Aim: Brainstorming Questions to write a Memoir

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Transcript Aim: Brainstorming Questions to write a Memoir

Do Now: Finish writing your memory story from yesterday

What is a Memoir?

  The memoir is a form of creative nonfiction in which an author recounts experiences from his or her life. -

Richard Nordquist

 A memoir is not what happens, but the person to whom things happen.

- Virginia Woolf

 Memoir is a window into a life.

- William Zinsser


 mem·oir (mmwär, -wôr) n. 1. An account of the personal experiences of an author Formula for a Memoir Memory + Autobiography (self+life+writing) Imagination ------------------------------------- Memoir

Characteristics of the

 It focuses and reflects on the relationship between the writer and a particular person, place, animal, or object.

 It explains the significance of the relationship.

 It makes the subject of the memoir come alive.

 It maintains a first person point of view.


What the reader will

 If the subject is a PERSON:      How long have you known this person?

When did you first meet this person? How did you meet?

What do you like about this person?

How do you feel about this person?

What’s the first thing you notice when you see this person?

         

…if the subject is an

 How did you get this object?

How long have you had it?

How do you feel when you’re with it?

Where is it right now?

Has it changed since you first received it?

What’s your favorite thing about it?

Does everyone feel like you do about this object?

How has it helped you?

Is there a time when you really need it?

What if you lost it?

        

…if the subject is a

 What are your feelings when you think about this place?

When was the first time you went to this place?

What’s your favorite thing to do in this place?

Who else comes to this place?

If you could change one thing about this place, what would it be?

How often do you go there?

Does everyone feel like you do about this place?

Is this place the same today as it was in the past?

What’s the most important object in this place? Why?

        

…if the subject is an

 What do you like the best about your pet?

What is your pets name?

What’s the first thing you notice about this animal when you see him/her?

What is this animal’s favorite thing to do?

When and how did you get it?

How do you feel when you are with it?

Does everyone feel the way you do about this animal?

What’s one funny thing that it does?

How does this animal help you or how do you help it?