FastFacts Feature Presentation

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Transcript FastFacts Feature Presentation

Slide 1
Feature Presentation
December 1, 2010
We are using audio during this session, so please dial in
to our conference line…
Phone number: 877-468-2134
Participant code: 182500
© 2010 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.
Slide 2
Today’s Topic
We’ll be taking a look at…
Changes to the TALX I-9eXpress
e-Verification Process
Slide 3
Today’s Presenter
Judy Harvey
Sr. Administrator for Leave and Records
Slide 4
Session Segments
Judy will address changes in processing the Form I-9 and everification.
During Judy’s presentation, your phone will be muted.
After the presentation, we’ll hold a Q&A session.
We’ll open up the phone lines, and you’ll be able to ask
Judy will answer as many of your questions as time allows.
Slide 5
Contact Us
If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if
you’re having technical difficulties, you can email us at:
[email protected]
You can also send us an instant message!
GoogleTalk – [email protected]
AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts
MSN – [email protected]
Slide 6
How To View Full Screen
Slide 7
At the end of this FastFacts session, we’ll ask you to complete a
short survey.
Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve
future FastFacts sessions.
Slide 8
Changes to the TALX I-9 eXpress
and e-Verification Process
Slide 9
Update and educate on changes to the I-9 process, including:
Resolve Case vs. Case Closed
Not Employed
Authorized + Optional
Error Message
SSA and DHS Case Incomplete Status
Photo Match
Contest and Non-Contest TNC
Puerto Rico Birth Certificate
Remind users to refer often to User Guide
Slide 10
Quick Review of I-9 Process
Employee completes Section 1 of the Form I-9 in I-9eXpress.
Designated I-9 user completes and submits Section 2 of the Form I9 in I-9eXpress.
Designated I-9 user receives response from E-Verify system:
“Employment Authorized”
“Tentative Non-Confirmation” (TNC)
Slide 11
Changes to E-Verify Status
ResponseEmployment Authorized
Slide 12
Employment Authorized
Slide 13
Case Closure Option
Slide 14
Employment Authorized
Yes – The employee IS currently employed.
Slide 15
Employment Authorized
No – The employee IS NOT currently employed.
Slide 16
Changes to E-Verify Status Response
Authorized + Optional
Slide 17
Authorized + Optional
When a response of “Authorized + Optional” is received, JHU will
consider the employee authorized to work. To complete the E-verify
process, select “Close Case.”
Slide 18
Changes to E-Verify Status Response
Error Message
Slide 19
Error Message
Current Status: An error has occurred (the 5th digit of SSN
(999888112) is not valid for this state)
Slide 20
Changes to E-Verify Status Response
SSA and DHS Case Incomplete
Slide 21
Case Incomplete
E-Verify returns the status of “case incomplete” if there are minor
discrepancies between the data submitted and the data on record for
the employee at SSA or DHS.
Slide 22
Review/Edit Case
The employer/employee is then given a second chance to
review/edit the data to confirm accuracy, reducing the number of
Tentative Non Confirmations.
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SSA Case Incomplete
Slide 24
SSA Case Incomplete: Check Info
Slide 25
DHS Case Incomplete: Check Info
Slide 26
Status Update
After the SSA or DHS Case Incomplete status is addressed, the case
is updated by E-Verify to one of the following statuses:
Employment Authorized
Not employed
SSA or DHS Tentative Non-Confirmation
TNC process
Photo Match
Slide 27
Updating the I-9
Information will only be updated in the E-Verify system, not on the
I-9 itself. The following corrections can be made by updating section
3 of the existing I-9.
Employee’s name
Document number
A new I-9 must be processed to correct:
Birth date
Alien number
Slide 28
Updating Information on the
Electronic Form I-9
Search for employee in I-9eXpress
Slide 29
Accessing Section 3
Slide 30
Updating Section 3
Correcting Employee Name
Slide 31
Updating Section 3
Correcting SSN
Slide 32
Updating Section 3
Correcting Document Number
Slide 33
Updating Section 3
Correcting Document Number
Slide 34
Changes to E-Verify Status Response
Photo Match
Slide 35
Photo Match
The photo match status will only be returned for Non-U.S. Citizens
who present I-766 (Employment Authorization document) or I551
(Permanent Resident Card) for authorization to work in the United
Currently, only I-9 users who have been granted permission to
complete Form I-9 for Non-U.S. Citizens should see this response.
