Allocations - Celerant Technology Corp.

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Transcript Allocations - Celerant Technology Corp.


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PDF Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Formatted Excel New Features in Analysis

Serial Reports

Valuable for ATF Reporting Track by Vendor/Customer/Dates Four reports: In Stock Sold Purchased Complete Transaction History New Features in Analysis


Club Reporting

Report on customers’ club status View club purchases View available rewards Club data in customer export New Features in Analysis

New Features in Analysis

Build Data vs. Ad Hoc Inventory Reports

Inventory Analysis Architecture Ad Hoc provides fresh data Reporting on “built data” faster Run with Same Data

New Features in Analysis


Active Rows

Select to show all rows or only active rows (not equal to 0)

New Features in Analysis

Show Additional Information

Choose to show: Stores Attribute 1 Attribute 2

Exception Criteria

Limit Items by Sold, On Hand, On Order Sell Thru and Days on Floor Markdown and Price Ranges “In Any One Store” Option New Features in Analysis

Exception Criteria

New Features in Analysis

New Features in Analysis

Audit Trail

Track changes and viewing of data Employee’s name and exact date and time Full details of data modified/viewed Currently some inventory changes and credit card viewing More to come …

Reports Scheduling


Allows you to automate the execution of the reports that you would like to run on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis.

Allows for those reports to be printed or emailed as either Adobe PDF or CSV files.

Work Flow

Record reports to schedule Analysis – Record button Standard screen – right mouse click on Search button and Save Screen Reports Scheduling

Work Flow (cont.)

Run Scheduler.bat

Define scripts – i.e. reports that should run daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

Reports Scheduling

Work Flow (cont.)

Add reports to script folder.

Reports Scheduling

Work Flow (cont.)

Schedule days and times.

Or, execute report on the fly.

Start Scheduler.

Reports Scheduling

Export Reports

Export to Excel, CSV, or Adobe PDF Datamining

Filter Fields

Filters Select field to filter by Select operator Define value Datamining

Visual Indicators

Color coding Select field Set color Define value Datamining

Drill Down

Drill down on right-mouse click Datamining

Create Variance

Define column name.

Select fields to create a variance between.


Sum X

Define column name.

Select fields to add together.



Sharing of Reports

Reports are saved on each machine as XML files in your C:/Celerant/RMS6/DM directory.

A file can be moved from one machine to another.