Transcript Document

ESAM – now and in the future
Presentation at AMABEL
General Assembly
14 december 2012
Roland Vermeiren – Past President of ESAM 2006 - 2012
Statutary Objectives and Activities
since 2006
 Be pan – European
 Be independent
 Develop relations with EASA, ICAO and other relevant
organisations and associations
 And coordinate European aerospace medicine interests
 Assist to develop and harmonise education in aerospace
 Encourage information and dialogue between associations and
 Exchange of scientific results ,and organise ECAM conferences
Trigger to start ESAM in 2005 :
 EASA Rules have a great impact on
how you do your AME work ! now and in future
 before no representation of European aero-medical professionals
 Only political pressure from some member states and business
 Many European states and AME’s were not involved
 Reputation of aero-medical system was poor, « not collaborating »
 Already too late for some issues ( LAPL )
 This has changed due to ESAM !
 But : INCREASED liability for the AME !
Membership of ESAM
 2 new members in 2012 :
- CAMA ( Civil Aviation Medical Association = USA, Canada )
- Ukraine
 It becomes difficult to get more members, because most
European associations are already in !
 ongoing contacts
with Portugal, Iceland, Baltic States, Kosovo, Slovakia
 A constant problem for the EC is to have the correct and
updated contact list ( e-mails of presidents, liaison members,
association adresses )
Financial status
 See report treasurer Carla Ledderhos on ESAM website
( +/- 50.000 euro )
 some associations have problems with paying : contact EC !
 Number of AME’s of associations decreasing
 Costs by lack of EU attendees to ECAM 3
 Decision EC 13 October in Dublin :
decrease to 7,5 euro / member of each association in 2013
Long way to registration of changed
 Agreed at voting during GA in Bucharest 16 September 2011
 Translation into German
 Processed by notary in Fürstenfeldbruck
 Finally accepted by German Association Court in Cologne ...….in
October 2012
 In future : less Statutes, more internal «rules of application» ?
Change of persons in EC/AB 2010 -2012
 Andreas Adrian by Patricia Jung, proposed by the same
German GAAME association, as EC member without portfolio,
agreed at the EC meeting in Naples, February 2012
 Uwe Stüben by Jürgen Graf, proposed by the same German
Academy of Aviation and Travel Medicine, as AB vice-chair,
appointed at the EC meeting in Naples, February 2012
 Death of Secretary General Paolo Tosco on 29 October in
Roma, with appointment of Declan Maher as ad-interim SG
2 Nomination Committees
 former Nomination Committee :
 Chair : Gabor Hardicsay ( H )
members : Elena Kolesnikova ( RU ) and Izzo Simeone ( I )
 for the election of the new EC 2012 – 2014 (except for President)
 By organising an electronic voting in October 2012
with Information Director Lilla Ungvary ( H ) and webmaster
Kristoffer Tjensvoll ( N )
 New Nomination Committee
 appointed by the GA 2012 in London : for the election in 2013 of a
President for 2014 - 2015
 chair Lilla Ungvary ( H ), members Claudia Stern ( GE ) and Lars
Tjensvoll ( N )
New 2012 - 2014 Executive Committee
President : Kevin Herbert ( UK )
First vice-president : Anthony Wagstaff ( N )
Second vice-president : Vincent Feuillie ( FR )
Secretay General : Declan Maher ( IRL )
Treasurer : Carla Ledderhos ( GE – DGRLM )
Communication director : Patricia Jung ( GE – GAAME )
Member : Cristian Ionut Panait ( RO )
 Co-opted member for IAC : Elena Cataman ( MO )
 Co-opted member for EASA : Roland Vermeiren ( BE )
 First meeting 9/10 February in Münich : with all past EC
members about the future ESAM strategy
Advisory Board work
 Former AB committee appointed by the EC in Naples
18 February 2012
– chair Ries Simons
– vice-chair Jürgen Graf ( replaced Uwe Stüben )
– secretary Declan Maher
– members Vincent Feuillie and René Maire
 Produced Position papers on
– insulin dependent pilots and metabolic syndrom
 follow up of cabin air quality debate
 E-Journal workgroup :
- no own EU Journal, but cooperation with AsMA in the Editorial
Board of the Blue Journal : Jürgen Graf ( GE )
New Advisory Board Committee
 Chair : Ries Simons ( NL )
 Vice-chair : Juergen Graf ( GE )
 Secretary : Stefan Drechsel ( CH )
 Member : René Maire ( CH )
New AB tasks
 More experts of other countries
 EASA rulemaking groups ( especially update of medical criteria )
 Anti-coagulation
 Epilepsy and « fits »
 1% rule
Work at EASA (1)
 In review group part MED aircrew : (RV)
- acceptance of ESAM’s syllabus for training in aviation
medicine ( now called «learning objectives» ) and discussion
about new «competency based» training ( as described by
- discussion about insulin dependent aircrew
 Membership SSCC : the only representative for the EU aeromedical professionals (RV)
– working « horizontally » in the SSCC subcommittees Flight
Standards and ATM ( THUS safe )
– in the proposal from the workgroup about reorganisation of the
SSCC a separate sector ( THUS safe )
– need for more aeromedical experts in subcommittees
( now in subco Aerodromes : Walter Gaber from FRAPORT )
Work at EASA (2)
 publication of NPA on ATCO cl 3 medical requirements
( including AME cl 3 training ) (RV)
 Invitations pending for new Rulemaking Groups :
– age limits
– OML / OSL application
– Guidance Material for Part Med
– aero-medical risk assessment ( the 1% rule )
– standing task of updating the medical criteria
 Membership of the MEG ( Medical Expert Group )
– which will work with the CMO forum
– and thus become the standing medical advisory group to the
CMO of EASA – Rulemaking ( Annette Ruge )
Work at EASA (3)
 Membership at the EASA ESSI ( Safety Initiatives )
– EGAST : Patricia Jung ( GE )
– ECAST : Lars Tjensvoll ( N )
– EHEST : Anthony Wagstaff ( N )
 Application for membership at EHFAG ( Human Factors ) :
Ries Simons ( NL )
 Invitation to the CMO of EASA, dr Annette Ruge , to attend an
ESAM EC, was accepted
ECAM 3 in London
 great organisational work by Kevin Herbert, our new President
 Organisational Committee with UK AAME and ESAM members
 Scientific Committee with UK AAME and ESAM members
 Attendance problem – negative effect of electronic voting ?
