Unpacking the Curriculum

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Transcript Unpacking the Curriculum

Summer Session
The First Steps of Math
Curriculum Alignment
• Introductions and Rationale
• Overview of the week
– Reflections on our content/student
strengths and needs
– Day 1 Unpack/Create Power
– Day 2 Power Standards/Content Area
Vocabulary/Shared Agreements
– Day 3 Curriculum Mapping/Essential
– Day 4 Curriculum Mapping and
– Day 5 Benchmarking and Evaluation
Why This? Why Now?
• Overworked
• Pressure
• Not the Same old Vertical Alignment
• Eliminate the Baggage
• Make things Easier by Front Loading
• Capitalize on our Greatest Resources
– “No man is an island entire unto himself.”
– John Donne
– We’re in this together!
Break into your grade
level or course groups
– 5th grade math
– 4th grade math
– 3th grade math
– 2nd grade math
– 1st grade math
– Kindergarten math
Activity #1
• Write your grade level or
course name at the top
of the large chart paper
• Make a + chart – four
equal zones
Understanding Each Other
• What do your students know really well when
they get to you? -- TL
• List up to three things you wish students had
more of when they arrive in your class.? -- TR
• In your opinion, what are the three to five most
important aspects /concepts / units / ideas in
your curriculum? -- BL
• What do you wish you could give your students
more of? Why isn’t this possible? -- BR
What is Vertical
This Week
The Plan
Math English
Science Arts
Social Studies
Continue K-12
Curriculum Alignment
• Curriculum and learning objectives
are aligned or matched both at the
grade level and across curricular
areas to ensure that students are
provided appropriate learning
opportunities in order to achieve
the identified learning objectives or
• Appropriate alignment is an
ongoing process that prepares
students for the next level of
Understanding the
“What” and “Why” of
Vertical Alignment
• More than establishing scope and
• Process of ensuring…
– A good match between state standards and
lessons taught in classrooms on a daily basis
– Instructional activities are aligned to
– An appropriate amount of time is devoted to
– Unnecessary repetitions are removed
– Gaps are identified
– Assessments are appropriate
(Cohen, 1987; English & Steffy, 2001; Moss-Mitchell, 1998; Neidermeyer & Yelon, 1981; Porter et al.,
1994; Porter & Smithson, 2001; Price-Braugh, 1997; Wishnick, 1989).
What Does the
Research Say?
• Research indicates…
– that alignment is a powerful
indicator of academic
– that an aligned curriculum can
increase student-achievement
and helps to overcome the usual
predictors of socio-economic
status, gender, race, and teacher
quality variables.
(Cohen, 1987; English & Steffy, 2001; Moss-Mitchell, 1998; Neidermeyer &
Yelon, 1981; Porter et al., 1994; Porter & Smithson, 2001; Price-Braugh, 1997;
Wishnick, 1989).
The Cost of
• Poor student achievement
• Under-prepared students
• Fewer students meeting
• At-risk populations in jeopardy
• Teachers working hard but not
• Teachers unclear about
Simply Stated
A clear target understood
by the student, the parent,
and the teacher,
assessed in a clearly
understood manner has
the best opportunity of
being achieved.
So, What’s the Plan?
Outline of HPS Plan for
Secondary Vertical Alignment
HPS Plan Phase 1
1. Unpack the curriculum for each course
2. Create “Power Standards”
3. Create “Shared Agreements” in each
content area
4. Create Course/Content Area Vocabulary
HPS Plan Phase 2
5. Design District-Wide Curriculum Maps
using the HPS template
6. Post Power Standards, Shared
Agreements, Vocabulary, and Pacing
Guides on the HPS webpage and make
them available to parents.
7. Create District-wide Benchmark
Assessments collaboratively
The BIG Picture
• Where are we going with all this?
• Beginning with the end in mind
• Wikis
Immediate Concerns
• Textbook as crutch
• Time spent addressing content
• Stability and/or continuity of
teaching staff
• Transience of students
• Previous school experiences
of students
• Teacher knowledge and
• Seeing the big picture
Source: Hawaii DPI
Ten Minute Break
Step #1
Unpacking the Curriculum
Why Unpack?
• Unpacking forces us to
focus on what is
important to teach
• When curriculum
appropriately governs
time and content,
academic learning time
increases, and so will
student achievement.
Food for Thought
• 2000 Marzano study
• NCTM national math standards
(741 mathematical dimensions
drawn from national standards)
• 10 math teachers asked to identify
the standards that were essential
for all students to learn regardless
of their future aspirations
• Through combination and rankings,
these teachers produced a list of
406 standards (a reduction of 46%)
• This is the format we will follow
(Marzano, 2006)
Step 1: Unpacking the Curriculum
How Do We Unpack?
• Ask the questions that will lead to the “big
ideas” in the standards
• What exactly does each standard/objective mean?
• What is essential?
• What can be combined, needs to be addressed in
• What does not need to be addressed at this time?
