Modern Languages and WebCT

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Modern Languages and
Roger Hewitt
Faculty of Arts
University of Manchester
19 February 2003
Case Studies
Reciprocal language learning for British
and European undergraduates
Web based communications for students of
Italian preparing for and undertaking a
period of study in Italy
Pedagogical Themes
Foreign language development and crosscultural learning through computer
mediated communication
Peer support
VLEs at Manchester
ELEN (1999 – 2001)
Extended Learning Environment Network
TLTP3 funded project
Teknical Virtual campus
WebCT (2001 – date)
Version 3.1
Updating Summer 2003 to 3.8 Campus Edition
British students studying French,
Spanish, Italian, German
European students at Manchester as
part of Erasmus exchange programme
Wide range of departments
18 this semester: Physics, Engineering,
Medicine, History, linguistics
20 credit elective module
Reciprocal learning
Student’s partner adopts role of
“knower” as well as “mentor”
Meetings at beginning and end of each
Some optional workshops
Little face to face contact between staff
and students
Uses of WebCT
To enhance the sense of course cohesion
and develop a sense of course community
Biographies written by partner
To provide a central meeting point and
To provide a space for administrative
information and notices
Photos and biographies
Uses of WebCT
To provide a space where students can
discuss issues and share experiences
of cultural adjustment
Virtual seminar
Virtual Seminar
Virtual Seminar
…I think that this is a really realistic incident and I fully
understand what he felt at that moment. I wouldn’t say that I felt
loneley now, but the arrival in Manchester was nothing easy…
…the most difficult thing was to understand people and when
you don’t you feel so lost especially when you ask them to
repeat 300 times the same thing and they don’t make any efforts
to repeat slower or in a more understandable way for a
…my flatmates did care […] started speaking more slowly, using
words I could understand…
…I know what it is to feel uncomfortable in a pub […] you do not
understand because of the music or whatever…
Uses of WebCT
To provide a space where students can
discuss aspects of the target cultures
(systems and behaviours) with
members of those cultures
Some themes
US war on terror
Turkey in the EU
Role of religion in society
Firefighters’ strike
Use of offensive language
Exploring national stereotypes
Top up fees
Cultural adjustment
British students and alcohol
Why do English students drink so much? Maybe the reason is
the liberty to do it. Especially students, who are in their first year,
tend to drink a lot. This behaviour remains me of summer camp.
Most English students are away from home and from their
parents for the first time in their life. Another point is, that
English students are not able to entertain themselves. I have the
feeling they do not know, what to do with their time. Every kind
of entertainment is artificial in Manchester and the students live
in their one little world that’s why they become bored. And I hear
very often ‘I am so bored, let’s drink!’. That’s is very pity, when
people do not know what to do with their time and their life.
British students and alcohol
I completely agree with Peggy. Last year I was in hall and it was
on very few occasions that I found myself saying "Let's have a
quite drink to relax" it was more like "I've finished an essay, let's
get hammered!". The only times that I didn't drink last year was
when I was recovering from the night before. But it's not
because we need alcohol. Our bodies are not born more needy
for a drink purely because we are British! No, it's definitely
because we rely on it for entertainment and I think this is really
Uses of WebCT
To provide a space where students can
discuss aspects of their target
languages (systems and strategies for
learning) with native speakers of those
languages and with other learners
Discussion boards
Strategies for learning
Hy guys!! I agree with all of you!!I have been in Canada for 4
months and there I found a strategy to improve my
english.When I am in a foreign country I use to have a pocket
dictionary,a pen and a TELEPHONE BOOK in my bag!!The
telephone book is divided in alphabetical order,thus either when
I find or I hear a new word I can immediately check how to write
it,which is its meaning and copy it in my telephone book.It could
seem inconvenient and boring but it works!!!
Uses of WebCT
To offer students opportunities for
further learning and language reference
through links to external sites
British National Corpus
BBC, Newspapers etc
To hold course documents
Exam question
Key codes
Student comments
Less confident students have an
opportunity to participate which might
be inhibited in a “class full of people”
More time to prepare and reflect on
Student comments
Lack of pressure/anxiety
Learners are under neither time pressure
to respond nor the pressure of making a
mistake or looking foolish
Length and breadth of entries are not
Individual styles are allowed to flourish
Student comments
No teacher intervention in the seminar
All contributions from the students
“I felt encouraged to contribute and pose
questions that I would not have done in a
conventional seminar”
“The interaction is more personal and
evokes more interest than in typical
language learning situations”
Future Developments
Revamping the site
Changing appearance
Evaluation form
Extent of moderation
Support for year abroad students
involving three cohorts
2nd year preparing for year abroad
3rd year in Italy
4th year returned to Manchester
Italrete Front Page
Learning objectives
Links to
Italian Universities
Language Schools
Italian search engines
Newspapers, Cyber Cafe locations
Peer support
Advice from students to students about
all aspects of the year abroad, collated
and published as a document
Exchange of information between
students through discussion groups and
chat rooms
Advice from students
Advice from students
Advice from students
Advice from students
Italrete News
Planning ahead
I'm in Sicily at the moment, just thought i'd say that that's probably one
of the best things about Messina is that accommodation is really easy
and living in halls is one of the easiest ways to make friends, it's kind of
like being in Owen's park but on a much smaller scale, it also means
that you don't have to worry about bills or the hot water or gas running
out which tends to happen a lot here and you don't have problems with
italian landlords either. Anyway any questions, and i'll be happy to
answer, good luck
Life's much quieter here than in Manchester, but it's up to you to
change the way you think and adapt yourself to a different lifestyle, the
first few weeks I absolutely hated it, but now I don't want to come home
for Christmas, wherever you go you'll have a brilliant time, but do think
about it carefully before you go, try to find out as much as possible
about each place.
Planning ahead
Can anyone tell me which unis to go to to be near mountains? Of
course this is not how I will choose where to go, I do have some comon
sense in me, but it would be nice to have something to do on
weekends. I've also promised my family they can come skiing while I'm
Bergamo is definitely the best place to go for cheap skiing and
boarding- the nearest good slopes are at Foppolo, only an hour and s
half's bus ride away
I do know there are some resorts near Rome and near Genova, but
you'll get the best snow and longest seasons up North. here are some
websites you might find useful:
Thanx to the wonderful people at, I have managed to get
a return flight to Bologna (Forli - the only draw back!) for just 2p, and so
will be visiting the city Jan 15-18, to have a look at the uni and check
out the city…
A standard second class train ticket from Forli to Bologna will cost you
about 4 quid. There isn't a better way unless you have transport of your
own lined up. As for accommodation, try the tourist office in piazza
maggiore, they haven't failed to find accommodation of a suitable level
and price yet …
oh, and for restaurants, try the osteria dell'orso on (or just off) via
mascarella, two pasta dishes to choose from and loads of wierd and
wonderful starters...i reccommend the cheese and honey and nuts on
toast …
Chat Room
Chat room has not been used.
Difficult to find a time when more than a small
group can and might want to get online
e-mail, mobile phones and text messaging mean
students do not see real time communication over
the web as being especially useful.
However, I do not plan yet to give up on the
chat room.
Future Developments
First year with 3 cohorts using the same
Previously ELEN or ELEN/WebCT
Full evaluation
If successful, introduction into other
European language departments
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