Transcript Slide 1

Consumer Initiatives in Australia
Global SCI Consumer Network - 29 October 2013
About Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
• Formed in 1967 - young men in hospital
• Only option: aged care facility (nursing home)
• Services:
• Peer support: rehab & transitional support
• Advocacy – individual & systemic
• Information
• Employment
• Activity-based rehabilitation (Walk On)
• Positive psychology (DPM)
• Transitional & respite accommodation
• Injury prevention - SIAW
Consumer Initiatives in Australia
• National Disability Strategy (2011):
• Inclusive and accessible communities
• Rights protection, justice and legislation
• Economic security
• Personal and community support
• Learning and skills
• Health and wellbeing
Consumer Initiatives in Australia
• National Disability Insurance Scheme (2013-2019):
• Government funding doubled ($9bn > $18bn)
• Insurance scheme, focus on lifelong outcomes
• Funds paid to individuals, not organisations
• Individual choice and control
• National SCI Strategy
• Chair / Fellowship in SCI Research – global best practice
• Australian Spinal Injury Alliance
• More focus on program evaluation eg: SRoI etc