Unpacking the Standards
• Have discussions that include what
students will need to understand/
demonstrate in order to achieve mastery in
the course
• What do I know about my students’ prior
knowledge and experience in relation to each
• What does the state/standardized assessment tell
us about what standards are important?
The Goals of Unpacking
• To provide greater clarity about what needs
to be taught
• To help teachers communicate clearly what
students are to learn to parents,
colleagues, and administrators
• To determine the most important elements
in the curriculum
• (To collect the information needed to create
power standards – step 2)
Copies of NCSCoS
EOG test question breakdown
Indicators and Week by Weeks (online)
K-2 Assessment information
Highlighters, pens, and paper/computer
Teacher input***
Curriculum specialists
Time TOGETHER as a group*
Textbooks or other course resources
• Brainstorming from all documents
– EOG information
– Other resources
• Narrow down and refine the standards
• “Chunk or Chuck”
• Come to consensus on essential content
for each grade level or course
• The value is in the process*
1. Narrow down the most crucial aspects of
the curriculum – get rid of the rest
2. Organize “chunk” the information as you
think most appropriate for your content
3. Have a member of your group type your
new information in the manner in which
you choose
(2002). The standards-based instructional planning process: Backwards mapping from standards
to instruction. Retrieved November 28, 2007, from The California State University Web site:
(2007). Academic excellence framework RISD strategic plan. Retrieved November 28, 2007, from
Rock Island School District #41 Office of Instruction & School Improvement Web site:
Ainsworth, Larry (2006). Making standards work series: power standards. Retrieved November
27, 2007, from Center for Performance Assessment Web site: http://www.makingstandards
Cox, Kathy. (2006). Georgia performance standards: days 4 and 5. Retrieved November 27, 2007,
from Georgia Department of Education Web site: http://www.georgiastandards.org
Dean, Ceri B. (2003). A report documenting the process for developing an integrated standardsbased instructional unit. Retrieved November 27, 2007, from McRel Mid-Continental
Research for Education and Learning Web site: http://www.mcrel.org/PDF/Standards/
Marzano, Robert J (2006). Classroom assessment and grading that work. Alexandria, Virginia:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Strong, R, Silver, H, & Perini, M (2001). Teaching what matters most: Standards and strategies
for raising student achievement. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Vertical Alignment Continues
Creating Power Standards
Developing a Course Vocabulary
Continuing. . .
• Burning Issues
• Reviewing our Unpacked Curriculum
• Understanding and Writing Power
• The Art of Choosing Course Vocabulary
Burning Issues
• Your questions from the issue bin
• Feel free to post questions during this
session as well
– What would you like to know more about?
– What’s still unclear?
– “A-HA” moments! – What surprised you most?
Review and Assess
• The assignment…
• Review all unpacked curricula
– 5th Grade -- reviewed by 3rd Grade
– 4th Grade – reviewed by 2nd Grade
– 3rd Grade – reviewed by 1st Grade
– 2nd Grade – reviewed by K
– 1st Grade – reviewed by 5th Grade
– K – reviewed by 4th Grade
1. Narrow down the most crucial aspects of the
curriculum – get rid of the rest
2. Organize “chunk” the information as you think
most appropriate for your content area
3. Have a member of your group type your new
information in the manner in which you choose
Questions to Answer
Do you have a clear understanding of the most important
concepts in this content area? If not, what information do
you need to clarify the concepts?
Is information categorized and “chunked” in a manner that
makes sense? If not, explain. (too much content, not
enough content, organization, etc.)
What are up to three questions you have for the content
area teachers?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the “unpacked”
What are up to three suggestions you can make to help the
group in their revisions?
**You have 15 minutes to answer these questions. The
curriculum for each grade level is found in the binder.
Engaging in Professional Discourse
• Feedback
• 20 minutes – 10 minutes per course
• Setting parameters
Depth over Breadth
• What essential understandings and skills do our students need?
• Which standards can be clustered or incorporated into others?
• You have 10 minutes to make modifications to your “unpacked”
• Scenario for Discussion
– We know that all standards must still be taught, but what takes
Table Discussion
• How did you decide which standards are
the most important to teach when there is
no way to teach all of them effectively in
the time you have?
Understanding Power
Power Standards are…
“…those standards that, once mastered,
give a student the ability to use reasoning
and thinking skills to learn and understand
other curriculum objectives.”
Power Standards
• Not intended to undermine the hard work
gone into the determination of any state’s
• Idealism vs. Realism
• Prioritization, Not Elimination
• Marzano (2001) / McREL findings
• Emphasis on enduring understanding
rather than specific content
The Dilemma
• “Inch deep” coverage
• Lengthy review of previously covered material
• Re-teaching
• By collaborating, unpacking the curriculum, developing
power standards, and system-wide pacing guides, we
can work smarter and more effectively.
• With these positive changes, we can expect different
What is Essential?
How to Decide
Will this standard provide students with
knowledge and skills that will be of value
beyond a single test date?
Will this provide knowledge and skills that
will be of value in multiple disciplines?
Will this provide students with essential
knowledge and skills that are necessary
for success in the next grade or next level
of instruction?
What is REALLY Essential?
