Transcript Slide 1

The Queen Katherine School
KS4 curriculum, assessment &
Work Experience
Information Evening
Head of Upper School: Mrs Brierley
Head of Year 10: Mr Rouse
Pastoral Leader at KS4: Mrs Wheatman
KS4 Learning Support: Mrs Reynolds (Ms Davies)
Work Experience Co-ordinator: Mandy Morland
Form Tutors: Mrs Thompson, Mr Gibbs, Mr Weightman, Mr
Birtwistle, Mrs Kinlock, Mr Watson, Mr Patrick, Mr Hamilton
Changes ahead at KS4
• Calendar of
Assessment deadlines.
• Linear Exams, mainly
at end of Year 11.
• Controlled
Assessment in lessons.
• Support on VLE
• Progress Reviews
• Assertive Mentoring
• Raising of Participation
Age. (RPA)
Summary of CA details, exam boards etc
The Queen Katherine School
overview of
subjects, exam
Details on VLE,
plus contacts of
Head of
Departments if
require more
Details on VLE – options
Linear Exams
The Queen Katherine School
• Single series exams, generally all at the
end of Year 11. ( except Core Science
for dual scientists and Eng Lang for
combined English).
• Calendar of Assessment to help
prepare for deadlines throughout the
– Highlight subjects you study. Look how
fit with other commitments in school
and out of school.
Indiviudal Pathways for Core
subjects - Science
The Queen Katherine School
• Scientists – 4 pathways (Triple,
BTEC, Single or Dual Scientists)
– Dual Scientists will sit Core Science in
Summer Year 10. (Level of entry based
on Decision Assessments taken in
lessons. First one is on Monday next
– All other students are on 2 year
courses and will sit exams / complete
BTEC end of Year 11.
Indiviudal Pathways for Core
subjects - English
The Queen Katherine School
– Year 10 combined English (Lit/Lang)
will sit English Language in Summer of
Year 10 and go on to Literature in
Summer of Year 11.
• (Possible to resit English Language in
November of Year 11)
Period of continuous change
The Queen Katherine School
- Linear exams.
- Exams getting harder.
- Spelling Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
marks in English Literature, Geography, History and
- BTECs – new specifications this year. 75%
coursework plus one examined unit. ( New this
- As of Sept 2013 English Language – no longer
Speaking and Listening CA.
- As of 29th September 2013, only first entry score will
count in League tables.
- First Year group that will not study AS exams if
continue in Sixth Form, so vital get best GCSE
results possible for UCAS entries to University.
What does Controlled Assessment
really mean?
The Queen Katherine School
• Work set by the exam board completed in school
under supervision, which counts for the final GCSE
• Time limit / guided hours
• Students own work
• Students and teachers sign declaration to show own
• Less onerous for students outside lessons
• In reality the new courses are demanding through out
the 2 yr course, with Controlled Assessment running
throughout the two year course.
Low Control
The Queen Katherine School
Some work can be completed without
supervision, outside the classroom/centre.
• Students have access to resources.
• Students can work together.
• Students can receive guidance from
Medium Control
The Queen Katherine School
Directly supervision not required at all
times but adequate supervision to
ensure work can be authenticated
• the students’ work is their own, no plagiarism.
(Students must reference all sources.)
• the contributions of individual students are recorded
• Students have access to resources.
• Students can work together.
• Students are free to revise and redraft a piece of
work before submitting the final piece.
• Teacher’s can review student work and provide oral
and written advice at a general level.
High Control
The Queen Katherine School
Students must be in direct
sight of the supervisor at all times.
• The use of resources is tightly prescribed,
normally only research folders/diaries.
• Students must complete all work independently.
• Students must not communicate with each
• No assistance can be given to students.
• No access to internet, email or memory sticks. (
Students have secure logins if IT needed.)
• Teacher’s may answer questions but cannot
advise students how to approach the task.
Feedback from Year 11 students on how to
prepare for exams and cope with pressures.
