Corporate 1 Template - Welcome | Baroda Branch of WIRC of ICAI

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Transcript Corporate 1 Template - Welcome | Baroda Branch of WIRC of ICAI

Corporate Management Systems for SME and the role of Chartered Accountant

29-NOV-2011 Vikas A. Manohar & Co.

Study Circle Meeting Vadodara Branch of ICAI November 29, 2011 Compiled by Vikas A. Manohar


Corporate Management System (CMS) Defined

Corporate Management System is formulations, implementation and governance of a number of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions which have impact on the way an Enterprise is controlled.

29-NOV-2011 Vikas A. Manohar & Co.


Corporate Management System (CMS) Defined

An important aspect of the Corporate Management Systems (CMS) is the clear and unambiguous classification of nature and extent of Accountability of people in an Enterprise and the mechanisms through which it tries to achieve its pre determined goals or objectives.

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Need for CMS

The CMS is one of the most important parts of the infrastructure of any modern Enterprise, automating financial and logistics management functions .

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Implementation of CMS provides the full functionality necessary for analysis as well as management of financial, personnel, operational activities and maintenance services of the Enterprise.

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Need for CMS

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CMS assists in the operational control of all lines of activity of the enterprise and forms a solid base for optimum solutions at all levels of management both at the present moment, and in the long-term.

Separation of Ownership and Control

Family owned Enterprises

First Generation Entrepreneurs

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Benefits of CMS

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Optimizing the decision-making process

Providing real-time information, complete and reliable

Identifying potential problems and timely elimination of negative trends through broad analytical capabilities

Increasing productivity, efficiency and speed

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Benefits of CMS

Cost Control by increasing efficiency and flexibility

Adapting to ever changing business environment

Cushioning of risks

Improving financial and corporate management

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Optimum utilization of IT Infrastructure

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Benefits of CMS

Providing quick and high return on investment

Motivating personnel leading to higher productivity

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RBI’s Classification of SMEs

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(a) Small scale industrial undertakings, (b) Ancillary Industrial Undertakings (ANC), (c) Export Oriented Units (EOU), (d) Tiny Enterprises (TINY), (e) Small Scale Service Enterprises (SSSEs), (f) Small Scale Service Business (Industry Related) Enterprises (SSSBEs), (g) Artisans, Village and Cottage Industries & (h) Women Entrepreneurs’ enterprises

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Some Facts about SMEs

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For this presentation, SME includes SMCs SMEs have been playing a pivotal role in country’s overall economic growth, and have achieved steady progress over the last couple of years. It plays a very prominent role, given that its labour intensiveness generates employment

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Some Facts about SMEs

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It helps to alleviate poverty and propel sustainable growth.

It also leads to an equitable distribution of income and reduce social disparities. In countries like India, it helps in efficient allocation of resources by implementing labour intensive production processes, given the abundant supply of labour in these countries, wherein capital is scarce.

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Some Facts about SMEs

The enactment of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 was a landmark initiative taken by the Government of India to enable the SMEs’ competitive strength, address the issues and challenges and reap the benefits of the global market.

29-NOV-2011 Vikas A. Manohar & Co.


Some Facts about SMEs

To exemplify the quantum of opportunities held by this sector, it would be worthwhile to note that in India, SMEs contribute 45% of industrial output, 40% of exports and 42 million in employment.

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The sector creates 1 million jobs every year and produces more than 8000 quality products for the Indian and international markets.

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Some Facts about SMEs

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SMEs are expected to contribute 22% to India's GDP by 2012, up from about 17% at present.

Gujarat , the “growth engine of India” plays a significant role in the prosperity of India. A state historically driven by the spirit of enterprise, Gujarat is home to many large, SME and Micro Business Enterprises that ensures Gujarat is the largest contributor to the country’s GDP.

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The Role of Chartered Accountant

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The Traditional Role as Auditor or a Tax Consultant

More Dynamic role as Management Consultant

Unlimited Avenues available for Explorations

Win-win situation for the Client and the Consultant.

