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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Overview

In your state, how are your migrant students doing compared to the rest of the kids in… reading?

- math?

- readiness for kindergarten?

- graduating from high school?


• Comprehensive Needs Assessment • Three-Phase Model • Student Profiles • Need • Special Educational Needs of Migrant Children • Levels I, II, III • Needs Assessment Committee

Three Phase Model Phase I – “What is?” Phase II – Gather and Analyze Data Phase III – Make Decisions

Components of a Profile


Demographics - Outcome/Achievement Data - Perception Data - Student Mobility


• Age/Grade • Age/Gender • Ethnicity • School Enrollment (enrolled, dropout, here-to-work) • Priority-for Services • English Language Proficiency • Disability • Economic Disadvantage • Geographic Location • Number of Children in Household • Language Spoken in the Home • Education Level of Parents • Employment data (i.e., type of migrant work) • Other Characteristics Important to the Migrant Population in your State

Outcome/Achievement Data

• State assessment results • Dropout rates • Language Proficiency Results • Local Assessments • Other

Perception Data

• Student surveys • Parent surveys • Interviews • Focus groups • Observations • Other

Mobility Data

• Qualifying moves • Intrastate/interstate • Moves in 12, 18, 24, 36 months • Geographic • Other

Current State (What is) Migrant students participate in only 140 days of instruction in reading due to family mobility.

Need (Gap) Desired State (What should be) Non-migrant students participate in at least 175 days of instruction in reading.

Current State (What is) Migrant students participate in only 140 days of instruction in reading due to family mobility.

Need (Gap) Migrant students need 35 days of instruction to make up for lost teaching and learning time in reading.

Desired State (What should be) Non-migrant students participate in at least 175 days of instruction in reading.

Roots of the Seven Areas of Concern - high levels of migration (mobility) - move from and to other countries - low socio-economic status - low levels of educational attainment cultural adjustment problems and linguistic differences

Seven Areas of Concern

• Educational Continuity • Time for Instruction • School Engagement • English Language Development • Education Support in the Home • Health • Access To Services

Level 1 – Migrant Children and Families Level 2 – Service Providers and Migrant Staff Level 3 – System

Needs Assessment Committee Effective Manager - Migrant Educators - Local Education Agency Personnel - Experts in Content or Skill Areas - Gatekeepers (SEA) - Migrant Parents & Students - Facilitator/Technical Assistance - Provider/Consultant

• Comprehensive Needs Assessment • Three-Phase Model • Student Profiles • Need • Special Educational Needs of Migrant Children • Levels I, II, III • Needs Assessment Committee

Dr. Goniprow Questions: 1. “What did I miss?” 2. “Why this particular model of CNA?” 3. Other comments