The Queen Katherine School
Feedback from Year 11
students ( to students)
Controlled Assessment
Organise your folders of work and know
what is going to be on the exam.
Try and keep ahead of deadlines if you do
not have other work set.
Use revision guides and websites such as
Sam Learning and My Maths
Listen to the teachers feedback
Vary revision techniques to make more
If not sure or unhappy with something,
interesting. ( find out what works for you). don’t keep quiet…say something
Buy nice highlighters, post it notes, cards
Start revising early and make a revision
timetable. Don’t leave until last minute.
Don’t worry about it too much. It is not
that scary and some pieces can be
Avoid distractions, screen ban. Don’t go
on Facebook loads.
Keep on top of interim deadlines so the
stress does not build up.
Get right balance of work and play. Eat
healthy, drink lots of water, take exercise.
Only do what you can manage.
Use the calendar of assessment to see
where pressure points might be for you
and plan ahead.
Feedback from Year 11
students ( to school)
Loan revision books for free or sell cheap ones.
Most departments already sell discounted
revision books or CD’s.
Prepare us for exams earlier
Year 10 and Year 11 mock exams week.
Help us with different methods of revision.
Mr Yarker and Mr Bell revision sessions + class
teachers. ( Also sessions for parents).
Give dates of assessments and exams earlier
and spread out deadlines.
Calendar of assessment and exam dates ready
to give Year 10 and 11 + on wall display
More revision sessions and 1 to 1 help
Revision sessions afterschool and lunchtimes +
during school day after study leave started.
Talk to your teacher.
Provide somewhere to revise at lunchtime
Silent work room in US on Tuesday ant
Thursday lunchtime.
More practice papers and easier access to work
saved in schools.
Use VLE revision page, subject pages and
mysite to save documents. Probs log on at
home. ( enable cookies and check \ login)
Make sure we have access to specifications,
mark schemes and know grade boundaries.
VLE subject pages, revision page, exam board
websites links. ( grade boundaries given with
Feedback from Year 11
students ( to parents)
Possible solutions
Try to support, understand, but not add
too much pressure and stress.
Fine balance, but listen to your students.
Encourage to take a break etc.
Need quiet space to work.
Think through possible solutions.
Provide tasty snacks and treats + rewards
for doing revision.
Incentives and rewards that work for your
No/less household chores.
Discussion with child.
Help to keep to exam timetable.
Plan times for day and support without
Wait until we ask for help.
Be supportive, but not too pressuring.
Help by testing revision notes or leaving
facts to learn around the house.
Wait to be asked or through discussion
find out what struggling with.
Enforce screen ban on phones, ipads, face Come up with joint plan to remove
book etc
How do I revise?
- Revision timetable
- Bitesize chunks
- varied revision
- 30 – 40 min blocks
+ 10 min test and
- Vary subject areas
each day
- Quiet + screen ban
- Breaks
- Rest, water, food,
- Leave evening
before the exam for
light study
Break down each
subject into topics,
make a topic check
list for each
subject: stick this
up in your study
area. (Revision
Condensed unit
notes in a
powerpoint or
mind map. Use
highlighters and
podcasts to
on VLE.
Post it notes or
index cards of
key formulas,
quotes, dates,
case studies
around the
Use online
resources, Sam
bitesize, my
maths to test
and variety
Mnemonics / songs
letters remind you of
words, can be a
word or a phrase /
VLE revision
VLE Study / Revision help
The Queen Katherine School
date of birth as 6 figure digit
followed by 2 initials e.g.
VLE subject specific help
Example of Department
Parent Support Summary
The Queen Katherine School
• Be informed. Ask if not sure.
• Consultation Evening on 6th March
2014, (5.15 – 8.15 pm)
• Take an active interest and support.
• Help students to be organised, keep
interim deadlines, make revision notes
on topics as go along.
• Help provide a quiet area to study and
help students to follow their own plan.
