Transcript Document

Conventional Cryptography
Dr. Ron Rymon
Efi Arazi School of Computer Science
IDC, Herzliya. 2007/8
Pre-Requisites: Simple Math Background
 Symmetric Cryptography
 Cipher Block Modes
 Key Management
 Message Authentication Using
Conventional Cryptography
Symmetric Cryptography
Main sources: Network Security Essentials / Stallings
Applied Cryptography / Schneier
Symmetric Cryptography Protocol
 A typical protocol
Alice and Bob agree on cryptosystem (algorithm)
Alice and Bob agree on a key
Alice encrypts her message with the key
Alice sends the message to Bob
Bob decrypts the messages using same key
A common variation is where a new key is issued for
each “session” (set of messages) and is corresponded
encrypted using the “master” key
Feistel Networks
 Most block encryption algorithms use this general
structure, due to Horst Feistel (1973)
 Inputs: Plaintext (halved) , Key, Round function F
 Uses n rounds, in each
(e.g., n=16)
Inputs: Li and Ri ; Ki is derived from K (sub-key)
F (“round function”) selects certain bits, duplicates
some, and permutes them. Ki is derived from K
 Final ciphertext is combination of Ln and Rn
 At IBM, Feistel built Lucifer, the first such system
Notes on Feistel Cipher Structure
 Decryption: The same process is reversible
– Ri-1=Li
– Li-1=RiF(Ri-1,Ki-1)
– Same algorithm can be used but with keys reversed
 Security Considerations
Larger block size results in fewer blocks and increased security
Larger key size also increases security (recall Shannon)
More rounds considered to offer better security (?)
Greater complexity of subkey generation may help security
Greater complexity of round function may increase security
Design Goals for Block Ciphers
 Highly secure – more of everything…
 Fast – fewer rounds that use simpler operations
– Low communication overheads
– Low battery consumption in hand-helds
 Easy to implement in hardware
– Simple, ubiquitous operations
 Efficient in memory usage
– Can run on a smart card
 Require less secret material (keys, boxes)
– Sometimes put on expensive tamper-proof memory
Design Principles for Feistel Round
 Feistel is a family of algorithms
– Depends on choice of F, and subkey generation algorithm’
– Can be designed to fit needs
 Non-Linearity. F is as difficult as possible to approximate
with a set of linear equations
 Avalanche
– Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC) – with the change of any one
input bit, every output bit shall change with probability of exactly
– Bit Independence Criterion (BIC) – output bits i,j shall change
independently from each other when an input bit is inverted
– Guaranteed Avalanche – at least n output bits will change
whenever any single input bit is inverted
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
 Without a standard, software and hardware cannot
interoperate, or at least it is very expensive
 In 1973, National Institute for Standards and Technology
(NIST) issued RFP for Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA)
provide high level of security
completely specified and easy to understand
the security must reside in the key
available to all users
adaptable to diverse applications
economically implementable in hardware
efficient to use
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
 NIST (NBS) issued a Request For Proposal (RFP)
 Only serious proposal came from IBM
– Patented and based on Lucifer (Feistel et al)
 NIST issued a Request For Comments (RFC)
– For first time, a crypto algorithm is reviewed by experts (NSA)
– Quite a few were concerned about NSA backdoor
NSA reduced the key size from 112 to 56 bits
Diffie and Helman presented a $20MM 1-day DES cracking machine
NSA had also changed the original S-boxes design
There were some claims of linearity in the new design
 DES was adopted in 1977, and renewed in 1983
 In 1987, under NSA pressure, DES almost not re-certified
– Concerned about the details of the algorithm being open and
available to software implementations
– Certified only hardware implementations until 1994
