Transcript Slide 1

Honoring our heritage…
embracing the future
September 2013
In This Issue
Contact the Lodge Secretary
by e-mail at:
[email protected]
The Lodge regular mail address is:
King Solomon Lodge #5
PO Box 1343
Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
Our website is:
We will have a Master Mason
Degree on the third Monday of the
month, September 16th. This means
that members who usually take part
in the Third Degree will need to
step up and notify our Junior
WM Kenn Barrett
Warden, Art Montgomery, of
which parts they can fill. Brother
Ben Headen will be our candidate.
Again, our meeting dinners are at Big Nose Kate’s
Saloon and the Crystal Palace Saloon. Each stated
meeting dinner (the first Monday of the month) will
be at the Crystal Palace, and each degree meeting
dinner (the third Monday of the month) will be at Big
Nose Kate’s. Easy to remember.
We are looking at by-laws changes in the near
future, including dues and perpetual membership
changes. So be sure to attend our stated (business)
meetings to have your say.
The Labor Day weekend brought “The Rendezvous
of the Gunfighters” to Tombstone. Gunfight groups
from across the country came to Tombstone to
compete. This year’s event also featured a Steampunk
parade on Saturday and a Saturday evening ball with
costume contests – a nd we had winners from among
our Lodge family – including my wife and Bro. Rick
Chimielewski and his wife in different categories!
Congratulations to them all!
PS - For those who do not recognize the term
“Steampunk,” it is retro-futuristic. Think Jules Verne
or H.G. Wells. What if science were more advanced in
the Victorian age, using steam power?
The Planning Committee has unanimously
agreed to recommend to WM Kenn and the
brethren that our dues be increased to $75 per
year effective January 1, 2015. A presentation to
this effect was made at our stated meeting on
Monday, September 2.
We also addressed the status of the perpetual
memberships for our lodge. The information we
have received thus far indicates that the
Worshipful Master for the year, with the consent
of the brethren, can suspend the issuing of such
Art Montgomery
memberships for the year he is in the East. Do
Junior Warden/Senior Warden Pro Tem
you think this is a good idea? Let us know.
With the departure of WB Frank from the West, Br. Bob Pennell has been added as
a member of the Planning Committee since he will be the Junior Deacon pro-tem.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 11 at 5:00 at Huachuca Lodge.
A final note concerns our Masonic education programs. The planning committee
received several recommendations that we improve our education programs. At this
point, I would just like to make mention of what is available at this time. Both
Huachuca Lodge 53 and Camp Stone 77 have been putting on such programs for some
months now. All of them that I have attended have been enlightening and
informative. On Saturday, July 27, Camp Stone sponsored an excellent presentation
of astronomy as it relates to Masonry. It was presented by PM Larry Behers, a
professional astronomer from Tucson. Needless to say, he really kept our attention for
about 90 minutes. Many of us wanted him to return around Christmas time for his
presentation titled, “Star of Bethlehem.” He made the presentation and his
demonstrations on a level that we could all understand. It was Great! If you are not
receiving information on these education programs, please let me know. Hopefully,
we can find a way to improve the communication of these fine programs.
Time is flying my Brothers we are looking at only a few months before elections
and installations. Summer seems to have flown by at warp 7.
If you are planning on joining or progressing through the line in your lodge you
must consider focusing on the certification process. If you have not considered it you
should look at your lodge and analyze the status of the chairs. Some have had to step
out because of family or professional reasons. We need to support our lodges and
step up to fill in empty slots. A lodge cannot retain its charter if it cannot fill the
offices of the lodge. We need everyone to consider a position from Tyler to Master.
The requirements for the South is to open confer and close a degree. To sit in the
West again you must to do another degree. To sit in the East the third degree must be
completed and a lecture given. It is not that difficult. Come talk to me and I will
answer any questions you have and I stand ready to support you in your efforts.
Every Tuesday at Huachuca # 53 there are practice sessions sometimes with all
three rooms being used. These sessions are for all four lodges in District # 11 and
conducted by WB Andy Anderson with many brothers in support. I encourage all to
come and practice to improve yourselves in Masonry.
Campstone #77 and Huachuca # 53 continue to have regularly scheduled
education meetings with a variety of approaches. Huachuca # 53 had an excellent
guest speaker, WB Larry Behers, an astronomer, who explained the significance of
astronomy to Masonry.
King Solomon # 5 and Perfect Ashlar # 12 have discussions over a meal prior to
Stated meetings. Each lodge has a different approach to education and by attending
each one you will learn more about Masonry. Is it not one of the reasons we became
masons to gain further light through Masonry?
Travel often, work with your Brothers and live the Masonic life.