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The Customer or Client

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A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so."

Mahatma Gandhi

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[1] Optimizing the Decision-making Process

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Problem Analysis v/s Decision Making Analyze performance, what should the results be against what they actually are Problems are merely deviations from performance standards Problem must be precisely identified and described Problems are caused by some change from a distinctive feature

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[1] Optimizing the Decision-making Process

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Decision Making Process Objectives must first be established Objectives must be classified and placed in order of importance Alternative actions must be developed The alternative must be evaluated against all the objectives The tentative decision is evaluated for more possible consequences

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[1] Optimizing the Decision-making Process Decision Making Process

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The decisive actions are taken, and additional actions are taken to prevent any adverse consequences Monitoring of decision over trial run period and corrective actions.

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[1] Optimizing the Decision-making Process

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Decision-Making Stages Orientation stage “Objective”. - The team members meet for the first time and determine Conflict stage - Thread bar analyses of a problem or a Task.

Emergence stage Few mutually exclusive or complementary Alternatives are chosen.

Reinforcement stage decision. Team finally make a

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[1] Decision Making Steps

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The first step Outline your goal and outcome. The second step - Gather data. The third step - Brainstorm to develop alternatives. The fourth step - List pros and cons of each alternative.

The fifth step - Make the decision. The sixth step - Immediately take action. The seventh step - Learn from, and reflect on the decision making

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[1] Decision Making Strategies

Optimizing A.

Importance of the problem B.




time available for solving it Cost involved with alternative solutions Availability of resources, knowledge Personal psychology, values

29-NOV-2011 Vikas A. Manohar & Co.


[1] Decision Making Strategies

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Satisficing . In this strategy, the first satisfactory alternative is chosen rather than the best alternative Maximax.

“Maximize the maximums”. choosing the alternatives based on their maximum possible payoff. The strategy of the optimist, Maximin . “Maximize the minimums." The strategy of the pessimist. For failed decisions. Like recovering salvage value.

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[2] Providing complete and reliable real-time information.

ERP (ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING) The ERP system is the basic resource management mechanism of any modern enterprise.

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ERP links all business processes and information as well as the external relations of the enterprise into a single system. ERP supports all the functions of management - from target setting to execution control.

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[2] Areas of Real time Information

  

Modeling of business processes improvements of the enterprise.

- Description, analysis, systematization and functional Management accounting system – and control activities. Designing of the timely, accurate information system that is necessary for management, planning Budgeting system planning and the monitoring of executed plans – Provides financial

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[2] Areas of Real time Information

Strategic management system Provides information to solve the real problems of strategic management, and to develop strategic plans, their implementation and to updating business strategies.

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[3] Identifying potential problems & timely elimination of negative trends. Manufacturing Modules

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[3] Identifying potential problems & timely elimination of negative trends.

    

Manufacturing Modules (Cont.) Production & Shop Floor

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[3] Identifying potential problems & timely elimination of negative trends. General Modules

   

All variants of Internal Auditing

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[3] Identifying potential problems & timely elimination of negative trends. Other Modules

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[4] Increasing productivity, efficiency and speed

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The first step in any productivity improvement plan is to get organized. Activity Log Work Flow Charts C.P.M. and P.E.R.T.

Dead line Check lists Managing Interruptions Delegations Information Integration

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[4] Increasing productivity, efficiency and speed

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KAIZEN Kaizen is a Japanese word for "improvement", or "change for the better" refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, and business management.

In all, the process suggests a humanized approach to workers and to increasing productivity

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[4] Increasing productivity, efficiency and speed

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SIX SIGMA Six Sigma is a business management strategy originally developed by Motorola, USA in 1986. Presently, It is widely used in many sectors of industry.

The maturity of a manufacturing process can be described by a sigma rating indicating its yield, or the percentage of defect-free products it creates.

29-NOV-2011 Vikas A. Manohar & Co.