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
 A Feistel block cipher
64-bit blocks
56-bit keys
16 rounds
Adds initial and final
permutation of the text
(irrelevant to security)
– Key shifted circularly for
next round, and 48 bits are
selected for Ki
One Round of DES
One Round of DES
 Key Transformation
– Each key-half is shifted 1 or 2 bits in each round (per given table)
– The 56 key bits are permuted and 48 bits are chosen (per table)
 Text transformations
– Expansion of Ri from 32 to 48 bits (size of key)
• Avalanche effect – some bits are duplicated
– 48 bits are XORed with Ki
– Substitution, using 8 S-Boxes with 6-bit input and 4-bit output
• S-boxes are well chosen to introduce non-linearity
– 32 bits are permuted according to specified P-Box
– 32 bits are XORed with Li to create Ri+1
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
 Confusion
– Obtained through permutations, substitutions, and number of rounds
 Diffusion
– Good avalanche effect – 1 bit difference in plaintext quickly results
in a large difference in bits, even after few rounds
 Software implementations are slow
– On IBM Mainframe 32,000 blocks / second
 Hardware implementations are very fast
– VLSI Technology 6868 (“Gatekeeper”) DESes in 8 clock cycles
– DEC built GaAs gate array that DESes 16.8 million blocks / second
DES Avalanche Effect
 (a) Difference between
two plaintexts with 1-bit
original difference
 (b) Difference between
two keys with 1-bit
original difference
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
 Weak keys
– All 0’s, or all 1’s in each half would result in same subkeys
– Note: if K’=complement of K, then Ek’(P’) =complement of Ek(P)
 Claims that the S-boxes were weakened by the NSA
 Notable DES Attacks
– In 1990, Eli Biham and Adi Shamir presented differential
• A chosen-plaintext attack that uses two plaintexts with specific
difference. Then, based on the difference in the ciphertext (and also
internal rounds), one can update the a priori probability of keys
• Similar to the “T-attack” that was originally developed at IBM and was
classified by NSA
– In 1993, Mitsuru Matsui showed linear cryptanalysis attack
• Certain XORs of plaintext and ciphertext bits will result in a certain
XOR of key bits with some probability p1/2
EFF’s DES Cracker
 In 1996, a public debate about security of DES.
– US Agencies (FBI, NSA) claiming that they cannot practically
break DES (takes weeks on many computers)
– Offer companies software export license in return for establishing a
“key recovery” system
 Electronic Frontier Foundation DES Cracker project
DES is slow in software but fast in hardware
Used easily available Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Total budget is $200,000
Used hardware to winnow false positives (plaintext recognizer)
then software to test the remaining
 A 1996 paper by top cryptographers suggests a minimum
key size of 75 bits, and 90 bits needed to hold for 20 years
 Also a block cipher, invented by Ron Rivest (1994)
– Similar in structure to Feistel
 Operations: XORs, Additions (mod bitsize), and Rotations
– Word-oriented, Low-cycle operations – Fast in software
 Variable length blocks, keys, and number of rounds (r)
Each block is made of 2 w-bits blocks (A, B) (w=16,/32/64)
Each key is made of bx8 bits (0<b<255; can be larger than a block)
Round keys (S2i , S2i+1), each with w bits, are derived from the key
Encryption and decryption consist of r rounds
 With 16+ rounds, RC5 resists differential attack
– 12 round RC5 shown susceptible with 244 chosen plaintexts
 Data-dependent shifts is one of the innovations of RC5
RC5 Encryption and Decryption
 S2i ,S2i+1 are round sub-keys
 Start: A=A+S0 ; B=B+S1
 In each encryption round (i=1..r)
– A=((A  B)<<<B) + S2i
– B=((A  B)<<<A) + S2i+1
 In each decryption round (i=r…1)
– B=((B-S2i+1)>>>A)  A
– A=((A-S2i)>>>B)  B
 Finish: A=A-S0 ; B=B-S1
RC5: Subkey Generation
 Sub-keys are a mix of original key with two words
– P=Odd((e-2)2w) – e is the natural log ≈ 2.71