Bruce Wood
My congratulations to Huachuca Lodge #53 and Camp
Stone Lodge #77 on their outstanding education program
for the month of August, really was informative and fun.
Congratulations also to the Tuesday Ritual practice
crew who start their seventh year of providing this very
important program.
We started this program after the Grand Lodge Annual
meeting in June of 2008 to help all Masons with ritual
Andrew M. Anderson
work, certification, changes made to the ritual during the
Grand Lodge sessions and general discussion about how
things work in lodge and other bodies as well. They have been busy and don't
plan on stopping now so come join the Tuesday Ritual crew and practice the
ritual. I'm sure if Masters and Wardens invited this crew to one of their
education training days they would accept?
Has your Lodge scheduled an open house yet? There are many activities scheduled
for the remainder of the year and beyond and hopefully you will be able to support
what you can. The SV York Rite Bodies will be holding a Christmas Observance on
December 8 starting at 4 PM. This observance is open to all and it is hoped that you
will attend.
Travel safely and oh yeah see you in Lodge!
Andrew Anderson 33
The historic Fox Theater in Tucson hosted the premier of the new Western movie,
"Hot bath an' a Stiff Drink." Lots of Tombstone locals were in the movie and were in
attendance at the premier. It was a gala occasion, well covered by the local news
The Tombstone Chamber of Commerce
is running new radio ads promoting the Rendezvous of the Gunfighters, and also
has new bill board signs on Highway 10.
Isn’t it pleasant when a friend does you a favor just to be nice? An onerous task is
lightened by helping hands? Doesn’t it feel good to know that you were the source
of that favor or that helping hand? Well, here’s your opportunity to obtain that
special glow by PAYING YOUR DUES EARLY! As Secretary sending out all those
notices (and follow-ups) (and follow-ups to the follow-ups) is where I earn my
paycheck and spend a lot of Lodge money on postage, cards, envelopes and the like.
Help your Lodge! Reduce our costs! Give a Secretary a break! Send in your $68.00
for 2014 to our Lodge PO box before we have to track you down!
Additionally, in case you are ever in a position to need the information, you may
learn from a recent contretemps around changing our Stated Communication date.
Our Lodge bylaws allow us to do so to meet contingencies, such as coinciding with a
national holiday. However, the Arizona Masonic Code requires that members of a
Lodge intending to make such a change must give the members at least 30 days
advance notice. Lesson learned is to plan ahead on those occasions. Sorry for any
confusion arising from that learning experience.
In the spirit of planning ahead, please note that our Lodge will once again be
parading during Helldorado Days on Sunday, October 20th and we hope for a good
turnout! That’s a hint…
Pete Criscuolo
The following members of King Solomon Lodge #5 were raised in the
month of August. Wish them a “Happy Birthday” when you see them!
Preuss Rodney Towns , Sierra Vista, AZ
Williams Robert Myron , Sierra Vista, AZ
Irvin John Roland , Peoria, AZ
McGovern John Bernard, Hereford, AZ
Montgomery Arthur Jean, Sierra Vista, Az
Louzy James Kenneth, Sierra Vista, Az
Waldron John David, Waterloo, NY
Waldron Leonard Dale, Sierra Vista, AZ
Cox John Ross Keene, McNeal, AZ
Flora Jr George Joseph, Sierra Vista, AZ
Fernandez John Anthony , Sierra Vista, AZ
Kuriger James A., Sierra Vista, AZ
Our monthly meeting for September 13 will be held at the VFW in Huachuca City starting at 5:30
PM. The usual steak dinner with all the trimmings is on the menu. We will have reports from all the
activities over the summer break and the up coming AZ High Twelve Annual Meeting in Green
Valley on September 21st. Our 2nd VP Tom Jones has lined up an interesting program so
come early enjoy dinner than a good program. We started the new High Twelve year so dues are due,
$22.00, unless you want to donate to the Wolcott Scholarship Foundation Fund which will cover
your club dues. November is elections for Club Officers and if you are interested in serving please
let the Club President Dave O. Kremer know, thank you. We will also have special awards presented
at the meeting and they are always welcomed. Installation is scheduled for December 13, our regular
meeting night. Hope you will attend. Any questions give me a call at (520) 234-3225 .
Well my brothers the summer has coming to an end. Masonic Lodges will be in full swing for
the month of September and so will the local clubs. The Cochise Scottish Rite Club will be
supporting these organizations. On September 26th at 6:30 we will be in Tucson for Lodge of
perfection. Carpooling is available from Huachuca 53. On October 5th is the Honors Luncheon
for K.C.C.H. and 33rd Degree inductees. We are honored to have Brother Gene Bull and WB
Bruce Wood receiving their Red Caps and WB Don Rodgers receiving his 33 Degree White Cap.