Reporting at KS4 – PR’s
The Queen Katherine School
Progress Reviews 6x throughout KS4.
Year 10 Reporting – Initial Target grades are
been shared over the next few weeks with
1. PR 1 – December Target grade and current
working at grade.
2. PR 2 – February Updated working at grades.
(Table form to make notes on at consultation
evening on 6th March 2014.)
3. PR 3 – June Updated working at grades with
more detailed targets where appropriate.
Generation of target grades
The Queen Katherine School
• Based on transition matrices from %
chance graphs based on KS2 scores.
• Challenging targets that put the school
in top 25% of schools, but brought in
line with new tougher GCSE’s.
• Not directly comparable with other
year groups.
• Fewer individual A* grades, but
departments will add these later on in
Assertive Mentoring –
Mrs Julie
The Queen Katherine School
• Tracking of students.
• Students below target grades or one controlled
assessment concern in one subject will be
mentored within the department.
• Students below target grades in more than one
subject or multiple controlled assessment concerns
will be allocated an mentor.
• Assertive mentor – specific targets collected
more regularly that Progress Reviews + specific
subject departments. ( Sanctions to do work at end
of school, rewards if meeting deadlines,)
• Parent support at home. Mentor will try and share
targets so you can be involved.
Raising the Participation Age ( RPA)
• All Year 10 students will have to continue in education
or training in some format until their 18th Birthday.
(not raising school leaving age.)
– Full time education at school or college
– Apprenticeship
– Part time education or training if employed, self employed or volunteering
for 20 hours or more per week.
• Nationally 92% of 16 & 17 years olds already choose to
continue in education or training. ( 98% at QKS)
• Why? Opportunity to develop skills and qualifications.
• How? Legal requirement to participate will be on your
son or daughter. School – independent careers
guidance. (Citizenship, FT’s, MMO, careers events, + Inspira)
Shaping Futures
The Queen Katherine School
- Some parents have asked about
additional revision sessions and
- QKS have worked with Shaping
Futures to organise some extra
support for those interested.
- Welcome to Shirley Williams and
Germaine Chatterton
Presented by Germaine
Motivating, inspiring learning
What is Shaping Young Futures?
• Shaping Young Futures is a brand new company
based in Kendal
• Over 20 years of experience in education
• Pilot with Queen Katherine School
• Aim is to help boost grades in Maths, English & IT
• Support children for the future whether in school
or getting ready for the working world.
Why choose Shaping Young Futures?
Work together with you and your school
Increasing confidence
Provide continuous feedback throughout
Provide tailored courses pre-exam
Small group sessions
One-to-one tuition
Positive, influential tutors
What next?
First session -Thurs 10th Oct 4pm-7pm
Free consultations
Discuss opportunities that are available
Anyone who can claim free school dinners
for your child could receive free tuition
Prince Charles’ Cottage, 95a Stricklandgate,
Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4RA
If you would like to know more..
[email protected]
0800 0124135
Ask for Germaine or Vicki
National Citizen Service
The Queen Katherine School
- 3 week opportunity at the end of Year
- NCS is for 16 and 17 year olds. Take
part in social action projects and build
skills for work and life.
- Champion School, endorsing for all
- £40 and £20 refunded when attend.
Excellent GCSE – Best ever Maths and Eng lit results
86% gaining 5 or more GCSE’s – tougher GCSE’s
69% 5 A*-C incl Eng lang/lit and Maths
The Queen Katherine School
26 students achieved 7 or more
A / A*’s
The Queen Katherine
25% of grades were A* or A
The Queen Katherine
Outstanding BTEC Results >50% distinctions / dist *’s
The Queen Katherine School
The Queen Katherine School
• Thank you for coming.
• A lot of information. Slide show on VLE.
• Specific letters will be coming home with
revision dates, exam dates, entry assessment
dates etc
• Update of calendar via email
• Any questions?
• Any questions / problems throughout the year
please get in touch.
• Feedback [email protected]