Wisconsin Medicaid Infrastructure Grant

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Transcript Wisconsin Medicaid Infrastructure Grant

Developing a Comprehensive Approach
to Systems Change:
Increasing Integrated Employment
Opportunities and Outcomes for
Individuals with Disabilities in
Wisconsin’s Managed
Long-Term Care System
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Division of Long-Term Care
Financial Support for the Task Force is provided by the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Medicaid Infrastructure Grant
(MIG), CFDA No. 93.768, through DHS’s Office of Independence and
Employment/Pathways to Independence.
WI Department of Health Services:
Major Systems Change Initiatives
Statewide expansion of the “Family Care” managed
long-term care program
Statewide “Pathways to Independence” Medicaid
Infrastructure Grant (MIG) initiative
Very little overlap of two systems change initiatives
during early years (2000 to 2006)
“Family Care” Managed Long-Term
Began with five county pilot in 2000
One system serving people with developmental
disabilities, physical disabilities, and elderly
2005 evaluation led to legislative support for
statewide implementation
75% of state now under managed care
Self-directed supports waiver offered as another
“Family Care” Managed Long-Term
Entitlement created: ends waiting lists for
community services
Outcome driven
Reduced per-person spending expected as the
result of more cost-effective supports
Increased flexibility on how supports can be provided
and who can provide them
“Family Care” and Employment
Little attention to employment outcomes in early
years of implementation
Elderly as driving force
Facility-based employment “quick fix” for people with
disabilities coming off waiting lists
Disability advocates concerned about lack of
improvement in employment outcomes
Hard Look in the Employment Mirror
Most people with disabilities served by the long-term care
system are currently unemployed or employed in nonintegrated settings, making sub-minimum wages.
Just 25% of people with developmental disabilities in managed
care involved in integrated employment (including
crews/enclaves). [2006]
Just 5% of people with physical disabilities in managed care
involved in integrated employment. [2006]
9,416 individuals with disabilities in sheltered workshops
making sub-minimum wage, with 35% earning less than
$1.00 [2005].
State Agency Prioritizes Employment:
Creates “The Managed Care and Employment Task Force”
Members appointed by Administrator for the Division of Long-Term
Chaired by Deputy Administrator of the Division.
28 highly respected members, including wide range of stakeholders:
managed care entities, consumers and family members, advocates,
providers, employers, colleges and universities, counties, and state
Seven issue committees, involving over 100 other contributors
15 month process
Listening sessions held June, 2008
Final report submitted July, 2008.
Task Force Areas of Focus
Through Issue Committees, the Task Force examined the
following key program and policy areas:
Informed Choice and Member-Centered Planning
State/Managed Care Organization (MCO) Contracting and
Funding Strategies
MCO Contracts and Strategies with Providers
Blending Funding Across Systems
Employment Service Provider Network Development and Support
Measuring Outcomes and Quality
Work and Employer Incentives, including incentives in Medicaid
84 Recommendations Made
DHS Response to Task Force Report
and Recommendations
“I support the findings and recommendations that this
report contains. I have directed the management and
staff in DLTC to proceed with implementation, which
is likely to take several years to complete. We will
continue to seek the support and engagement of
partners in state and local government, as well as
the private sector, to assist us in realizing these
important objectives.”
-Secretary Karen Timberlake
WI Department of Health Services
DWD Response to Task Force Report
and Recommendations
“Our department was pleased to have representatives
on the Task Force that developed vitally important,
aggressive and detailed recommendations for
systemic changes. We are delighted to continue in a
cooperative role for positive life-sustaining changes
for persons with disabilities…partnering to implement
the Task Force recommendations is an exciting next
-Secretary Roberta Gassman
WI Dept of Workforce Development
The Managed Care and Employment
Task Force
Download Full Task Force Report, Work
Plans for Implementation, and Progress
Reports at:
Strategy for Systems Change
A Multi-Faceted Approach
High Level Changes
Division of Long-Term Care adopted strategic priority
to promote and support integrated employment
Revised contracts with Managed Care Organizations
(MCOs) to include new language reflecting
expectations around integrated employment.
Employment is featured prominently as one of the
outcome areas that MCOs must help their members
consider, and pursue if desired.