• School
• Life
• State Test
• Complete Venn Diagram with group by
using your resources (10 minutes)
• What was interesting?
• What was surprising?
• What questions do you have for other
Review your Unpacked
• Unpacked Curriculum
• Venn Diagram*
• PowerPoint
• Modify if Necessary –
– Additions?
– Restructuring/Chunking?
– Chucking?
Wiki Training with Donna
Writing Power Standards
Repacking the Curriculum
Fourth Grade Power Standards
• Students taking Fourth Grade Social Studies in Wayne
Township will…
– Trace the historical periods, places, people, events, and
movements that have led to the development of Indiana as a state
– Explain citizenship rights and responsibilities
– Use inquiry and communication skills to report findings in charts,
graphs, written, and verbal formats
– Describe the major physical and cultural characteristics of Indiana
– Compare the characteristics of Indiana’s changing economy in the
past and present
– Analyze the roles and relationships of diverse groups of people
contributing to Indiana’s cultural heritage
– Describe the impacts of science, technology, and the arts on
Indiana’s culture
Understanding Power Standards
• Represent skills that teachers know
students must master prior to leaving this
class for the next level of math
• NOT the curriculum we teach but the
essence of what students must achieve to
demonstrate mastery
Let’s Talk Essential Standards
New format released from state
Timeline for implementation found online
Writing Power Standards
• Students taking _____________ in
Hickory Public Schools will…
• Statements will be verb phrases that will
complete this statement
• What should our limit be for social
Strong Verbs for Verb Phrases
Goals for Today
1. Review your unpacked curriculum, venn
diagram, and other materials.
2. Come to consensus on what is essential.
3. Write Power Standards for your course using
the format provided on the Fourth Grade
example – (see strong verbs on PPT).
4. Have another member write them on large
sticky notes and display them in order (K-5).
Content Area Vocabulary
An assignment for tomorrow
Choose your Poison
• Bring what you believe to be the twenty to
twenty-five most important vocabulary
words in your curriculum
• This is NOT a group activity – choose the
words YOU think are the most important
for students to know
Ainsworth, Larry (2003). Power standards: Identifying the standards that
matter the most. Englewood, CO: Advanced Learning Press.
Checkley, Kathy (2008). Priorities in practice: The essentials of social studies,
grades K-8. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Vertical Alignment Continues
Day 2
Revisit and Revise Power Standards
Create Shared Agreements
Content Area Vocabulary
Course Descriptions
• Burning Issues
• Submit Content Area
Vocabulary/Key Words list
• Gallery Walk
• Revise Power Standards
• Creating Shared Agreements
• Essential Questions Training
Before I forget. . .
• Resources in your binders regarding
Essential Questions
• Review before tomorrow’s session
• Highlight, underline, make note of any
questions or samples you have
Good to Know
• If any, what big differences are there
between the NCSCOS and the National
Course of Study for Math?
Gallery Walk
Looking for Vertical Flow
Your Assignment
Sticky Notes
Writing Utensil
Power Standards
Gallery Walk Instructions
• Carefully read each grade level’s Power
• Use the sticky notes provided to make AT
LEAST one comment on each group’s
• Please review your own standards as well.
However, you do not need to make a
comment on your own standards.
Questions to Consider
• As you complete the gallery walk of each standard,
consider the following questions:
• Is each standard clear?
• Do there seem to be any major omissions, gaps, or
• Is there a particular standard or indicator that is likely to
be state tested that is completely missing?
• Do you see any standards that seem redundantly taught
in two or three grades that could be thoroughly taught in
What Comment Should I Leave?
• Questions, comments, concerns
• Critique
– Wording
– Clarity
– Content
• Ultimate Goal: Posted on website before
the start of school
Review Your Comments
Make any necessary modifications (30
Have a member of the group type your
Power Standards and E-mail them to me
and to all members of your group.
Add them to your wiki as well
Print 10 copies of your revised Power
Standards to use as we create Shared
Shared Agreements
Content Area Vocabulary
Course Descriptions
Shared Agreements
• McREL’s Definition:
– Shared agreements clearly describe what
teachers will do in their classrooms and with
their students to move the school toward
success and how they will be held responsible
for living up to their end of the bargain.
Shared Agreements
• Only translate into effective action when they are
specific and agreed to by all.
• Are a major component of alignment as
decisions are made as to the types of classroom
instruction students will experience in math K-5.
• Foundation of alignment, pacing, and
benchmark assessments to ensure we are not
teaching in isolation
Goal of Creating
Shared Agreements
• To create a school system that shares a
belief in its ability to accomplish goals and
works together to achieve them for all
students at all grade levels
Why Shared Agreements?
• Lipsey and Wilson (1993) – academic goal
setting – effect size of 0.55*
• Range from 18-41 percentile points
Why Shared Agreements
• Little (1990) found that shared
responsibility for common goals was an
important part of establishing collegiality
and creating effective schools
High School Science Shared
• We agree that all of our students will…
1. Read and interpret articles on science in popular and
professional magazines through summaries and presentations
four times per year.
