Update to INPO Industrial Safety Workshop Attendees

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NISHA Update
INPO Industrial Safety Working Session
November 27, 2012
The recognized SOURCE of expert professionals dedicated to the
continuous improvement of industrial safety and health in the North
American Nuclear industry.
To relentlessly seek out, learn, assess, compare, share and apply
industry best practices for the management of industrial safety and
health in support of achieving zero workplace injuries for nuclear power
generating utilities.
The Board of Directors receives its mandate from its members, is committed
to growing the Association and operates from an established Charter.
The Nuclear Industrial Safety and Health Association (NISHA) is an
association of nuclear safety & health professionals working in or
supporting activities relative to industrial safety & health improvements
within the commercial nuclear power generating community. NISHA is a
Not for Profit association with the objective to provide a forum for the
equitable exchange of information and ideas concerning all topics relative
to industrial safety & health at nuclear power plants for the mutual
assistance and benefit of all.
2012-2013 Board
• Paul Hurley, NISHA Chair (Ontario Power Generation)
• Steve Nowak, Vice Chair (Luminant)
• Bill Gregory, Past Chair (TVA)
• Wayne Rowe, Treasurer (Arizona Power)
• Jason Wernex, Secretary (Ameren)
• Doug Mills, Member at Large - Communications & Conferences (TVA)
• Bert Flynn, Member at Large – External Liaison (Xcel Energy)
2012-2013 Business Plan
Top priorities for the Board:
• Increase membership to establish a sound revenue base and funding
stream for NISHA business purposes
• Improve the NISHA website including accessibility of the Q&A Forum to
all contacts and obtaining/posting safety documents from all Utilities
• Determine feasibility and IRS implications for establishing revenue
stream via Vendor donations
• Establish a CNO as Industrial Safety champion and NISHA supporter
with INPO
• Establish NISHA Conference format for NISHA approved by the
2012-2013 Business Plan
• 118 Members from USA, Canada, Spain and Italy
• Q&A Forum set up for all NISHA contacts. External service provider
selected to manage and improve website.
• ~40-45% Utilities have provided safety documents and are posted on
• Additional revenue streams under review by Board
• Pleased to announce that Rafael Flores, CNO Luminant is present at this
• NISHA Conference format approved by the membership at TVA
NISHA Website
Show of hands – who is not familiar with or has
not accessed the website?
Short Tour of Website?
• NISHA is your association
• Fortunate to have a great Board that is committed to
• Do our utmost to grow the association and provide
best possible support but also need your support/
• Join NISHA, actively participate and collectively help us
to be better than we are today
• Board welcomes all suggestions on how we can be
- Value and Engagement