Clarified Policies
Either/Or policies prohibited; mixed services
25% rule must end
Transportation services should be based on
need, not based on type of service someone
is receiving
Changing Service Definitions
Revised what’s permitted under Supported
Employment to include and encourage:
-Customized Employment
-Ability to pay employers/co-workers for supports
-Ability to pay natural supports for transportation
-Ability to use workplace personal assistance for
longer term on-the-job supports
Revised Prevocational Services
Service is intended to contribute to a participant’s employability in paid
employment in integrated, community settings
Participants may be compensated in accordance with applicable
Federal laws and regulations, but the provision of prevocational
services is intended to lead to a permanent integrated employment
The services should enable a participant to attain the highest possible
wage and work which is in the most integrated setting and matched to
the member’s interests, strengths, priorities, abilities, and capabilities
Services recipients are expected to make reasonable and continued
progress toward participation in at least part-time integrated
Assessing Performance
Improving data systems to allow for better
tracking of employment outcomes, services
and expenditures.
An annual report on performance will be
produced by state agency.
Performance data will be used to establish
benchmarks (goals) for progress.
Accurately assessing costeffectiveness
Collection of wage and hour data allows for
accurate assessment of cost-effectiveness of
supported employment
Documenting cost-effectiveness of supported
employment is critical for buy-in to policy of
‘zero exclusion’
Long-held assumptions die hard!
Managed Care Organizations
Have formal policies, principles or guidelines
on employment that reflect the Department’s
values regarding integrated employment.
Added source of employment expertise to
their staff.
Establishing cooperative relationships with
local Vocational Rehabilitation offices
Managed Care Organizations
Training care managers and nurses
-Outlining specific expectations on how to ensure informed
choice in member-centered planning process
-Care Managers are expected to regularly offer and fully
support members to pursue integrated employment
-By doing this, MCOs are expected to increase both the number
and percentage of long-term care recipients who are supported
to pursue and maintain integrated employment at a competitive
Managed Care Organizations
Expanding and diversifying their provider networks
for integrated/supported employment services.
Encouraging use of customized employment
Exploring use of outcome payments and incentive
payments so providers that deliver good outcomes,
fade supports, and serve the most challenging
individuals do not lose out financially.
Managed Care Organizations
Hiring members so MCOs are leading by example
Some are doing performance improvement projects
on employment
Some are becoming EN’s
Some are doing peer-to-peer outreach with other
employers in their areas
Integrated/Supported Employment
Are being assisted to learn and
implement the most promising, evidence
based practices:
Customized Employment Pilot
Systematic Instruction Training
Facility-Based Service Providers
Are being assisted with organizational
change through a Rebalancing Initiative
Started in 2009 with 10 CRPs
Modeled after DOL’s T-TAP Initiative
Mentoring + Grants + TA + CE Training
18 CRPs (25%) now involved
What is CRP Rebalancing?
Emphasizes shifting the balance of organizational
resources (esp. staff) in favor of integrated
% of people served in integrated employment
expected to rise
% of people served in facility-based employment and
day programs expected to decrease
What is CRP Rebalancing?
Primary Strategies:
Enabling new referrals to go directly into at
least part-time integrated employment
Assisting facility-based participants to
transition to at least part-time integrated
What is CRP Rebalancing?
Does not require a commitment to
Allows the CRP and individual consumers to
“Live into the answer…” [J. O’Brien]
“Accelerated progression” toward community
integration and real jobs
Personal Care Providers
Being engaged to provider workplace personal care
and assistance
Developed toolkit to help providers add workplace
personal care and workplace personal assistance as
new service lines
With Wisconsin APSE, developing core training for
individuals hired to provide workplace personal care
and/or assistance
Accountability for Change
Two key state agencies (DHS and DWD) jointly
charged a body of external, well-qualified
stakeholders with monitoring progress and reviewing
This body is a sub-committee of the Governor’s
Council on Workforce Investment
DHS has developed multi-year work plans for
implementation of each of the recommendations
made by the Managed Care and Employment Task
Resources for Change
Center for Medicaid Services has
approved MIG funding to support
implementation of these strategies.
Time-limited nature of MIG funds has
created sense of urgency around
getting changes implemented.
The Value of High Expectations
“The greatest danger may not be that
our aim is too high and we miss it,
but rather that it is too low and we
reach it.”
For More Information:
Lisa A. Mills, PhD
WI Department of Health Services
[email protected]
(608) 225-4326
The Glass is Always Half Full