2. Explore and understand the scientific process by creating their
own experimental investigations, and by interpreting and
critiquing the experimental designs of others, at least once a
3. Apply their understanding of scientific concepts by designing
investigations and community-service projects at least twice
per year.
4. Conduct inquiries into ethical issues in the practice of science,
and its limitations and powers as a discipline at least twice per
Strong, R, Silver, H, & Perini, M (2001). Teaching what matters most: Standards and strategies for
raising student achievement. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
The Power of Shared
• Teachers create…
– vertical and horizontal consensus on teacher
responsibilities in relation to goals and power standards.
– a vision of what kinds of student work/understanding
provides key assessment information for the whole group
to review.
– professional learning communities.
– a continuum of expectations that builds on itself.
What Can We Agree to Provide?
• Break into Shared Agreements groups 1-6
Resources from Notebook
Philosophy from DPI
National Standards
Other documents and planning materials
Essential Standards
Other Resources
Power Standards
21st Century Learning Goals
Examples from SS and Math 6-12
Five Standards of Authentic Instruction
Higher-order thinking
Depth of knowledge
Connectedness to the world beyond the classroom
Substantive conversation
Social support for student achievement
Creating Shared Agreements
• In the next 30 minutes, create 3-5 shared
agreements in your group.
• Type the agreements
• E-mail them to me
• Print 10 copies
10 minute break
Sharing our Agreements
Preparing to Work
• Professional Dialogue
• Input from Everyone is Essential to
• Discussion + Input = Better Agreements
Reviewing Agreements
• Read all agreements
• Mark agreements that address the same
– , circle, *, other symbol to mark like items
Amending Agreements
• Choose a topic/idea/theme…
• Brainstorm together
Table Discussion
• Why do you teach what you teach?
(2008). Create shared agreements. Retrieved March 31, 2008, from Mcrel midcontinent research for education and learning Web site:
Ainsworth, Larry (2003). Power standards: Identifying the standards that matter
the most. Englewood, CO: Advanced Learning Press.
Checkley, Kathy (2008). Priorities in practice: The essentials of social studies, grades K-8.
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Marzano, Robert J, Pickering, Debra J., & Pollock, Jane E. (2001). Classroom
instruction that works. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Marzano, Robert J (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action.
Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Strong, R, Silver, H, & Perini, M (2001). Teaching what matters most:
Standards and strategies for raising student achievement. Alexandria:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
After Lunch
Course Descriptions
Content Area Vocabulary
Content-Area Vocabulary
Compiling Vocabulary
Power Standards
What the Research Says
• Less than 40 percent of students are proficient
readers. (NAEP, 2005, 2007)
• The understanding of content-area vocabulary is
a major comprehension factor. (Beck &
McKeown, 2002)
• Almost half of all exceptional students students
are struggling readers.
• Lack of a robust vocabulary is linked to school
• Vocabulary is linked to socioeconomic status.
More Research…
• The vocabulary gap widens with age.
• Ten exposures to new vocabulary words
are needed for full understanding (National
Reading Panel).
• Review and assessment are essential to
long-term understanding.
The Big Picture
• Vertical Alignment is more than just
choosing words for a list to post on a web
page, it is only the first step in creating a
plan to actively teach those words.
Success for All Students through
Vocabulary Instruction
Better reading comprehension
Content area knowledge
Improvement in writing
Success on assessments and
• Increased self-esteem and motivation to
Working with the Lists
• Peruse all lists to gain a greater understanding of what is
taught at each level
• Upper levels, pay particular attention to any concepts,
key terms, or words that are being taught in previous
• Five minutes
• What observations can you make from what you have
• What questions do you have?
Prioritizing and Revising Lists
• What is your goal in creating a content-area
vocabulary resource?
• How did you choose your key words/terms?
• How do you want to organize these terms?
• How do you want them presented on the
web page?
• Should we determine a maximum number of
Revising Course Vocabulary
• Final product posted on wiki
Course Descriptions
• Examples from those before us
Allen, J. (1999) Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12. ME:
Beck, M., McKeown, and Kucan. (2002) Bringing Words to Life:
Robust Vocabulary Instruction. New York: Guilford.
Becker, W. C. (1977) Teaching Reading and Language to the Disadvantaged: What
We Have Learned From Field Research.
Harvard Educational Review, 47, 511-543.
Beers, K. (2003) When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do. New Hampshire:
Blanchowicz, C., and Ugle, D. (2001). Reading Comprehension: Strategies for
Independent Learners. New York: Guildford Press.
Cobuild New Student’s Dictionary: Helping Learners with Real English. Harper
Gaskins, I. W. (2005) Success with Struggling Readers. New York: Guilford Press.
Graves, M. (2006) The Vocabulary Book: Learning and Instruction. New York:
Teachers College Press.
Harmon, J. M., Wood K.D., and Hedrick W.B. (2006) Instructional Strategies for
Teaching Content Vocabulary Grades 4-12. Ohio: National Middle School
McEwan, E.K. (2004) Strategies of Highly Effective Readers. California: Corwin
(2008). Create shared agreements. Retrieved March 31, 2008, from Mcrel midcontinent research for education and learning Web site:
Ainsworth, Larry (2003). Power standards: Identifying the standards that matter
the most. Englewood, CO: Advanced Learning Press.
