We communicate.. - Age Action Alliance

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Transcript We communicate.. - Age Action Alliance

Presentation to the Disability Action
Alliance.16 August 2013.
Our Journey begins
 15 March 2011 the Social Justice Cabinet Committee was asked to consider the
impact of an ageing society on the least well off older people.
 It was recommended that this could be achieved through initiating a community
based, preventative approach, taken forward by an alliance of civil society
 At an intial workshop in May 2011 agreement was reached that the Alliance is here for
the most disadvantaged older people and to prevent people becoming isolated and
disadvantaged in later life.
 The Alliance is a commitment to practical action – and is not a campaign. Early
distinction drawn between the role of UKAFA and the Alliance.
 The Alliance was formally launched on the 30th September 2011 with 103 members
Alliance by Numbers
 Aug 2013 – 410 Members.
 12 Working Groups – A further two proposed by Alliance members.
 1400 Twitter followers - 670 tweets.
 Average week 275 – 325 visits to the website.
 60 downloadable resources + direct access to the National Database of Ageing
 1 weekly communication to members.
We can understand traffic source.
Steering Group and Reference Group
Project Phase Ends
August 2011
Steering Group
Reference Group
Nov 2012
Partnership Board
Partnership Board
Nov 2012
July 2013
Partnership Development Group
Development Group
Aug 2013
Celebrating our achievements… Here are a few.
Published the first national mapping of first
contact schemes across the UK.
NEA currently drafting the 4th edition of warm homes for older
People. In 2012 over 300 older people trained to become
Energy Efficiency Advocates.
Published an “on line” toolkit for Employers
and workplace managers.
Our society is ageing: by 2020 a third of our workforce will be aged over 50. To remain productive and competitive employers will need to
make the most of their skills and experience. Many employers of all sizes and sectors already report the business benefits of employing
and retaining older workers as part of a multi-generational workforce – maintaining productivity while bringing on their younger workers.
The fact is most older workers in jobs today are as productive as younger workers and take less
sick leave. But for some, the onset of health problems or caring responsibilities can lead to them
struggling to remain in employment.
Employers and managers with the right information and access to expert advice, can have a
significant impact on maintaining longer healthier working lives and helping workers with health
and caring pressures remain productive in the workplace.
 This pack includes simple tools and checklists, and sources of expert advice to help any
employer and manager effectively address the health and productive contribution of an ageing workforce. It draws together
employer tools from business expert organisations such as Acas, HSE and CIPD, that can increase employer and manager
confidence in discussing health and caring issues with their employees and tackling the issues for the good of the business and
the workforce.
 It provides immediate practical solutions to help employers get on top of the impact of age, health and caring on their business and
how to enhance employee well-being to improve skills retention, performance and productivity.
Just select the issue you need help with or work through the tools to start developing a healthy and productive ageing
workforce today.
Celebrating our anniversaries…
In Nov 2012 we celebrated our first
Anniversary with a reception in the
House of Lords.
This year we plan to celebrate with
a photo competition – encouraging
members to submit photos that
capture positive images of Ageing
across the UK.
Visit our website: www.ageactionalliance.org
Like us: facebook.com/ageactionalliance
Follow us: @AgeActAlliance
Members' update. - w/c 12th August 2013
Dear Members of the Age Action Alliance.
In this week’s edition we welcome as new members:
 Alzheimer’s Research UK
 Good Neighbour Project
 Older People’s Council Brighton & Hove
 Ostrich Care
And don't forget for a full list of all our members click here
Please click here for full details of all the articles listed below
Opportunitiy for Action
 The Alliance’s Transport Working Group has offered to assist the Department for
Transport in gathering information on the Mobility Vehicles market; specifically:
 Who buys mobility vehicles either new or second hand
 How many take out insurance cover
 How may undertake training/whether there is training available in their locality
(because its not mandatory to have training or insurance)
If you have any information relating to these questions, please contact the Secretariat at
[email protected] Your help would be very much appreciated.
Information Update
 Alliance member Association for Education and Ageing (AEA), are holding a
conference on 5 September 2013 on the theme 'Celebrating Informal Learning and
Well-being in Later Life', The Open University, Milton Keynes
 Alliance member RNIB report on the latest stage of their Stop for me, Speak to me bus
 The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has reported on important
guidance for LEPs on spending next round of ESP funding in England.
Thank You