Transcript Document

Lamar University Mission Statement

Lamar University is a comprehensive, senior, public university dedicated to providing a learning environment of the highest quality. The University is an educational, scientific, engineering, business, and cultural resource center committed to the three-fold mission of teaching, research and service. The University is committed to providing students with a liberal education in the context of a global and multicultural environment, and seeks partnerships with business, governmental, industrial and other educational organizations to more efficiently accomplish its goals.

Instructional Mission

Lamar University emphasizes quality teaching, student access to faculty, and careful student counseling. The University creates a liberating educational experience for each student which expands knowledge, awakens new intellectual interests, examines values, develops talents, provides new skills, and prepares each student to assume an effective role as a citizen in a democracy.With historical commitments to quality educational programs in engineering, business, the arts and sciences, health sciences, education, and the visual and performing arts, the University focuses its unique strengths on significant problems of contemporary interest as evidenced by its recent initiatives in environmental science and engineering, early admission programs, gifted and talented education, and deaf education.Lamar University is strongly committed to the continual enhancement of teaching/learning methodologies and their systematic assessment.

Research Mission

As a comprehensive, regional university with extensive educational programs, Lamar University ’ s academic efforts are directed to both applied and basic research, scholarship, and creative activities. Through its emphasis on the teacher-scholar model, the University encourages faculty members to be active in their respective disciplines, to involve both undergraduate and graduate students in research and creative pursuits, and to support the principle that research is inseparable from teaching.

Service Mission


The University ユ s educational mission extends to all residents of the Southeast Texas area and, in special cases, beyond the region. In recognition of that mission, Lamar University provides a diverse outreach program including: credit and non credit continuing education offerings responsive to the personal, career, and professional development needs of individuals in our region; specialized skills training and human resource development for business and industry on the Gulf Coast; and public service activities that respond to unique regional educational needs and cultural interests. The University contributes to the cultural life of the region through cultural and artistic presentations and events utilizing the talents of faculty, students, and visiting lectures, artists, and performers.Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to be involved in civic, cultural, service, and professional activities. By such volunteer and consultative activities, members of the University demonstrate their citizenship within the larger

Approved by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board January 24, 2002