Checkley, Kathy (2008). Priorities in practice: The essentials of social studies, grades K-8.
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Marzano, Robert J, Pickering, Debra J., & Pollock, Jane E. (2001). Classroom
instruction that works. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Marzano, Robert J (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action.
Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Strong, R, Silver, H, & Perini, M (2001). Teaching what matters most:
Standards and strategies for raising student achievement. Alexandria:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Welcome Back!
Day Three
Math Vertical Alignment
Opening Thought
• Curriculum alignment is a recursive
process – it is never ending. The best
practitioners modify their teaching and
assessments to meet the needs of the
learners they teach, to reflect changes in
the curriculum, and to include real-world
associations that affect their students’
• Course Descriptions
– Read and Provide Input
• Wording
• Clarity
• Etc.
• Vocabulary Terms
– Read and Provide Input
• 20 minutes to provide feedback and consider changes
• Mix Up Feedback Groups
Review and Assess
– 5th Grade -- reviewed by 4th Grade
– 4th Grade – reviewed by 3rd Grade
– 3rd Grade – reviewed by 2nd Grade
– 2nd Grade – reviewed by 1st Grade
– 1st Grade – reviewed by K
– K – reviewed by 5th Grade
Shared Agreements – Social
Studies Groups
• Students will interpret and evaluate various sources,
including text, primary historical documents and media
sources, through summaries and/or presentations at
least four times throughout the course.
• Students will engage in a content-appropriate project
based on research and the evaluation of source
materials in each course.
• Students will interpret and apply appropriate tools,
including maps, charts, graphs, tables, timelines, political
cartoons, etc., within each unit.
• Students will use technology to access, share, present,
and/or demonstrate knowledge and skills in each course.
K-5 Mathematics Shared
Adding Essential Questions
Where We Came From…
Climate Survey (T-chart)
Unpacking the Curriculum
Power Standards
Content Area Vocabulary
Course Descriptions
Shared Agreements Grades K-5
Various Revisions and Gallery Walks
• Revisiting the Timeline (briefly)
• Writing Essential Questions for each Unit
• Completing your Curriculum Map
Looking Ahead
• Work Session on the Timeline
• Building the Curriculum Map
– Adding Assignments, Outside Readings,
Websites, other Resources pertinent to each
– A time to collaborate and share best practices
and best resources
Task #1– 10 minutes
• Reflect on Timelines
– Does your timeline reflect the “entire” curriculum?
– Is time allotted to each unit/theme/objective in a
manner that is consistent with the EOG/curriculum?
– Are your power standards reflected in your timeline?
(They are on your wiki if you need them.)
– Do you need to revise?
HPS Vertical Alignment Wikis
Task #2: 30 minutes
1. Decide what components you would like
as a group on your district-wide
curriculum map.
Remember the “must haves.”
2. Modify the wiki page in the curriculum
map folder to reflect those changes.
3. Begin to add components of your
timeline into the Topic/Content section of
your curriculum map.
Break – 10 Minutes
Coming Up!
Writing Overarching Essential
Working Definition of EQ
• Define Essential Question
• http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.ph
• Is there anything you want to add to your
definition after viewing the video?
Building on Our Foundation
• Novice Level (Stepping Stone Questions)
• The student-friendly objective turned into a question
• Different question every day
• Concrete questions with specific/correct answers
Taking EQ’s to the Next Level
• Advanced Level
• Overarching and supporting questions
• Open-ended questions requiring students to use
prior knowledge, new information, and individual
• Questions that encourage analysis, synthesis, and
Essential Questions and Bloom
• solicits evaluation of data
• helps students conduct analysis through
problem-related research
• makes students produce original ideas
rather than predetermined answers
• encourages critical thinking not just
memorization of facts.
What should the EQ classroom
look like?
• Overarching Essential Questions
• Supporting Questions (Stepping Stones)
Interest-generating questions
Student-friendly objective turned into a question
Leading questions
Somewhat closed questions to solicit facts and build background
Traits of the Essential Question
• causes genuine and relevant inquiry into the big
ideas and core content
• provokes deep thought, lively discussion,
sustained inquiry, and new understanding as well
as more questions
• requires students to consider alternatives, weigh
evidence, support their ideas, and justify their
Traits of the Essential Question
• stimulates vital, on-going rethinking of big
ideas, assumptions, and prior lessons
• sparks meaningful connections with prior
learning and personal experiences
• naturally recurs, creating opportunities
for transfer to other situations and
Developing Essential Questions
In your content-area groups, ask yourselves
these questions as you complete EQ’s for each
section of your timeline.
1. What are the concepts or “big ideas” students must
understand in each unit/section of your curriculum?
2. What knowledge must students apply to
demonstrate their understanding?
3. What questions should your students be able to
answer at the end of each unit/section?