[4] Increasing productivity, efficiency and speed

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A six sigma process is one in which 99.99966% of the products manufactured are statistically expected to be free of defects (3.4 defects per million).

Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Dell , Samsung, LG, PepsiCo, Siemens AG Vodaphone, Whirlpool, Toshiba, DHL Mumbai Dubbawalas

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[5] Cost Control by Increasing Efficiency

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A Rupee Saved is a Rupee Earned Detailed Analyses of Direct Cost and Indirect Cost Break even Analyses Defining Cost Centers and Profit Centers Cost Control Strategies (1) investigative procedures to detect variance of actual costs from budgeted costs, (2) diagnostic procedures to ascertain the cause(s) of variance, and (3) corrective procedures to effect realignment between actual and budgeted costs."

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[5] Cost Control by Increasing Efficiency

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Value Analyses Creativity and Cost Control Comparison with Industry Standards Cost Control & Decision Making Economic Profit v/s Accounting Profit

Accounting Profit = Total Income – Total Expenses

Economic Profit = Total Income – Total Expenses – Opportunity Lost Cost

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[5] Cost Control by Increasing Efficiency

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Providing Easy Access to Information Delivering Anywhere, Anytime Access Creating Effective Business Processes Ensuring Regulatory Compliance Enhancing Employee Collaboration Time Management to increase human Efficiency Efficiency Audit.

Use of IT Infrastructure Delegation

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29-NOV-2011 “

It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones who are most responsive to change” Charles Darwin “ To cope with a changing world, an entity must develop the capacity of shifting and changing – of developing new skills and attitudes; in short, the capability of learning” A De Gues,

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Much of the change management is little more than the application of common sense and good management practice. But all too often some of these elements are overlooked.

Resistance to change arises mainly due to 1.

Lack of Leadership 2.



De-motivated staff Lack of Capacity Lack of Initiative

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Pressure for Change (Top Down approach)

Clear and focused vision

Capacity for Change (Resources)

Real Action. (Plan - Do – Check – Act)

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 

Risk analysis and Management is a technique to identify and assess factors that may jeopardize the success of an enterprise in achieving a set goal. This technique also helps to define preventive measures to reduce the probability of these factors from occurring and identify counter measures to successfully deal with these constraints when they develop to avert possible negative effects on the competitiveness of an Enterprise.

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Methods of Risk Management Identify, characterize, and assess threats Assess the vulnerability of critical assets to specific threats Determine the risk (i.e. the expected consequences of specific types of attacks) Identify ways to reduce those risks Prioritize Risk reduction measures based on a strategy

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Potential risk treatments

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Avoidance (eliminate, withdraw from or not become involved) Reduction (optimize - mitigate) Sharing (transfer - outsource or insure) Retention (accept and budget)

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[8] Improving Financial Management

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Accounting (financial Book keeping)

Banking (Working Capital & Term Loan)

Corporate financial instrument

Investment management

Personal finance


Venture Capital

Fraud prevention and Management

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[9] Optimum use of IT Infrastructure



Hardware Infrastructure Management

Software Infrastructure Management

Online Content Development and Management

System Audits

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[10] Human Resource Management

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Most Challenging amongst all CMS Tasks

When effectively integrated HRM provides significant economic benefit to an Enterprise

The H. R. manager now sits on the other side of the Table.

Most important Asset not reflected in Balance Sheet

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[10] Human Resource Management

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Workforce planning Recruitment Induction, Orientation and On boarding Skills management Training and development Personnel administration Compensation in wage or salary Time management

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10] Human Resource Management


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Travel management Payroll Accounting Employee benefits administration Personnel cost planning Performance appraisal Labor relations

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Vikas A Manohar & Co.

Chartered Accountants

101, Shagun Appts. Behind Malhar Point , 42/A, Shiv Mahal Society, Old Padara Road, Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA 390 015 Tel 0265-2350108, Fax - 305 4828 Mobile : 09426081820 Vikas A. Manohar & Co.