Unit 5 Review

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Unit 5 Review

APES - 2013

CITES Clean Water Acts Endangered Species Act Federal Water Pollution Control Act International Environmental Protection Act Law of the Sea Convention Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act Lacey Act Soil and Water Conservation Act Sustainable Fisheries Act Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Wilderness Act

Which environment has the largest number of exotic species in the Nordic countries?

a. Terrestrial b. Freshwater c. Marine d. Subterranean

What was the approximate US population in 2000?

a. 150 million b. 180 million c. 230 million d. 280 million e. 330 million

You are looking at two different houses. House #1 would have a daily 5-mile commute to work, while house #2 would have a daily 20-mile commute. How much more CO 2 would you produce annually if you buy house #2? (Hint: driving 1 mile produces 1.1 lb of CO 2 work 240 days/year.) and you a. 1320 lb b. 3960 lb c. 5280 lb d. 9856 lb e. 13590 lb

Rural populations decreased approximately ____ % from 1950 to 2000.

a. 3 b. 8 c. 15 d. 28 e. 40

Land value can generally be quantified in terms of dollars. One notable exception is a. Food value b. Shelter value c. Mineral value d. Natural resource value e. Intrinsic value

One example of the tragedy of the commons can occur when several farmers share the same pasture for feeding sheep. The root cause of this tragedy is that a. people are bad b. sheep reproduce too quickly c. the market cannot support too many farmers d. the value to any farmer of adding one more sheep is far greater than the cost to that farmer due to the land being communal e. the cost of the sheep is lessened by bulk purchase power

Cave Swallows make nests out of saliva, which some people then harvest to make expensive soup. If too many nests are harvested then the Swallows won’t be able to rear their young and the population will crash. When evaluating how many nests to harvest we should focus on a. market forces such as the cost of bird’s nest soup. b. international policy. c. maximum Sustainable Yield. d. The Tragedy of the Commons. e. Cave Swallow cave preference.

Most environmental law, policy, and management plans in the United States are based on a. Remediating externalities b. Ecological principles c. Economic forces d. The resource conservation ethic e. Old English laws

The most common use of trees worldwide is as a. pulp in paper production. b. lumber for building. c. fuelwood. d. raw material in the manufacture of various synthetics. e. medicines.

The removal of all trees from a given area in a single cutting to establish a new even-aged stand is called a. selective cutting. b. seed-tree cutting. c. clear-cutting. d. shelterwood cutting. e. strip-cutting.

Burning of tropical forests in Latin America, Africa, and Asia a. increased biodiversity. b. added greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. c. regenerated large areas of forests. d. increased ecological integrity.

In approximately what year did the population residing in rural settings stop declining?

a. 1950 b. 1960 c. 1970 d. 1980 e. 1990

Widespread burning of tropical rainforests in the Amazon changes weather patterns, reduces rainfall, and converts deforested areas into a. temperate deciduous forest b. tropical dry forest c. savannah d. boreal forest e. tundra

Currently, the greatest danger to the national parks is a. too many visitors. b. uncontrolled populations of prey because of the decline in predators. c. pollution. d. lack of funding. e. soil erosion.

Which of the following characteristics would make a species less prone to extinction?

a. nesting in large flocks b. requiring large amounts of unfragmented habitat c. possessing a valuable skin d. serving as a food source for humans e. producing many offspring

Fruit-eating bats on many tropical islands are a. keystone species. b. alien species. c. generalists. d. endangered.

Urban populations grew approximately ____ % from 1970 to 1990.

a. 5 b. 23 c. 58 d. 82 e. 145

The best long-range strategy to reduce beach erosion is a. building structures to trap sand. b. preventing development on beach areas.

c. importing sand. d. extensive building on barrier beaches. e. building seawalls.

What does mitigation banking accomplish?

a. provides lawyers fees in lawsuits over wetlands development b. allows wetland areas to be traded for forest areas for development c. requires all wetlands to be protected from development d. allows wetlands to be developed as long as an equal area of wetland is created or restored

Which of the following ecosystem types has only recently gained attention in the practice of conservation?

a. tropical rain forests b. grasslands and prairies c. marine habitats d. red wood forests e. wetlands

In 2000, the suburban population was approximately what percent of the total population?

a. 10% b. 25% c. 35% d. 50% e. 85%

The facility known as the Svalbard Global seed vault is designed to preserve: a. know seed pests b. seed diversity c. breeding secrets d. emergency food stores e. radioactive seeds too dangerous to plant

The most severe effect resulting from loss of insect species globally would likely be: a. increase in the disease vectors b. reduction in the water quality c. increase in soil erosion d. loss of aesthetic value e. decline in food crop pollination

Which of the following poses the greatest obstacle to the protection of threatened or endangered species?

I. too much regulation makes action slow II. lack of international treaties to protect species III. enforcement of laws is lacking because of poor funding or support a. II b. III c. I and II d. I and III e. I, II, and III

Which setting showed the greatest overall growth rate?

a. Urban b. Suburban c. Rural

According to the principles of island biogeography, which of the following factors increases island biodiversity?

I. increased proximity to the mainland II. increased island size III. increased amount of edge habitat a. I b. III c. I and II d. II and III e. I, II, and III

Which of the following statements about exotic species in the Nordic countries is true?

a. The overall number of exotic species increased until about 1950, then started to decrease. b. In marine environments, the majority of exotic species are vertebrates. c. In freshwater environments, the majority of exotic species are invertebrates. d. Because marine environments have relatively few exotic vertebrate species, we know that these species are not causing any environmental problems. e. In each environment, the number of exotic species has increased over time.