Examples of EQ’s
• www.hhsmathdepartment.p
• http://martinowikiwhack.pb
Break Time
Where we Stand?
• Curriclulum Map: Where we are going
– Timeline
– SCoS Objectives
– Essential Questions
– Content
– Resources
– Wiki
• More than establishing scope and sequence
• Process of ensuring…
– A good match between state standards and lessons taught in
classrooms on a daily basis
– Instructional activities are aligned to standards
– An appropriate amount of time is devoted to instruction
– Unnecessary repetitions are removed
– Gaps are identified
– Assessments are appropriate
(Cohen, 1987; English & Steffy, 2001; Moss-Mitchell, 1998; Neidermeyer & Yelon, 1981; Porter et al., 1994; Porter & Smithson, 2001; PriceBraugh, 1997; Wishnick, 1989).
Mirror, Mirror
• I teach the textbook from one chapter to the
• I know ________ is not a part of my curriculum,
but it is in my textbook, and I enjoy it. So, I
always cover it. The kids love it too, so I don’t
see the problem.
• I never get to ______________ because it is at
the end of the book, but I plan to cover this topic
every year.
• I am unsure as to whether or not I cover the
entire curriculum.
Next Steps
• Yearlong Timeline
– Discuss the SCoS in your
grade level
– Iron out a timeline for your
• Unit/Theme
• Chronologically
• Geographically
– 30 minutes (Include a
Break at Your Leisure)
– Record Information on
Chart Paper
– Consider…
• Your NCSCoS
• Your Resources
• Really taking a hard
look at what you do and
if changes needed
• Being open minded
• Your EOG question
• Sequencing
– Year Before – Year
English I
• Days 1-25:
Days 26 – 40:
Days 41 – 70:
Days 71 – 85:
Days 86 – 90:
Discrimination, Fear, and
The Hero’s Journey
The Human Condition
The Origin of Fear
• Goal 6 (Grammar) is embedded in the assignments
within each unit.
Reflect and Present
• Questions to Answer
– How did you make organizational choices?
– What did you discover during this process?
– What questions do you have for other groups as they
present? (Check out their curricula.)
• Present your information
• Questions?
Tasks to be Completed
1. Decide on your Curriculum Map
Modify the layout to meet your needs
2. Add Timeline Information to Wiki
Make sure to SAVE!
3. Create the overarching essential
questions for each unit or section of
your course.
Add questions to curriculum map on Wiki
Don’t forget to SAVE!
(1996). From now on. Retrieved August 1, 2008, from FNO.org Web site:
(2002). Writing essential questions. Retrieved August 1, 2008, from
myprojectpages.com Web site:
(2004). Themes & essential questions: Framing inquiry & promoting critical
thinking. Retrieved August 1, 2008, from Greece Central School District Web
site: http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/instruction/ela/612/essential%20questions/Index.htm
(2005). Essential questions. Retrieved August 1, 2008, from The Question Mark
Web site: http://questioning.org/mar05/essential.html
(2008). Essential questions. Retrieved August 1, 2008, from Spartanburg School
District 3 Web site: http://www.spa3.k12.sc.us/essentialquest.htm
Nellan, Ted (2008). What is an essential question?. Retrieved August 1, 2008,
from The Nellan Family Jewels Web site:
Wiggins, G., What is an essential question?. Retrieved August 17, 2008 from Big
ideas, an authentic e-journal: Web site:
Day 4
Questions or Concerns?
Comments about the Wiki
Task #1
Virtual Gallery Walk
• Click on each course in your
content area.
• Review Power Standards
• Read pacing guide with
focus on Essential
– Provide feedback in
COMMENTS section
Review of EQ’s
• Advanced Level
• Overarching questions
• Open-ended questions requiring students to use prior
knowledge, new information, and individual research
• Questions that
• solicit evaluation of data
• help students conduct analysis through problem-related
• make students produce original ideas rather than
predetermined answers
• encourage critical thinking not just memorization of
Task #1
Provide feedback on pacing guides
through answering the following
Are the power standards reflected in
the pacing guide?
Are the questions truly essential?
Is the pacing guide student and parent
What additions/omissions should be
Please be thorough..
You are the best resource for your
HPS Vertical Alignment Wikis
Task #1
• Log in to the wiki using
your username and
• Provide comments in the
comments section.
• Let’s start with 30
• Tools
– Power Standards
– EQ Information
– Wiki
Tasks #2: Revisions
• Review comments
• Consider possible revisions
• 15 minutes
• Break…
• Questions?
Task #3: Completing the
Curriculum Map – Rough Draft
Web Resources/Links
• Revisit
– Shared Agreements
– Power Standards
• Are all shared
agreements and all
power standards
reflected in your
curriculum map?
• If you were a student or
parent, what information
would be most useful to
Making the Most of your Wiki
• Adding Folders for
Graphic Organizers
• How do we keep the
lines of communication
open between schools
after we have
completed the
alignment sessions?
• Update message goes
Ticket out the Door
• Which of the following assessment programs to do you use?