Slide 36
Photo Match
1. Initial response.
Slide 37
Photo Match
2. A search for an employee produces a response of
“Verify Photo.”
Slide 38
E-Verify Photo Matching
Slide 39
E-Verify Photo Matching
Provide a “Yes” response:
• When the photograph on the employee’s document matches the
photo presented by E-Verify.
• When E-Verify is not able to provide a photograph.
Slide 40
Attaching a Document Copy to an
Electronic Form I-9
Slide 41
Access Employee Record
Slide 42
Uploading Document to I-9
Slide 43
E-Verify Photo Matching
Provide a “No” response:
• When the photograph on the employee’s document DOES
NOT match the photo presented by E-Verify.
Slide 44
TNC Process
Slide 45
TNC Process
Slide 46
TNC Process
Upload Document to E-Verify:
When the employee presented a document included in the Photo
Matching tool feature. Currently these are the I-766 and I-551.
The U.S. Passport and U.S. Passport Card will be added in 2011.
The employer indicated that the photograph on the employee’s
document and the photograph returned by E-Verify do NOT match.
The employee chooses to contest the DHS TNC.
Slide 47
TNC Process
Uploading Document to E-Verify
Slide 48
TNC Process
Uploading Document to E-Verify
Slide 49
TNC Process
Print TNC Referral Letters
Slide 50
TNC Process
Complete TNC Process
Slide 51
Puerto Rico Birth Certificates
Slide 52
New and Existing Employees
New Employees
Beginning October 31, 2010, only certified copies of Puerto Rico
birth certificates issued on or after July 1, 2010, are acceptable
for Form I-9 purposes.
Beginning October 31, 2010, if an employee presents for List C
a birth certificate issued by the Vital Statistics Office of the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the I-9 user must look at the
date that the certified copy of the birth certificate was issued to
ensure that it is still valid.
Existing Employees
Employers must not re-verify the employment eligibility of
existing employees who presented a certified copy of a Puerto
Rico birth certificate for Form I-9 purposes and whose
employment eligibility was verified on Form I-9 to October 31,
Slide 53
Beginning on Friday, December 3, 2010, before an E-Verification can
be closed, an I-9 user will need to indicate if an employee is
currently employed. For E-verification purposes, an employee is
considered to be employed if he or she has been offered and has
accepted employment, and there has not been any action by the
university or the employee to withdraw the offer of employment.
JHU will always consider a response of Authorized + Optional as
authorization to work and that the case should be closed.
An error response will require that the case be closed as invalid, and
that a new I-9 must be completed.
A new response of SSA or DHS Case Incomplete status will allow an
I-9 user to make certain corrections to the E-Verify record and to
resubmit it for approval. Corrections to an employee’s name, SSN,
or document number will require an update to Section 3 of the
existing I-9. A correction to an employee’s birth date or alien
number will REQUIRE that a new I-9 be processed.
Slide 54
A new response of a status of Photo Match will be returned for NonU.S. Citizens who present a I-766 or I-551 as proof of authorization
to work in the United States. I-9 users approved to process NonU.S. Citizen I-9s will need to match document photos with a photo
returned by DHS. Copies of these two documents will need to be
uploaded to TALX and attached to the Form I-9.
Screens have been changed for the Tentative Non Confirmation
process to make them more user friendly.
Beginning October 31, 2010, only certified copies of Puerto Rico
birth certificates issued on or after July 1, 2010 are acceptable for I9 purposes.
Slide 55
We’re going to open the phone lines now!
There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide
instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line.
We’ll be answering questions in the order that we receive them.
We’ll also be answering the questions that were emailed to us
during the presentation.
If there’s a question that we can’t answer, we’ll do some research
after this session, and then email the answer to all participants.
Slide 56
Thank You!
Thank you for participating!
We would love to hear from you.
Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future
FastFacts sessions?
Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter?
Please email us at: [email protected]
Slide 57
Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey.
Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions.
Click this link to access the survey…
Thanks again!