Budget Preparation and Management

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Transcript Budget Preparation and Management

(Planning and Budgeting Process)
Session will provide participants an
introduction to the planning and budgeting
process. At the end of the session,
participants will understand a typical
institutional planning process, the role of
budgeting in the overall planning process,
and how to manage your unit’s budget.
Why Do We Need to Plan?
Purpose of Planning
• To assist the entity in designing and then achieving
its mission, goals and objectives.
• To identify and allocate the resources needed to
achieve our goals, and to help us avoid risks.
Benefits of a Well-Structured Planning Process
• Clearer direction and purpose
• Increased accountability (taking ownership of
actions & outcomes)
• Tool to measure success
• Ability to deal with change and unknowns
Strategic Planning
• Clearly defining the mission and vision statement
for the organization
• Identifies where we are going and how we will get
• Strategic plans are long term, flexible, and involve
many levels of the organization.
Operational Planning
• Operational plans are short term and narrow in
scope, dealing with the operational activities of the
• Annual operating budgets are derived during the
operational planning phase.
What is Budgeting?
"A budget is just a method of worrying before
you spend money, as well as afterward."
— Unknown
What is Budgeting?
The continuous cycle of planning and evaluation used
by an entity in order to achieve the stated goals and
objectives of the organization.
The process of allocating a finite amount of resources
to the prioritized needs of the organization.
A tool we use to control spending decisions.
Why is Budgeting Important to the Entity?
A comprehensive planning process is vital due to the
scope and diversity of operations conducted in higher
Budgeting improves decision making by delegating
spending authority and providing accountability.
Budgeting allows management to monitor where the
organization is by tracking and evaluating spending
Board of Directors
Budget Committee
Budget Director, Budget Office
Vice Presidents, Deans
Directors, Managers, Other Unit
Capital Budget
Operating Budget
Cash Budgets
•Requests for large
assets which create
major demands on an
entity’s cash flow
•Revenues and
expenses for the
various cost centers
within the organization
•An estimation of the
cash inflows and
outflows for a specific
period of time.
•Buildings, renovations,
automobiles, software
systems, furniture
•Budgeted amounts
divided into major
categories such as
revenues, salaries,
benefits, and nonsalary expenses.
•Used to assess whether
the entity has sufficient
cash to fulfill regular
•Purpose to allocate
funds, control risks in
decision making, and
set priorities
supporting information
such as staffing and
head counts
•Identifies whether too
much cash is being left
in unproductive
Detailed Budget
Budget Committee
Review and
Establish Program
Compilation and
Develop Detailed
Budget Committee
Review and
Establish Program
Compilation and
Develop Detailed
Board Approval
and Management
Not establishing
program objectives
prior to building the
Preparing a budget
that is based solely
on prior year
revenues or underestimating
expenditures evenly
over the fiscal year
Not planning for
one–time expenses
Not budgeting for
reserves (auxiliary
Ignoring a wellprepared budget
“It is always better to know
where your money is supposed
to go rather than asking where
it went.”
— Unknown
The budget is done…What do
we do next?
Financial Reporting
The process of providing information to assist users
in comparing planned revenue and expenses to
actual revenue and expenses.
Financial Monitoring
Review and analysis of
the financial statements
to determine whether
resources were used in
accordance with the
adopted budget and
whether the unit was
effective in obtaining the
stated goals and
Responsible Financial Management
Be knowledgeable of your budget. If you don’t build
your own budget, make sure you understand what
assumptions were used.
Use a budget worksheet or the available financial
statements to monitor your revenues and
Identify potential risks to your budget as early as
possible. Keep your supervisors informed.
Responsible Financial Management
 You
are a steward of the university’s
resources, so handle your unit’s budget as
if it were your own checkbook.
Recession Humor
Disclaimer: This is not our travel policy!
Due to the current financial situation, changes will be made to the Business
Travel standards and Procedures Manual. Effective Monday, the following
revised procedures apply:
All employees are encouraged to stay with relatives and friends while on
business travel. If weather permits, public areas such as parks should be
used as temporary lodging sites. Bus terminals, train stations, and office
lobbies may provide shelter in periods of inclement weather.
Hitchhiking is the preferred mode of travel in lieu of commercial transport.
Luminescent safety vests will be issued to all employees prior to their
departure on business trips. Bus transportation will be used only when work
schedules require such travel. Airline tickets will be authorized in extreme
circumstances and the lowest fares will be used. For example, if a meeting is
scheduled in Seattle, but the lower fare can be obtained by traveling to
Detroit, then travel to Detroit will be substituted for travel to Seattle.
Expenditures for meals will be limited to an absolute minimum. It should be
noted that certain grocery and specialty chains such as Costco and Sams
stores often provide free samples of promotional items. Entire meals can be
obtained in this manner. Travelers should also be familiar with indigenous
roots, berries, and other protein sources available at their destinations. If
restaurants must be utilized, travelers should use "all you can eat" salad bars.
This is especially effective for employees traveling together as one plate can
be used to feed the entire group.
All employees are encouraged to devise innovative techniques in effort to save
company dollars. One enterprising individual has already suggested that
money could be raised during airport layover periods which could be used to
defray travel expenses. In support of this idea, red caps will be issued to all
employees prior to their departure so that they may earn tips by helping
others with their luggage. Small plastic roses and ball point pens will also be
available to employees so that sales may be made as time permits.
Fred Nesler, Creighton University Budget Director
Ron Rael, “Creating Great Budgets: A Review of Budget Basics”
(an AICPA CPE Express Course)
NonProfits Assistance Fund: NAF Financial Foundations