October 12th is our last club meeting before the Reunion on Nov 1-2, 2013. Nominations will be
held and elections for club officers for the year 2014. October 13 is a Special Honors Luncheon at
Tanque Verde Guest Ranch, $22 per person and casual dress. OPEN TO ALL. November Lodge
Stated Meetings are also elections for their officers please attend and vote.
Tom Jones
Well Monsoons are slowing down and football is in the air again. September is upon us and the
yearend sprint starts for us all. The Club will be having a new trial meeting place at the Manda Le
on Sept 21st at 5pm. If it works out we’ll have the POV there in October also. Sabbar Temple will
require all members and guests to show their Blue Lodge Dues Cards from now on. This is a result
of actions taken in Indianapolis at the International meeting, in regards to Arkansas Temples
accepting non masons for membership. Sabbar will also be having discussions about the Onion
Sales future. Sell again, take a break or drop the fund raiser. Over $2000 was lost having to give
away unsold onions.
Until next month travel safely
9 SABBAR Shrine stated meeting, dinner at 5:30 PM.
10 Mt Moriah Lodge #19 stated meeting at 7 PM.
11 Huachuca Lodge #53 TBA
11 King Solomon Lodge #5 planning Comm. meeting at 5 PM.
12 Willcox Lodge #10 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 6 PM.
13 Cochise Masonic High Twelve Club #703 a 5:30 meeting at the VFW in Huachuca City.
14 Camp Stone Lodge #77 stated meeting at 9:30 w/ breakfast at 8:30. All are welcomed.
14 CHIP event. POC Jim Elliston 623-680-8380
16 King Solomon Lodge #5 MM degree at 7 PM. Dinner at Big Nose Kate's 5:30 PM.
17 Downtown Lodge UD stated meeting. POC Andy @ 520-234-3225
17 Pearl of Venus #6 OES stated meeting at 7 PM.
17 Adoniram Council #14, Cryptic Masons stated meeting at 7 PM.
17 Coronado Chap #20 Royal Arch Masons stated meeting at 7 PM.
18 Huachuca Lodge #53 Education night. Starts at 6 PM.
19 Electa Chap #51 OES stated meeting at 7 PM.
20 George W. Prioleau Lodge #13 PHA stated meeting at 7 PM.
21 Huachuca Shrine Club meeting at 5:30 at Mande La restaurant.
21 AZ High Twelve Assoc. Annual meeting in Green Valley starts at 11 AM. POC Andy 520-2343225.
21 Huachuca Lodge #53 Saturday clean up.
23 San Pedro Lodge #55 stated meeting at 7 PM.
24 Burning Taper Commandery #15 Knights Templar stated meeting at 7 PM.
24 Cochise Scottish Rite Master Craftsman Study session, starts at 6 PM.
25 Huachuca Lodge #53 TBA
26 Tucson Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection dinner at 6:30, stated meeting at 7:30 PM. All are
welcomed to dinner and RSVP a must. POC Tom Jones 619-922-5324.
28 Camp Stone Lodge #77 Education at 9 AM w/ breakfast at 8 AM.
28 Willcox Lodge #10, Perfect Ashlar Lodge #12 and San Pedro Lodge #55 will
conduct an outdoor MM Degree at the Escapul Ranch. Start time is early POC your lodge
secretary. RSVP if eating steak lunch.
5 Tucson Scottish Rite Honors Day 10 AM Knights Commander Court of Honour
Investiture and 1PM Thirty-Third Degree. Lunch open to all at 11:30 RSVP a must to
POC Tom Jones 619-922-5324.
13 Tucson Scottish Rite Special Honors Luncheon at Tanque Verde Guest
Ranch, cost $22.00 open to all.
MASONIC JOURNEY – by Bro. Pete Giese
Masonic conversations seem to gravitate around two subjects--- dues and the appendant
bodies of our craft. Dues discussions often end with the agreement that lifetime or perpetual
memberships may not be a healthy financial stream for any lodge. Increases in dues should be
made in small increments on a frequent basis. Fifteen and twenty year hiatus between dues
increases result in lodges functioning on a very weak dollar and produce pandemonium with
the announcement of huge dues increases. Discussions of the appendant bodies usually
surface the question of the need for more light and the squabble that energy and commitment
devoted to such bodies are drained from the Blue Lodge.
The need for more light is a personal matter of choice that can be only answered by the
individual Brother. The benefit of membership in our craft can best be described with the
axiom; you get what you put into it. As we journey through life, we find periods that distract
us from Lodge attendance and participation --- our profession, family considerations, health
and a host of other obstacles can become hindrances. The imperfections of life, at times, can
conflict with the lessons of the Twenty-four Inch Gauge. Conversely, there are periods of life
when the adventure of seeking more light can be neatly fitted into the aforementioned
working tool.
