The Wise Old Woman

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Transcript The Wise Old Woman

“The Wise Old Woman”
• Retold By:
Yoshiko Uchida
• Illustrated By:
Martin Springett
Concept: Wisdom
* The ability to judge what is true or right
* Common sense
* Good judgment
* Accumulated knowledge
* Wise sayings or teachings; proverbs
Understanding Vocabulary
• We are going to
review new
words before we
Key Concept
• Vocabulary:
1. conquer (p. 29)
2. badger (p. 30)
3. banner (p. 39)
4. bear (p. 24)
5. henceforth (p. 37)
6. lord (p. 22)
7. procession (p. 21)
8. prospered (p. 39)
9. reluctantly (p. 22)
10. shrine (p. 30)
11. summoned (p. 37)
12. scroll (p. 29)
13. wisdom
14. wound (p. 34)
Vocabulary Example
Word Map:
Word - Conquer
Overcome by
Sentence in story:
“He will come
to conquer your
Word Map
Word - __________
Sentence in
Anticipation Guide for
“The Wise Old Woman”
• Turn to page 21
- Read the title and preview the story. Note how the
pictures give you clues to story problems and
- Who will be the main character in the story?
- What will the story likely be about?
- What clues tell you that the story will be a folk tale?
* Make a Prediction Chart about what you think will
happen in the story.
The town’s
People will
Go on a
The woman
Will solve
The problem
War will
Break out
They are
The woman
Needs sticks
To solve
The problem
Let’s Read and Track Together!
Pages 22-23
* Setting: ________________
* Problem: _______________
* Multiple Meaning Word = ____
Problem and Solution Chart
• Problem=
farmer • Solution=
• Problem=
• Solution=
• Problem=
• Solution=
• Problem=
• Solution=
• Problem=
• Solution=
• Problem=
• Solution=
Pages 24-25
•What do the mother’s actions tell you
about her?
Your inference is her actions tell you
she ________________________________
Pages 26-27
•What does the farmer do to try to
save his mother? _____________________
•How do you think the farmer and his
mother feel about their secret?
Pages 28-29
•How does the young lord feel when
he sees and hears the warriors?
•The warriors have left the young lord
with a serious problem. Do you think
it’s just the young lord’s problem?
Figurative Language:
Simile = uses like or as to compare 2
unlike things
* What’s the simile on page 29?
Pages 30-31
•What is the 1st thing the village ruler
does to try to solve his problem?
•What do the six wise villagers do to try
to solve the impossible tasks?
Wise Villagers’ Actions
•Try to think of answers
•Ask gods for help
•Seek help of badger
Pages 32-33
•What does the young farmer do when
he finds out about the threat to the
•Why do you think the woman asks her
son to gather certain items?
Let’s Recap!
summarize all
of the events
we have read
about so far!
Pages 34-35
•What has the woman done?
•What do the woman’s actions tell you
about her?
•Multiple Meaning Word = ________
Pages 36-37
•What caused the young lord to
suddenly become silent and
Pages 38-39
•What is the theme of this story?
Tonight for Homework:
• I’m going to give
you a section of
this story to
practice tonight.
• You will read that
section aloud
Making a
Write about
the wisest
person you
•5-7 complete
•Paragraph format
Auditory Connection
• We are going
to listen to the
CD of “The Wise
Old Woman.”
Visualization Strategy
• Use your “internal
video camera.”
• The CD of the story
will play, and YOU
should visualize
what is happening
in the story.
Levels of Reasoning Questions:
Literal Level Question–
- Look at the picture of the old woman on page 21.
How would you describe her?
Inferential Question –
- Why do you think the son could not abandon his elderly
mother in the mountains when that was the tradition
for his culture?
Critical Reading Question –
- How did the lord’s view of elderly members of the
society change after the mother completed all of the
tasks to keep her village safe from invasion?
Creative Thinking Question –
- How do you think the mother must have felt at the beginning
of the story? How do you think she felt when she solved the three
tasks? How did others view her after the threat of invasion had passed?
Wisdom Project
“Oh the Things We
Have Learned”