– Q=Odd((Phi-1)2w) – Phi is golden ratio (1+sqrt(5))/2 ≈ 1.61
 Initialize a c-word sub-key array
– S0=P
– For i=1…2r+1
• Si=(Si-1+Q)
 Mix with key bits
– L is a c-word array filled with 0-padded concatenation of key bits
• c rounds the key bytes into words
– i=j=0; A=B=0;
– Do 3n times (n=max{2(r+1),c})
• A= Si=(Si +A+B)<<<3
• B= Lj=(Lj +A+B)<<<(A+B)
• i=(i+1) mod 2(r+1)
• j=(j+1) mod c
Variants in Other Block Ciphers
 Blowfish (Schneier)
– Simple: additions, XORs, and table lookups
– Table lookups may require large memory
– Variable key length
– The round function differs from one round to next
 Int’l Data Encryption Alg (IDEA), Lai and Masey
– Plaintext, key, and ciphertext are divided to 4 parts
– Uses XORs, additions, and multiplications in 8 rounds
– 128-bit key, 52 16-bit subkeys (can be independent)
– Resists differential cryptanalysis
– Used in PGP
Triple DES (3DES)
 In 1999, DES becomes too weak
– NIST replaces DES with 3DES
 3DES (EDE) uses three 56-bit keys
– C=Ek3(Dk2(Ek1(P)))
– P=Dk1(Ek2(Dk3(C)))
 Note: if K1=K2 then 3DES=DES
 Double encryption doesn’t work well
– Merkle-Hellman chosen plaintext
man-in-the-middle attack requires
only 2n+1 trials (instead of 22n)
 Quintuple encryption also ok
– C=Ek1(Dk2(Ek3(Dk2(Ek1(P)))
Stream Ciphers
 A pseudorandom keystream generator
– Keystream depends only on generating key
 Keystream bits are XORed with the plaintext to produce
the ciphertext, and vice-versa
– Similar to one-time pads, except that not strictly random
– Keystream period should be as long as possible
 Other options
– Keystream may change according also to previous encryptions,
block index, etc.
– In synchronous stream ciphers, keystream does not depend on text,
otherwise, it is called self-synchronizing
 Byte-based stream cipher, with variable key size
 Uses an S-box, with all possible 8-bit key-entries
– Initialized so that S[i]=i, i=0…255
– S[i]’s are initially permuted, based on the key
• j=0
• for i=0 to 255
– j=(j+S[i]+K[i]) mod 256; // K[i] is original key
– Swap S[i] and S[j]
 In each iteration
– Indices i,j are updated
• i=i+1 mod 256; j=(j+S[i]) mod 256
– S[i] and S[j] are swapped for current i,j
– K=S[(S[i]+S[j] mod 256]
– The keystream K is then XORed with the plaintext
 RC4 with up to 40-bit keys was approved by NSA, and is used in
Lotus Notes, CDPD, WEP, and original SSL
Summary of Cryptographic Tools
 Rounds structure
 Key generation
– Mixing key bits for confusion and diffusion
– Use of state matrix for session key
 Encryption
Mix round key with plaintext for confusion/diffusion
Bit permutation
Substitution with S-boxes for non-linearity
Data dependent operations (e.g., shifts) to add complexity
Use of processor-friendly operations for software speed
 Key size, block size, many rounds add to security
 Multi-application of encryption with more key bits
 Block ciphers vs. Stream Ciphers
Advanced Encryption Standard
 NIST put out the RFP in 1997
– In meantime, 3DES replaces DES in 1999
 Main criteria for evaluation
– Security
– Cost and performance of implementation
– General evaluation of design features
 Five finalists (out of 21):
General Security
Implementation of Security
Software Performance
Smart Card Performance
Hardware Performance
Design Features
 In October 2000, NIST recommended Rijndael
 Approved 2002
Rijndael Block Cipher
 By Belgians Joan Daemen, and Vincent Rijmen
 Variables block size and key size
– Number of rounds determined by block and key size
 Does not use Feistel structure
 Instead, each round uses a state and 4 operations
– Non-linear layer, uses optimized S-boxes, for confusion
• 16x16 S-box with all byte values, and a separate inverse S-box
– Linear mixing layer for diffusion
• Row shifts on the state matrix
• Column mixes on the state matrix
– Key addition layer, using a simple XOR
 AES set to use Rijndael with 128bit blocks, key size of
128-192-256 bits, and 10-12-14 rounds
Rijndael Structure
Rijndael Round
Next Class
 Cipher Block Modes
 Key Management
 Message Authentication Using
Conventional Cryptography