Transcript Slide 1

Mandi Chizambire
I am standing as a candidate for the Bristol Youth Select Committee because…
In feel that I can act as an advocate for all young people in Bristol, to ensure that their voices are heard.
The nature of my current studies and on-going work within the Children In Care Council has equipped me
with a wide range of skills, such as teamwork, acquiring initiative, self-motivation, and the confidence,
enthusiasm, and determination to make a success of it.
If I was elected I would…
…help to reduce the social stigma of mental health and body image issues. One in four people in the UK
will experience a mental health problem each year. Many cases go unreported due to the stigma and
misconceptions attached. As a potential Bristol City Youth Council member, I would campaign for a wider
taught curriculum on mental health issues and body image issues, so those who suffer can seek help earlier.
I will get the views of other young people by...
…reaching out to young people in my local area and school. Also, I’d set up a confidential email, for those
who haven’t got the confidence to bring up an issue which could easily be eradicated, and improve a young
persons life in the city. I will also be very active on social media sites, and keeping an eye out for issues
raised that are affecting young people in the city.