Highlights ECAM 3
Key note speech : prof M Bagshaw ( UK ) : former EU AME group
ATCO Incapacitation study NATS ( M Girgis )
Medical transportation : ill divers , military repatriation
Extreme Human Physiology : tunnelwork, cold , heat
Abstracts : Computed tomography coronary angiography (CH),
hyperbaric treatment (SA), prevention of fatigue of ATCO’s (RU),
carotid atherosclerosis (RU), RBTB (CH), hearing loss helicopters (N),
loss of consciousness (RU), tubomanometry (BE), testing of anti-G
suits (GE), surgery on the moon (EU), space tourism (NL)
 Space session : sponsored by AsMA ( representative Andy Bellenkes )
-ESA ( history )
-ITAF ( work environment )
-Virgin Galactic ( space passengers )
-NASA ( Mars flight )
Benefits of ECAM for the future
 ESAM = association of all EU professionals
 Bringing national associations together for exchange of
experience and scientific work
 Social contact forum ( organised during years with no other
international congress in Europe ! )
 Support of EASA : same accreditation points as AsMA or ICASM
congresses ( 10 hrs )
Risks of ECAM
 Costs … in times of economic dificulties
 Each association has own conferences / courses
in own language
 Aviation medicine = unusual specialty = for most AME’s not
primary source of income ( FAA 5 % rule )
 2008 ECAM 1 Budapest 120 pp ( low cost )
2010 ECAM 2 Athens 90 pp ( crisis )
2012 ECAM 3 London 230 – 180 pp ( thanks to size UK AAME )
 2014 ? Oslo ? Other format ?
Cooperation with AsMA
 ESAM at AsMA panel in Atlanta 16 May 2012 :
on diabetes, the metabolic syndrome, insulin dependent pilots,
certification proposals in EU and practices in Australia
 AsMA / ESAM EC’s business lunch 17 May 2012 : on cooperation
 Mutual representatives in the AsMA Council / ESAM GA :
Andy Bellenkes ( USA ) and Hans Pongratz ( GE )
 Active in the AsMA ATM and International committees
 Possibility to publish articles about the aviation medicine status in
Europe in the blue Journal, seat in the Editorial Board
 ESAM panel in Chicago 2013 : «implementation of EASA rules»
Cooperation with IAC
 Is the medical board of the Interstate Aviation Committee,
with Elena Cataman, CMO Moldova, as standing member
 Attending and presenting at the meeting from 25 – 28 October
2011 in Moscow
 Attending and presenting at the meeting and Congress from
17 – 21 September 2012 in Kiev
 Invitation for the 2013 meeting in Baku
Workgoup Training in Aviation Medicine
 Chaired by Elena Cataman
 Meeting on Competence Based Training
in Frankfurt 3 – 4 April 2012
with proposal for EASA review group updating part.MED
 Contact with the CMO forum about harmonisation of refresher
accreditation points (RV)
 Procedure for accreditation of refresher training is on the ESAM
 Presentation by Lilla Ungvary ( H ), ESAM Communication Director :
data from 2007 - 2012
 Total successful requests: 1 422 431
 Average number of successful requests for pages per day: 163
 Total redirected requests: 27 245
 Number of distinct files requested: 31,676
 Number of different machines serviced: 40 051
 Total amount of data transferred: 78.51 gigabytes
 Thanks to ESAM Webmaster, Kristoffer Tjensvoll ( N )
 And ESAM web – and printed flyers layout designer,
Seppe Celis from Eurocontrol ( BE )
 Quid pan-European events / conferences / courses calendar ?
ESAM in 6 questions
34 AMABEL responses
 Do you feel enough informed about ESAM ?
- yes 6
- no 20
- approximatively 7
- no opinion 1
 Do you think that ESAM is needed ?
- yes 26
- no 1
- perhaps 4
- no opinion 3
 Are you satisfied with the activities of ESAM ?
- yes 7
- no 2
- approximatively 8
- no opinion 17
ESAM in 6 questions
34 AMABEL responses
 Wath do you think about the annual ESAM fees ?
- correct 25
- too much 1
- too low 0
- no opinion 8
 Are you interested to attend an ECAM conference ?
- Yes 24
- no 4
- perhaps 4
- don’t know 2
 Have you already visited the ESAM website ?
- Regularly 2
- sometimes 16
- never 16