Grade 7 Science - Freehold Borough Schools

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Transcript Grade 7 Science - Freehold Borough Schools

Mrs. Hottle
Room 58
If you follow the rules and procedures set
up for this class you will be all smiles
just like the students in those pictures!
 Which would you rather be?
 Entering the room
 Leaving the room
 Getting your attention
 Getting my attention
 Special Features
 When you first enter my class, you will almost always
notice a warm-up on the board. You are to write down the:
 You are to come in, sit down and automatically begin the
warm-up without me asking.
 If you finish before others, please sit patiently until we go
over the answer together.
 Every day, make sure to bring your textbook, warm-up
book, and pencil!!!
 When the bell rings, you are to stay seated until I dismiss you.
 Please make sure to take all of your materials with you! This
includes graded papers, pencils, textbooks, etc.! Do not leave
anything on the floor! Someone will have to pick it up! So be
 If we have a lab that day, you need to make sure you have enough
time to clean your equipment and table area so that everything is
ready to go for the next class.
 If we are going to leave the room together to go to the computer
lab that day, there is to be absolutely no talking in the hallway as
we walk down. Participation points will be taken off for those
who do not follow this rule.
 When I attempt to get your attention, you will see me
do this….Please stop talking and look immediately!
If you continue talking after I’ve counted down, you may
lose participation points.
 If you need to get my attention to go to the bathroom, hold up three
fingers, I will either nod yes or no. You need to already have your
planner filled out and prepared for me to sign: Time and Location.
 If you need to sharpen your pencil, hold up your pencil
 If you need to get out of your seat to get anything, like a tissue, or a piece
of paper:
Only up to two students at a time may get up and move around the
classroom, and only during independent practice. Students do not need
to ask permission to get a tissue or paper, but the student must look to
make sure no one else is walking around.
 Ticket System
 For every ticket you receive, there is a different reward
 1 Ticket- a piece of candy from the box
 2 Tickets- a prize from the box
 3 Tickets- forgiveness of one assignment previously given
 Excluding tests and quizzes
 How can you receive a ticket?
 Good behavior
 Answering a hard question
 Working hard
 V.I.P System
 Every week, I will pick 2 new V.I.Ps for the class
 What does a V.I.P do?
 Keeps everyone on task- during warm-ups, activities, labs
 Passes back graded papers
 Passes out worksheets for activities
 Reminds the teacher, by raising 5 fingers that there’s 5
minutes remaining in class.
 If the V.I.P does an excellent job that week, they will
receive a ticket that may be saved along with their other
tickets. At the end of the year, I will pick my top 5 V.I.Ps
of the year and they will receive something extra special.
 *Science Stars* of the grading period
 Every grading period I pick 1-2 science stars from each class and post
their names on the bulletin board.
 Science stars don’t have to be
students! I pick students for different
reasons. Here are some of the following:
Hard work in the classroom
Politeness/helpfulness to others
Excellent grades
Improvement in behavior
Improvement in grades
 RESPECT is my
rule in this classroom! Please be respectful while I am
teaching and be respectful to your classmates.
 NO talking while I am teaching- this goes along with respect!
 NO complaining! There is no productivity in complaining and it will not
get you or anyone else out of an assignment or homework! So don’t do it!
 NO writing on the desks! This will result in the student cleaning all of the
desks in the room.
 NO food or drinks in the classroom!
 All electronics must be off and put away
 Finally, if there is anything else you are unsure of, please look at the school’s
rules and guidelines and be smart!
1. Verbal warning
2. Discipline Packet or Participation points
taken off
3. Note sent home to parent/guardian
This needs to be signed by parent/guardian
and returned to me
4. Call home
5. Detention
 Late Work
 Missed work
 Participation points
 Important papers that will continue to “appear” in
front of you
 What to do when you get done early with an activity
 At the beginning of the period when I ask for you to
hand in your paper, you will receive full credit
 If you turn in your paper the day after the assignment
was due, you will be deducted 2 points from that
 Anytime after this, you will automatically receive a
50%. If you don’t turn in even just a couple
assignments, it will significantly affect your grade!
Trust me, I have seen it time and time again!
 Even a cou
 If you were absent the day before,
you need to take these steps:
 Look in the worksheet bin for papers given yesterday
 Ask a friend if there was a warm-up the day before. If there
was, copy down the date, question and answer from their
warm-up book. Also ask them if we took notes. Copy those
down as well.
 If you didn’t get to hand in an assignment that was due
yesterday, just come up and hand it in to me.
 If you have any other questions about the class from the day
before, please come and ask me.
 Every student starts with a 10/10 for their
participation grade at the start of each
grading period. So congratulations, you all have an A so far!
 Most students end up with a 10/10 by the end of the grading
period just by doing their work and behaving appropriately in
 If a student misbehaves in class via talking, rudeness, etc. they
will be told that they are going to have a point taken off for that
 I have seen students that have received a 6/10 by the end of the
grading period and it made a difference letter grades! It’s not
super common but it has happened!
 Vocab Packet
 Received at the beginning of each chapter as homework
 If you keep this packet for the day of the test, you will receive
2 bonus points!
 Chapter Notes Guideline
 Also received at the beginning of each chapter. It is to
be filled out while we go over the PowerPoint notes.
 Keep this as well! It will be a great help when it comes time
for the test!
I’m done with the assignment, now what??
 Look over your vocab packet
 Look over your study guide if you have been given one
 Read a book
 Read one of the books in the back of the room
 This is a lot of information to take in but I promise, if
you follow these rules and procedures during our class,
things will go so smoothly and we will be able to
science! It’s all up to you! 