6 Mistakes New Heads of Departments Make

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Transcript 6 Mistakes New Heads of Departments Make

رماع دمحم معنملا دبع دمحم حابصلا ناملسلا جيعد / ث

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

6Mistakes New Heads of Department Make

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer


 You can’t be a friend to everybody .

 You are a part of the management team .

 .

You are in a position of authority Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Dictator  I have become a boss so I should boss  Giving orders and telling people what to do  Your job is not to tell people what to do but Working through people ,with people and developing people Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Administrator  You are not managing anybody  You are only taking care of the paper work Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Diplomat  Try make everyone happy  Make sure that nobody is upset  It ’s an impossible task Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Sleeper  As soon as they get the position they disappear  Step back from everything Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Alarmist  Get upset over everything Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Tips  Friendly, not friends  Sell, don ’t tell  Focus on business results  You can ’t make everybody happy  Make decisions  Perspective and experience Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

What do we mean by leadership ?

Leadership is defined in so many different ways that it is hard to come up with a single working definition. There are two key aspects to most definitions of leadership: "exercising influence" and "providing direction". Ronald Heifetz suggests that leadership is "mobilizing people to tackle tough problems" (Heifetz, 1994, p.15).

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

What is effective leadership in learning and teaching?

Effective leadership in learning and teaching involves: "Showing concern for staff Creating an open, co-operative and consultative climate; and Developing an environment where teachers can learn from each other “ Leadership within such a structure relies primary on




Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

As Middlehurst states: "...leaders are seen largely as servants of the group (rather than its masters).

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Traits of a Good Leader

Honesty -

Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust. 

Competent -

Your decisions should be based on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike feelings. 

Forward-looking -

Have a clear vision 

Inspiring -

Inspire others to reach for new heights. 

Intelligent -

Seek challenging assignments.

Fair-minded -

Show fair treatment to all people.

Prejudice is the enemy of justice.

Broad-minded -

Seek out diversity.

Courageous -

Display a confident calmness when under stress.

 

Straightforward Imaginative -

Use sound judgment to make good decisions Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer Be innovative!

Perspectives of Character and Traits Traits (acronym - JJ did tie buckle) J

























oyalty Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer



Leadership styles

   

One way of looking at leadership styles is to think of them being placed somewhere along a line or scale. At one end is the directive or autocratic style. At the other end is the nondirective style, and in the middle is the democratic style.

The directive or autocratic style .

The democratic. style

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

the nondirective style

The democratic style

The leader may offer suggestions,and sometimes help do the work, he or she actively encourages member participation and decision making. For example, the leader says, “ Let ’ s go, ” “ Let ’ s find out, ” “ How shall we best do this?

” The leader takes an active part in department affairs, and enjoys being a leader, but does not control department decisions or have a feeling of owning the department .

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer



(or autocratic) style

The leader may do all the planning and decision making and inform members of the plan.

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

The non-directive

To sit back and make no decisions for the group.

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Is there a


style for leadership?

The non-directive


The directive The democratic style

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

No —each style is useful and appropriate at different times, depending on the situation.

The trick is to find the one that works best for you and your group.

It appears that a good leader is neither too autocratic, nor too democratic

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

What are the characteristics of effective leaders in learning and teaching?

Being able to remain calm under pressure

Having a sense of humour

Having a clear & justified vision

Being able to deal with conflict situations

Wanting to achieve the best outcomes

Being able to bounce back from adversity

Being able work productively with people a wide variety of backgrounds

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer


Being able to make a hard decision

Being able to set and justify priorities

Being willing to listen to different points of view before coming to a decision

Being willing to face and learn from my errors & listen openly to feedback

Being firm , fair but not friendly .

Being initiative , active and creative .

Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

Being punctual , accurate ,self controlled , patient and tolerant .

Having high self steam .

Avoid being dogmatic .

 

Never patronize teachers.

Don ’ t criticize but offer suggestions and solutions .

To sum up a good leader should set a good example




Compiled by : Mohammed Abdel Monem Amer

References Bass, B. M., & Steidlmeier, P. (1998). Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership. Retrieved February 5, 2005, from the Center for Leadership Studies, School of Management Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York Web site:http://cls.binghamton.edu/BassSteid.html

Bass, B. M. (2000). The future of leadership in learning organizations. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(3), 18-40.

Batten, J. D. (1989). Tough-minded leadership. New York: Amacom.

Beck, J. D., & Yeager, N. M. (2001). The leader

’s window: Mastering the four styles of leadership to build high-

performing teams. Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Pub.

Compiled and presented by :

Monem Amer