Study Island
Pre-fabricated benchmarks from another source
• How do you modify instruction based on results from benchmark
• How do you envision district-wide benchmark assessments?
• What is important to you as we plan to create district-wide
Welcome Back! Day 5
The last hoorah…
Or is it?
Food for Thought
• Curriculum alignment is a
recursive process – it is never
ending. The best practitioners
modify their teaching and
assessments to meet the needs
of the learners they teach, to
reflect changes in the
curriculum, and to include realworld associations that affect
their students’ lives.
Discussing Options for Posting
Proofreading and Editing Curriculum Maps
Benchmark Assessments – Discussion
Time to modify and collaborate on
• Final Alignment Deadlines
Posting Options
• Where will you
post? (Final question
on questionnaire!)
– Individual teacher
– Curriculum/Instruction
– For Parents/For
– Other Options?
– Discuss
Curriculum Maps
Should be completed
Take a moment (15 – 20 minutes) to
review your curriculum map and some of
the other grade levels/content areas.
What do you see that could improve your
curriculum map?
The 411 on Benchmark
• Why do we give benchmark assessments?
• Table discussion – 3 minutes
• Can you have too many benchmarks?
• What are our beliefs about instruction and
– Do we spend time on mastery learning?
– Do we move on because the curriculum or standardized
testing pushes us to do so?
What we know about
• Cannot stand alone
– Must be a part of a whole system
• Used to adapt teaching to meet each learner’s needs
• And to evaluate student knowledge and skills relative to
a specific set of academic goals – typically within a
limited time frame
– Cumulative benchmarks are imperative
• Should be aligned with content standards
– Designed to inform decisions at both the classroom and beyond
the classroom level
• Tutoring, Remediation, Portfolios
Mode of Delivery
• Mode of Delivery is important
• Flexibility…
• ACRE is changing the way we approach
What is our Goal?
• Success on EOG?
– -- only assess up to mid-level Bloom’s
• Long-term retention of information?
• Both?
• ACRE Reform: Reforming both standards and
assessments -- Open-ended, upper-level
• Developing Benchmark Assessments: A
Teacher Perspective
What makes a good benchmark
• See your responses from our last session
• Are we truly going to develop benchmarks
that will embrace the ACRE reform or are
so influenced by the current culture of
NCLB that we cannot envision
assessment in other ways?
Multiple choice
Short answer
Performance assessment (presentation, project)
Student-generated assessment
Multi-faceted assessment
• Pros and cons?
• What makes the best assessment?
Current Benchmarks
• ?
Benchmarks Discussion
In your content-area/grade-level groups, answer the
following questions together:
• When will you give benchmark assessments?
What will be the layout/design?
• What will be the length?
• How will you administer the assessment?
• Goal: Use at least two modes of delivery in each
• Work together to plan and design your benchmark
assessments. (Let’s be realistic!)
• Design a plan for completing district-wide benchmarks.
• As you plan, ask yourself the following questions:
Power Standards
Pacing Guide
Concerns about multiple textbooks?
• Prepare a hard copy or electronic copy to share with me.
Remainder of Today
• Work with your group to
discuss all aspects of your
benchmark assessments.
• Complete the Capture your
Thoughts Reflection on the
Alignment process.
Plan for Sharing
• Grade level/school-wide
• Plan by school
• 30 minutes
• Report
Final Thought
• Curriculum alignment is a
recursive process – it is never
ending. The best practitioners
modify their teaching and
assessments to meet the
needs of the learners they
teach, to reflect changes in the
curriculum, and to include realworld associations that affect
their students’ lives.
(2001). Developing local benchmark assessments.
Retrieved May 6, 2009, from California Department of
Education Web site:
Pasquier, Myra & Gomez-Zwelp, Susan. (2006).
Developing benchmark assessments: A teacher
perspective. Retrieved May 6, 2009, from Center for
Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning Web
Where we Began
• What do your students know really well when
they get to you? -- TL
• List up to three things you wish students had
more of when they arrive in your class.? -TR
• In your opinion, what are the three to five
most important aspects /concepts / units /
ideas in your curriculum? -- BL
• What do you wish you could give your
students more of? Why isn’t this possible? - BR
Understanding the “What” and
“Why” of Vertical Alignment
• More than establishing scope and sequence
• Process of ensuring…
– A good match between state standards and lessons
taught in classrooms on a daily basis
– Instructional activities are aligned to standards
– An appropriate amount of time is devoted to
– Unnecessary repetitions are removed
– Gaps are identified
– Assessments are appropriate
(Cohen, 1987; English & Steffy, 2001; Moss-Mitchell, 1998; Neidermeyer & Yelon, 1981; Porter et al., 1994; Porter & Smithson,
2001; Price-Braugh, 1997; Wishnick, 1989).
What Does the Research Say?
• Research indicates…
– that alignment is a powerful indicator of
academic achievement.
– that an aligned curriculum can increase
student-achievement and helps to overcome
the usual predictors of socio-economic status,
gender, race, and teacher quality variables.
