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A Great Pitch
Baris Karadogan
Format Of This Presentation
 14 Key slides, and what each should say.
 Example Right Answers
—Fictitious Online Dating Co.
 “What is the VC is thinking?”
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Mission Statement
 One liner about the company
 “Amazon.com for dating”
 “Why should I be interested in this?”
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 How big is it? How is it growing?
 100M singles in the US, 150M in Europe
—Online dating is $20/mo
 “Can I build a billion dollar company?”
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 How big is the customer’s problem?
 Finding a soul mate is hard, takes time.
 “Can I get good gross margins?”
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Solution To Problem
 What is your unique solution?
 We will build an accurate matching engine.
 “Why hasn’t anybody done this before?”
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 Name
 Built a service and got 10M subs before.
 “Would I bet my children’s future on them?”
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 What is the key technology? Is it defensible?
 Patented accurate matching engine.
 “Will it take 1 or 5 years to do it?”
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 Who is paying for the product?
 We launched and have 200K users.
 “Does the value proposition hold water?”
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Per Customer Economics
 Most Important Slide…
 Universal across all businesses
—What will customers pay?
—What is the cost of goods?
—What are costs to acquire customer?
—What are costs to service customer?
—What is churn?
 “What’s a customer worth?”
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Go To Market
 How do you get in front of the customer?
 We advertise online.
 “How will the channel affect the company?”
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 When is beta, when is product ready?
 This round will get us to 2M users.
 “Where will this financing get me? Can I
exit or get a step up?”
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 Income Statement, Balance Sheet, CF
 Our numbers realistic even if they are off
by 2x.
 “Are these numbers credible?”
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 2x2 matrix
—Most important variables in the axes
 It will take 3 years for others to catch up.
 “Does this team understand their
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Financing History
 How much money raised to date? What are
you raising now?
 We’ve been frugal and will continue to be so.
 “Who are these investors? Do I trust them?”
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Why This VC?
 Why do you want this investor?
 You can help us with xyz relationships.
 “Flattery will get you anywhere!”
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