FIG- African Task Force

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Transcript FIG- African Task Force

Africa Task Force
Dr Diane Dumashie
FIG Congress, Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia
16th- 21st June 2014
African Task Force
Good morning
• Past (2010 & 13),
• Present (2014) &
• Future (2015+)
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Can We move on?
What: We were asked &
We did:
A -Aspirational
F - Fundamental
R - Rewards
I - Inspirational
C - Connectivity
A - Action
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
You delivered – Thank You!
Workshop manual
African Workshop themes:
• 2010: Workshop, Peri- Urban Development,
Round table, WW Marrakech, 2011
• 2011: Workshop, Resilience Women & Young
Surveyors, Soth Africa,
Round table, WW Rome, 2012
• 2012: Workshop, Environmental Agenda,
Round table, WW Abuja, 2013
• 2013: Pulling together recommendations,
• 2014: Congress, Kuala Lumpur Publication
Task Force report
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
The How and Why:
• Sub-Saharan Africa Land Professional
Member associations
• Devising innovative ways to engage
• Do our Associations demonstrate societal
contribution? and
• Can we make our profession a global
thought leadership?
• MDGs: Our societal responsibility
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Fundamentally - We did
• Workshop – 140 attendees over 3 workshops
• Representation from West, East and Southern Africa (10
• Documented: Briefing, PPT, Ideas, Tool drafting,
Proceedings, Review & Design, Engagement, and
• Rewarding our community……
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Fundamentally- More?
What we’ve yet to do
Past, Present (today) and the Term
2015- 2018……
The future You want:
• Our Purpose: Social responsibility
• You Recognise: opportunity to be
Change Agents
• Your Need: Continuing Professional
Development (CPD)
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
A continuing need for our network?
• MDG’s expire in 2015 & much work
ongoing led by UN Habitat To draft the
• UN Habitat - Think Urbanisation, focus
• MDG’s, now +2015 to evolve to the
SDG’s …
Sustainability is back &
high on the agenda
• Africa Union initiatives…..
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Land Issues: Complexity and diversity of land issues across the
continent--continental prioritization of issues is problematic
Land governance priorities across regions
West Africa
• National resources
• Climate change
• Insecurity of tenure
• Vulnerable
Central Africa
• Natural resources
• Informal settlements
• Vulnerable
• Conflict
North Africa
• Environmental degradation
• Security of tenure
• Gender inequality
• Low productivity on land
East Africa
• Legal pluralism
• Protection of the
• Women and vulnerable
• Conflict
Southern Africa
• Inequality of access
• Security of tenure
• Dualism
• Harmonization of
Though there are areas of commonality across the continent such as gender issues and tenure
systems, the focus issues for land governance reform will vary by region, country, making a
continental prioritization of limited utility
Source: Dalberg analysis
H. FIG President
Professor Stig Enemark
Inspirational to establish ATF
• MDGs: Our social responsibility
• Flying High, the Big vision & global
agenda, but
• Keep feet on the Ground
• Rapporteur….
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
ATF Recommendations,
Our Path Ahead - Connectivty
Working to influence for change; inequalities that are ethically
indefensible, economically inefficient, and political destabilising
• Communication
– work with political and civic society, otherwise they will work with
other Professionals
– Working with the young and to delegate and mentor
• Collaboration
– Engage in the built and rural environment
– Work to consider future trends, prepare and act responsibly
– Understand and engage with historical context, traditional
• Connectivity
• Ensure skills are developed that will reach out to all members of the
public, private and civic communities.
• Embrace the new and exciting times ahead
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
The Future we want to shape
(…and How ATF will operate - if at all?)
Deliberations/ Voting:
1.Do we want to continue?
2.What is the most beneficial delivery Platforms
3.Enabling logistics - Venue location etc
4.Format & Content
•Next steps
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Our Dialogue Process
• Motion will be put forward,
Q&A& observations, then
• Vote with show of cards
• Use the red and green cards to vote.
• NB an abstention will not be
• Direction & deliberations recorded
(Chatham House rules)
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Vote 1 - Continuing ATF
That the ATF should continue, subject to
agreeing in what format?
• Yes
• No
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
What we need: TORs to GC for their
consideration advised in 2016
Drafting under the headings of:
• Continuation
• Delivering Platforms
• Enabling
• Format and content
• (To avoid deliberations being step- by- step)
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
QA&O- Delivery Platform
• Hosted by FIG
– Finance has to be sourced,
– Subsidy value circa 160-180 EU based on
60 persons
• How many meets each year?
– Current is 3 over 4 years (next 2015)
• An alternative includes:
Leadership4Change, piloted in Ghana
and UK…..
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
CPD a Two part approach:
• Science/ Hard skills; means
systematic analysis of the problem
• Art/ Soft Skills; interpersonal skills,
• L4C = Listen, Create, and innovatively
Deliver, leadership change skills for
you and your institutions
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Vote 2 – Delivery Platforms
a) To host through FIG/ ATF (with or without
b) If not possible, To consider other platforms
Vote: Yes or No to each,
• A)
• B)
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
QA&O- Enabling
Venue and Country Hosts
• Thanks to ISK, PLATO/ UCT/ GhIS,
We have been East, West and South
• Continue with rotation and asking
Member Associations to help?
• Quantify annual, more or less?
• Consider UK in August each year (or
another month)?
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Vote 3 – Enabling
• a) To continue with current time line format: i.e
one workshop each year in Continental Africa
• b) Adjust the timeline format ?
• C) allow for additional workshop in UK?
Vote: Yes or No to
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
QA&O- Format & Content
• Capturing our outputs in a manual- helpful?
• Agee 3 or 4 themes? If so link to SDGs?
• Do we consider capacity development amongst
LPs is enough? (3rd party cost implications)
• Is the participatory design appropriate going
forward? Should we hold more roundtables?
• Will joint co-operations e.g. GLTN, AU be
• Other ideas for format and content? E.g. aim to
lobby and influence organisations such as AU
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Vote 4 – Format & Content
Motion: Sub motions include, to:
a) Record and document
b) Thematic approach on SDGs
c) Iinvite 3rd party stakeholders (cost?)
d) Participatory design
e) Co-operations
f) Other issues?
• Vote: Yes or No to each
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Next steps
- that Your deliberations be represented into
a single proposition, and
- Approved by You (end August)….
• Rapporteur Prof Enemark..
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
Action Summary
Votes on:
• Continuation
• Delivering Platforms
• Enabling
• Format and content
Wrap Up…
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
• Certificates?
• Workshop Photos?
• Ongoing communications (Email/ LinkedIn)?
• Closing
ATF Roundtable – KL 2014
A Big
Thank You
for a Productive & Energising
Term 2009- 2014
Keeping in Touch
• Email alerts
• Chair: Dr D Dumashie
• [email protected]
African Task Force