, the time of day, even the
weather. The place may be a specific country,
state, region, community, neighborhood,
building, institution, or home.
Details such as dialect, clothing, customs, and
modes of transportation are often used to
establish setting.
In most stories, the setting serves as a backdrop
– a context in which the characters interact.
The setting of a story often helps to create a
particular mood, or feeling.
Style is the distinctive way in which
an author uses language.
Word choice, phrasing, sentence
length, tone, dialogue, purpose,
and attitude toward the audience
and subject can all contribute to
an author’s writing style.
The theme of a literary work is its central
message, concern, or purpose. A theme can
usually be expressed as a generalization, or
general statement, about people or life. The
theme may be stated directly by the writer
although it is more often presented indirectly.
When the theme is stated indirectly, the reader
must figure out the theme by looking carefully at
what the work reveals about the people or about
Tone is a reflection of a writer’s or speaker’s
attitude toward a subject of a poem, story, or
other literary work. Tone may be communicated
through words and details that express
particular emotions and that evoke and
emotional response from the reader.
For example, word choice or phrasing may seem
to convey respect, anger, lightheartedness, or
Figures of Speech
A figure of speech is a specific device or kind of
figurative language, such as hyperbole,
metaphor, personification, simile, or
Figurative language is used for descriptive effect,
often to imply ideas indirectly. It is not meant
to be taken literally. Figurative language is used
to state ideas in vivid and imaginative ways.
A Metaphor is a type of speech that
compares or equates two or more things
that have something in common. A
metaphor does NOT use like or as.
Example: Life is a bowl
of cherries.
A Simile is another figure of speech that
compares seemingly unlike things.
Simile’s DO use the words like or as.
Example: Her voice was like nails on a
An Oxymoron is a figure of speech that is a
combination of seemingly contradictory
Same difference
Pretty ugly
Roaring silence
Personification is a
figure of speech in
which an animal,
object, force of
nature, or idea is
given human qualities
or characteristics.
Example: Tears began
to fall from the dark
Alliteration is the repetition of sounds, most
often consonant sounds, at the beginning
of words. Alliteration gives emphasis to
Example: Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers
• Deduce or conclude (information) from
evidence and reasoning or explicit
• Stated clearly and in detail. Leaving no
room for confusion or doubt.
• Citing and references
Prove or substantiate your claim.