(Cohen, 1987; English & Steffy, 2001; Moss-Mitchell, 1998; Neidermeyer & Yelon, 1981; Porter et al., 1994;
Porter & Smithson, 2001; Price-Braugh, 1997; Wishnick, 1989).
The Cost of Misalignment
Poor student achievement
Under-prepared students
Fewer students meeting expectations
At-risk populations in jeopardy
Teachers working hard but not producing
Teachers unclear about responsibilities
HPS Plan Phase 1
 Unpack the curriculum for each course
 Create “Power Standards”
 Create “Shared Agreements” in each
content area
 Create Course/Content Area Vocabulary
HPS Plan Phase 2
5. Design District-Wide Pacing Guides using
the HPS template
6. Post Power Standards, Shared
Agreements, Vocabulary, and Pacing
Guides on the HPS webpage and make
them available to parents.
Create District-wide Benchmark
Assessments collaboratively
The BIG Picture
• Where are we going with all this?
• Beginning with the end in mind
Immediate Concerns
Textbook as crutch
Time spent addressing content
Stability and/or continuity of teaching staff
Transience of students
Previous school experiences of students
Teacher knowledge and experience
Seeing the big picture
Source: Hawaii DPI
Back to Shared Agreements
What can we agree that ALL of
our students will do at all levels.
Shared Agreements
• McREL’s Definition:
– Shared agreements clearly describe what
teachers will do in their classrooms and with
their students to move the school toward
success and how they will be held responsible
for living up to their end of the bargain.
Shared Agreements
• Only translate into effective action when
they are specific and agreed to by all.
• Are a major component of alignment as
decisions are made as to the types of
classroom instruction students will
experience in grades 6-12.
• Foundation of alignment, pacing, and
benchmark assessments to ensure we are
not teaching in isolation
Goal of Creating
Shared Agreements
• To create a school system that shares a
belief in its ability to accomplish goals and
works together to achieve them for all
students at all grade levels
Why Shared Agreements?
• Lipsey and Wilson (1993) – academic goal
setting – effect size of 0.55*
• Range from 18-41 percentile points
Why Shared Agreements
• Little (1990) found that shared
responsibility for common goals was an
important part of establishing collegiality
and creating effective schools
High School Science Shared
• We agree that all of our students will…
1. Read and interpret articles on science in popular and
professional magazines through summaries and presentations
four times per year.
2. Explore and understand the scientific process by creating their
own experimental investigations, and by interpreting and
critiquing the experimental designs of others, at least once a
3. Apply their understanding of scientific concepts by designing
investigations and community-service projects at least twice
per year.
4. Conduct inquiries into ethical issues in the practice of science,
and its limitations and powers as a discipline at least twice per
Strong, R, Silver, H, & Perini, M (2001). Teaching what matters most: Standards and strategies for
raising student achievement. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
The Power of Shared
• Teachers create…
– vertical and horizontal consensus on teacher
responsibilities in relation to goals and power
– a vision of what kinds of student
work/understanding provides key assessment
information for the whole group to review.
– professional learning communities.
– a continuum of expectations that builds on itself.
Resources from Notebook
• Philosophy, Purpose (p. 2-3)
• Program Description (Scope), Legal
Requirements (p. 4-6)
• History, Geography (p. 7-8)
• Economics, Political Science (p.9-10)
• Skills, Foundation for Skills Development (p.1213)
• Social Studies Competency Goals 1-2 (p. 14)
• Social Studies Competency Goals 3-5 (p. 15)
Other Resources
Power Standards
21st Century Learning Goals
English I Shared Agreements (Notebook)
Science Shared Agreements (Handout)
Five Standards of Authentic Instruction
Higher-order thinking
Depth of knowledge
Connectedness to the world beyond the classroom
Substantive conversation
Social support for student achievement
Where we Left
• My Tasks
• Compile content area
• Prepare for Next
• Your Tasks
• Compile Resources
for Pacing
• Consider the Hard
– Why do I teach what I
Preparing to Work
• Professional Dialogue
• Input from Everyone is Essential to
• Discussion + Input = Better Agreements
Strategies to Establish
Shared Agreements
• Establish WHAT is to be done
• Outline WHEN and HOW OFTEN tasks or
actions will be completed
• Consider different environments (grades,
content areas)
• Establish a sense of PURPOSE for each
Amending Agreements
• As a content area/grade level look at
Group 1’s agreements
• Which agreements are feasible for your
subject matter?
– Entire statement or a phrase, word, or part
• Prioritize and Eliminate
• Four minutes
• Share responses
Groups 2-6
• Repeat the process
• Be mindful of ideas previously presented
• Working list of ideas that can be
implemented 6-12
• Four minutes
• Share responses
Creating our Shared Agreements
• HPS Social Studies Shared Agreements
District-Wide Pacing Guides
• For our next session…
Textbook and other classroom resources
H drive (Files or documents)
NC SCoS and EOC Breakdown / Sample Release Items
Pacing Guides you already have
Middle School – Course Description Rough Draft – Due
August 29
– High School – Review current course descriptions for
changes that need to be made – Due August 29
– Donna Murray – wiki