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NettLæR, Nettbasert
Læring i Rogaland
Fra lokalt orientert forskning til
Europeisk forskning.
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
1 amanuensis, Dr Jan Frick
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
The NettLaeR project
 NettLaeR (Net based learning in Rogaland) was
a research project running in Rogaland County
in Norway 1999-2003 partly funded by the
Norwegian Research Council.
 It involved many partners and courses.
• The NettLaeR covers levels from 10th grade secondary
school to PhD students.
• The role of many partners changed during the project
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
Partners in NettLæR
–Stavanger University College/ Høgskolen i Stavanger, Rogaland Research
Institute, Telenor Research Institute
Manufacturing Companies
–TESA: collaboration network of 14 companies
Vocational Schools
–RKK: collaboration network of 32 schools
ICT companies
–InfoNett: collaboration network of 12 companies
Maintenance companies
–Centre for maintenance and asset management: collaboration network of 30
Petroleum and Marine
–Stavanger Offshore and Maritime Forum: collaboration network of 40
–Norwegian Hotel Management School: Hotel and restaurant network
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
1. Blended learning
 By “blended learning” we define a mixed use of
technology based methods and traditional
 The use of technology/ ICT in courses must be adapted
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
depending on:
– 1) The subject and content of the course,
– 2) The participants' and the teachers' knowledge/
ability/ capability and interests for using ICT, and
– 3) The available technology for the teachers and the
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
Pedagogic method
 2. Frequent dialogue or follow-up
– Motivation is an issue for many students. A person regarded as an
authority by the learner should check the progress as often as
possible, preferable once a week.
 3. Active learners or action learning
– There is a change when going from traditional classroom to elearning.
• Traditional Focus : the teacher set the progress and coordinate all
• E-learning Focus: the learner determine when and where the learning
takes place, and thus generates an individual progress.
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
– This change move much of the responsibility from the teacher to
the learner.
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
 4. Use of Learning Management Systems
– Learning Management Systems have a short development cycle
where new functionality and new systems becomes available often.
• Such systems are a collection of content and communication
functionality together with management tools.
– Simple and stable access provides confidence and improves
learning process.
 5. Groups
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
– The use of groups may have good impact on learning.
• The tutored groups may provide the individual with confidence and a
social context both promoting the progress.
– The creation of groups may also have a good function if the group
can function as a common first- help for its members.
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
 6. Animation
– We find no evidence that increased use of animations and special made
effects increases learning as such.
• There are exceptions : a mass – marked product,
• And: creating a game-like learning environment
 7. Sequence of content
– Several Learning Management Systems have structures that make the
learner follow a “path” through the content and tasks.
– Having a more or less obligatory path to follow seems to be an advantage
for employees long away from the schooling system.
 8. Content
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
– Many people think that all content should be provided within the elearning
– Our experience is that there is no reason to move a book to web pages
without other reasons such as a need for upgrade.
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
Volume and money
 9. Number of participants
– Many suggest that the number of participants in
elearning is limited to about 20 persons.
• Our experience is that this is the case in a standardized set up.
• Higher numbers is possible but more demanding
 10. Where is the money
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
– For a similar number of learners, the cost involved in using a kind of
elearning is similar or higher than with traditional classroom.
– For companies elearning provide higher flexibility in delivery and
integrate with daily activities much better. It also reduces need for travel
and accommodation, which in many known cases has been more than 80%
of cost.
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
NextLeap NoE: site of partners
Delivered April 24th 03.
 Symbol for a
mm m m mm
m m m
m mm
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mmm m
 “Technology
mixed mode
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
20 Feb 2003
J. Frick
“NextLeap: Technology enhanced learning
communities for individualized lifelong learning”
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
Participants with coordinator first
Stav anger Univ ersity College, N,
Jan Frick
Rogaland Research Institute, N,
Christian Quale
Rogaland Training and Competence Centre, N,
OIe Imsland,
Twente Univ ersity , NL,
Piet Kommers
5. Univ ersity of Ioannina, E,
Dimitrios Fotiadis,
Aalborg Univ ersity , DK,
Frank Gertsen,
Poznan Univ ersity of Economics, PL,
Witold Abramowicz,
Univ ersity of Bergen, No,
S¿lv i Lillejord
Trento Univ ersity , I,
Gianni Jacucci,
Kaunas Technical Univ ersity , LT,
Danguole Rutkauskiene
Univ ersity of Barcelona, ES,
Antonio BartolomŽ
Porv oo International Serv ices PINT Oy , Fi,
Janne P ennanen
Riga Technical Univ ersity , LV,
Ilmars Slaidins
Stratcly de Univ ersity , UK,
William J Ion,
Ostrav a Univ ersity , Cs,
Lenka Landry ov a
Associazione EGO-CREANET Telematic Network/ LRE-Univ ersity
of Florence, I,
Giuseppe Fortunati
Bit-Media, A,
Clemens Widhalm
Norsk Regnesentral, No,
Gjertrud W. Kamstrup
Budapest Univ ersity of Technology and Economy , H,
Zarka Denes
Univ ersity of Erf urt, D,
Helmut Niegemann
Univ ersity of Leuv en, B,
Jan Elen,
Center f or Scientif ic Visualization, Slov enia,
Tomaz Amon
Roy al Institute of technology , S,
Gšran Karlsson
Helia- Helsinki Business Poly technic, FI,
Antti Kauppi
Univ ersity of Cy prus, Cp,
Costas P. Constantinou
Open Univ ersity , NL,
Paul Kirchner
IT-Solutions as, N
Erik Aadland
Baltec Univ ersity Consortium in Science and Technology , S
Ulf Henrikson
Inf oNett (Collaboration network f or 10 ICT companies), N
Jan Frick
30 LogicDIS S.A. , E
31 Cy prus Computer Using Educators Group, Cp
32 e-Trent srl, I
20 Feb 2003
Manolis Chry sostalis
Alexia Sev astidou
Filippo Bonella
J. Frick
Other projects/ activities
 RKK: 11000 participants, 1400 teachers, 4 employees.
 Boxer: ”Coursekeeper”
 Jærtek: ” RealDOK for kartlegging og dokumentasjon av realkompetanse”
 HiS og RKK: IKT for lærere
 ”Norge Rundt”, øk adm utdanninger på Nett
 Projects
– RedMeis Leonardo, 2000-03
• Relocation and Development of Model for Education , Industry and Society in
Collaboration. Norway, Greece, Spain, Latvia
Qu i c k T i m e ™ a n d a T IFF ( Un c o m p re s s e d ) d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th i s p i c tu re .
– R3L: ”Competence Centres and Information and Communication Technologies as
Tools of Learning Regions", is a project under "European Nets of Learning
– InterReg: "Continuing education in the practical use of ICT for teachers "
to Finland, Estonia,Latvia,Lithuania and Kaliningrad in Russia.
– InterReg: ”Regional StrategiesJ. Frick
& Solutions to enhance ICT access & use for
20 Feb 2003