Recently, your reporter arrived at the conclusion that further light and participation could
easily be installed into my properly divided obligations. The undertaking would not conflict
with the duties owed to my dearly loved Blue Lodge. A decision was made to petition the
Scottish Rite for further light. Why the Scottish Rite? The choice was not made after a long
study or a philosophical outreach, but rather it was a “follow your friends” type of conclusion.
It appeared that most of the true worker bees of the lodge, close associates and members of
our lodge car pool were affiliated with the Order. Several trips were conduced to various
Scottish Rite meetings and functions in a guest status that instilled a strong need to belong.
Yes, admission into this august body was a tremendous uplifting and very rewarding
experience. Most noticeable was the smooth efficiency and progression of the entire
production. It rivaled military precision and kept one’s attention riveted to the unfolding
lessons. The performers were truly outstanding, inspirational and they delivered with great
enthusiasm. There were no parrots uttering soon to be forgotten words. All details, down to
the tone of the actor’s make-up were magnificent ---nothing was overlooked. This well
orchestrated event will long be cherished and remembered. Simply put, considerable light
was gained on this two-day voyage.
As the Scottish Rite draws from the entire State, this was an opportunity to meet a widerange of interesting people and gain new friends. As Brother Will Rogers stated “I never met a
Mason that I didn't like.” Another note made was that the Order has an opportunity for each
member to participate and encourages participation.
So, if you should pause for a moment and give consideration to obtaining more light in our
beloved craft ---first, ask yourself if the commitment will fit into your twenty-four inch gauge
that we are taught to divide into three equal parts. Then seriously consider the Scottish Rite.
It is considered a great honor to serve in the Scottish Rite for fifty years and such members
are honored with a distinguishing blue prayer hat. Approaching nearly three quarters of a
century on this earth, your writer is eagerly pursuing the previously mentioned distinct honor.
Impossible? Hey, you never know. Only the Supreme Architect of the Universe knows when
the journey commences to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns.
9 SABBAR Shrine stated meeting, dinner at 5:30 PM.
10 Mt Moriah Lodge #19 stated meeting at 7 PM.
11 Huachuca Lodge #53 TBA
11 King Solomon Lodge #5 planning Comm. meeting at 5 PM.
12 Willcox Lodge #10 stated meeting at 7 w/ dinner at 6 PM.
13 Cochise Masonic High Twelve Club #703 a 5:30 meeting at the VFW in Huachuca City.
14 Camp Stone Lodge #77 stated meeting at 9:30 w/ breakfast at 8:30. All are welcomed.
14 CHIP event. POC Jim Elliston 623-680-8380
16 King Solomon Lodge #5 MM degree at 7 PM. Dinner at Big Nose Kate's 5:30 PM.
17 Downtown Lodge UD stated meeting. POC Andy @ 520-234-3225
17 Pearl of Venus #6 OES stated meeting at 7 PM.
17 Adoniram Council #14, Cryptic Masons stated meeting at 7 PM.
17 Coronado Chap #20 Royal Arch Masons stated meeting at 7 PM.
18 Huachuca Lodge #53 Education night. Starts at 6 PM.
19 Electa Chap #51 OES stated meeting at 7 PM.
20 George W. Prioleau Lodge #13 PHA stated meeting at 7 PM.
21 Huachuca Shrine Club meeting at 5:30 at Mande La restaurant.
21 AZ High Twelve Assoc. Annual meeting in Green Valley starts at 11 AM. POC Andy 520-2343225.
21 Huachuca Lodge #53 Saturday clean up.
23 San Pedro Lodge #55 stated meeting at 7 PM.
24 Burning Taper Commandery #15 Knights Templar stated meeting at 7 PM.
24 Cochise Scottish Rite Master Craftsman Study session, starts at 6 PM.
25 Huachuca Lodge #53 TBA
26 Tucson Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection dinner at 6:30, stated meeting at 7:30 PM. All are
welcomed to dinner and RSVP a must. POC Tom Jones 619-922-5324.
28 Camp Stone Lodge #77 Education at 9 AM w/ breakfast at 8 AM.
28 Willcox Lodge #10, Perfect Ashlar Lodge #12 and San Pedro Lodge #55 will
conduct an outdoor MM Degree at the Escapul Ranch. Start time is early POC your lodge
secretary. RSVP if eating steak lunch.
5 Tucson Scottish Rite Honors Day 10 AM Knights Commander Court of Honour
Investiture and 1PM Thirty-Third Degree. Lunch open to all at 11:30 RSVP a must to
POC Tom Jones 619-922-5324.
13 Tucson Scottish Rite Special Honors Luncheon at Tanque Verde Guest
Ranch, cost $22.00 open to all.